Newsletter No. 31 (January 2009) (PDF) - Society for Music Analysis

Newsletter No. 31 (January 2009) (PDF) - Society for Music Analysis

Newsletter No. 31 (January 2009) (PDF) - Society for Music Analysis


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procedure <strong>for</strong> the award of grantsfrom the <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong>development fund1. Grants to IndividualsThe Editorial Board of the Journal makesgrants from its Development Fund in the <strong>for</strong>mof support <strong>for</strong> travel and subsistence to UKbasedstudents and scholars working in thediscipline of music analysis to attendconferences abroad, to consult library andarchival resources or to pursue othercomparable research activities. Individualgrants will not normally exceed £500.The Board will also consider requests fromindividuals <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>ms of support other thanthose detailed above. Such requests mightconcern, <strong>for</strong> instance, the acquisition ofmicrofilms or photocopies of sources, orassistance with the preparation of material <strong>for</strong>publication.Criteria governing the award of suchgrants are: i) the academic strength of theplanned research and its relevance to thestudy of music analysis; ii) the financial need.Applicants should there<strong>for</strong>e give a brief (c.300-word) account of the research to beundertaken and/or research material to beobtained, explaining its relevance to musicanalysis; additionally, they should give detailsof any other applications <strong>for</strong> support that havebeen made, or should explain why funding isnot available from other sources. Studentapplications should be supported by asupervisor's reference.The Board does not fund sabbatical leaveor research assistants.2. Grants to Support Conferences andOther MeetingsIn addition to offering grants to individuals, theBoard supports UK academic conferences,seminars and meetings concerned wholly or inpart with the discipline of music analysis.Support is offered in three <strong>for</strong>ms: i) aguarantee against loss; ii) a grant to assistwith the travel and subsistence of a seniorscholar from overseas; iii) a grant to supportthe attendance of students delivering paperson a music-analytical subject, or of studentsregistered on courses including a substantialcomponent of analysis. The Board will notnormally entertain applications <strong>for</strong> more thanone of these <strong>for</strong>ms of support <strong>for</strong> a singleconference or event.Applications should be supported by adraft programme or a brief (c. 300-word)account of the conference or event;additionally, they should give details of anyother applications <strong>for</strong> support that have beenmade, or should explain why funding is notavailable from other sources.3. Application ProceduresApplications, either in writing or by email,should be addressed to the Chair of theEditorial Board at the address given in eachissue of the Journal. Applications will beconsidered and awards made by a subcommitteeof the Editorial Board. There are noapplication deadlines; each application will beconsidered on receipt. Applicants maynormally expect a decision within one monthof their application.SMT international travel grantsInternational Travel Grants are available <strong>for</strong> the purpose of attending<strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Music</strong> Theory (SMT) conferences. Application in<strong>for</strong>mation canbe found on the website of the SMT's Committee on Diversity:http://www.societymusictheory.org/index.php?pid=90SMA newsletter 16

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