Are You suprised ? - stg1.kar.nic.in

Are You suprised ? - stg1.kar.nic.in

Are You suprised ? - stg1.kar.nic.in


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17. Qualify<strong>in</strong>g Service:(a) Details of commission,imperfection of deficiencies <strong>in</strong> theservice book which have beenignored under rule 59(1)(b)(ii)(b) Period not count<strong>in</strong>g as qualify<strong>in</strong>gservices:(i) Boy service (2 nd Proviso to rule13)(ii) Extraord<strong>in</strong>ary leave notcount<strong>in</strong>g as qualify<strong>in</strong>g service(rule 21)(iii) Periods of suspension nottreated as qualify<strong>in</strong>g service(rule 23)(iv) Interruption <strong>in</strong> service rule27(1)(b) and rule 28(c)(v) Periods of Foreign service withUnited National Bodies forwhich United Nations Pensionshas been availed(vi) Any other period not treated asqualify<strong>in</strong>g service (give details)(c) Addtions to qualify<strong>in</strong>g service:(i) Military Services (rule 19)(ii) War service (rule 20)(iii) Weightage on voluntaryretirement on be<strong>in</strong>g declaredsurplus (rule 29)(iv) Weightage under rule 30(v) Benefit of service <strong>in</strong> anautonomous body (rule 37)(vi) Weightage under rule 48-B(d) Net qualify<strong>in</strong>g service(d) Qualify<strong>in</strong>g service expressed <strong>in</strong>terms of completed six monthlyperiods (period of three months andover is treated as completed sixmonthly period)

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