Interpersonal Style - CPAReport

Interpersonal Style - CPAReport

Interpersonal Style - CPAReport


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Exercise: Personal Action PlanD C B AExacting, orderly, preciseRelies on facts and logic. Exploresall avenues before making adecision. Preferred leadershipstyle based on competence ratherthan force. Completes projects ina focused manner. In stressfulsituations may avoid peopleinvolvement.Reserved, conservative, orderlyPrefers a situation that calls forindependent analysis or expertise.Tends to lead by example. Enjoysa leadership role in which knowhowand technical expertise areimportant. Will strive for a logicalsolution.Controlling, task-oriented,formalStrives for accuracy anddependability in performance. Asituation that depends on technicalexpertise satisfies control needs.Leads by example rather thanfeelings. May down play theimportance of relationships.Takes charge, competitive, taskorientedPrefers to deal with immediatelyrelevant issues. Defines goals witha means of reaching them. Valuesand rewards loyalty among teammembers. Achievement oriented.Under stress may becomeunyielding.1Moderate, restrained, methodicalWorks best alone and on clearlydefined tasks. Good listener.Tends to influence through reasonrather than power. May bereluctant to direct orders. May relyon expertise more than assertion tosucceed.Task-oriented, cooperative,practicalTends to depend on themselves toget the job done, but recognizesthe need for cooperation andsupport. Will reach out to peers.Usually responds to feedback well.Resolves conflict by combiningreasoning with diplomacy.Purposeful, business-like,moderateWorks best in a well-definedsituation in which they determinethe course to follow. Likes to beviewed as the authority figure, butprefers “win/win.” May be seen assingle-minded. Tends to rely onpower and position.Straightforward, competitive,aggressiveComfortable in directing others.Can influence by their personalforce. Often perceived as singleminded and too assertive. When asituation is consistent with theirgoals they will support a teameffort. Praise is a motivator.2Unpretentious, friendly,consistent.Tends to be an effective listenerand usually gains endorsementthrough good diplomatic skills.Prefers to motivate by examplerather than authority. Tends to likewell defined tasks. May beuncomfortable directing others.Efficient, cooperative, realisticTends to generate confidence andtrust through persuasion ratherthan force. Can be direct andassertive to maintain support.Generally supportive andcooperative. Most effective insituations needing a moderate,conservative stance.Sociable, moderate, tactfulUsually concerned with theimportance of relationships and arewilling to listen to another person’spoint of view. Prone to influencethrough persuasion, but tries tobalance the need to achieve theneed for acceptance. May rely tooheavily on persuasion to results.Outgoing, outspoken,stimulatingCompetition and involvement arekey. They are persuasivecompetitors. Will put forth a strongeffort to achieve recognition andreward. Won’t hesitate to expressopinions strongly. May be overlyaggressive in stressful situations.3Supportive, informal,cooperativeTends to have strong social drives.May depend on feelings more thanfact or necessity when makingdecisions. Prefers to deal withpresent day issues. May be tootrusting and accepting. May not beable to confront tough issues.Supportive, responsive,agreeableEspecially responsive to others’point of view. Generally thought ofas a team player. May go with theconsensus rather than take anindependent stand. Relaxed withothers and listens well. Respondswell to constructive criticism.Enthusiastic, visionary,supportiveSensitive to the importance ofrelationships. Can deal with avariety of views tactfully,particularly in a group setting. Ateam player. Skillful at gettingconsensus decisions. Respondswell to input from others.Spontaneous, enthusiastic,futuristicTends to be strongly extroverted.Will emphasize interaction andinvolvement when working towarda goal. Often focuses on highvisibility task directed at a futuregoal. Can elicit a strong response,particularly in stressful situations.42013 Cook Consulting chad@cookconsulting.biz 18

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