February - Hang Gliding Federation of Australia

February - Hang Gliding Federation of Australia

February - Hang Gliding Federation of Australia


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H G F ACraig Worth OpenForbes 2011Compiled from Jonny Durand’s andRicker Goldsborough’s blogs and the OzReportLaunch linePhoto: Jonny DurandDragonflys and their pilots worked hard to get everyone in the airPhoto: Jonny DurandAbove Forbes launchPhoto: Ricker GoldsboroughD ay 1The day started <strong>of</strong>f looking good withsmall clouds popping in front <strong>of</strong> a slowmoving trough line. A 113km task wasset to the NE, trying to escape the overcloudingthat was moving in from theSW. There are about 65 pilots here andmany were <strong>of</strong>f and towing early takingadvantage <strong>of</strong> the blue skies.The satellite photo showed anembedded cu-nimb 50km away when wegot to the airfield at 11am. The forecastwas for high temperatures, 38ºC and itwas sunny and warm where we were.We starting launching soon after noon.A few pilots headed north-north-westCloudbase Foundation FundraiserAbout 65 pilots met in Forbes for the Open. Executive Director<strong>of</strong> the Forbes Flatlands <strong>Hang</strong> <strong>Gliding</strong> Championships was DavisStraub, the task committee included Gerolf Heinrichs, JonnyDurand and Attila Bertok.Almost $2000 <strong>of</strong>funds were raisedfor the CloudbaseFoundation [www.thecbf.org] to supporttheir charityprojects for children.Ricker Goldsborougha bit upwind to wait for the start time.Once on course, some rain was seen andsoon there were many more sections <strong>of</strong>rain. Not long after Vicki sent out anSMS to stop the task. With Jonny Durandin front the task was stopped due tooverdevelopment and thunderstormson the course line.D ay 2After checking the weather in themorning it was looking like we weregoing to have thunderstorms quite early.A re-brief at noon saw us heading outto the field just in case the weather wasgoing to turn good for a late task.As we arrived at the strip it wasclear the weather was not changing ina hurry as another cell moved by us withlightning and rain. The safety committeedecided to cancel the day around 1pm.Most pilots went to Parkes to swimand explore, others hung around theairport and took a flight and somewent to the local pub. Ricker spent theafternoon looking for a local charitythat CBF could assist.Line <strong>of</strong> storms moving in, cancelling Day 1 taskPhoto: Jonny DurandD ay 3 – Ta s k 1With no chance <strong>of</strong> thunderstorms andlight winds, the task committee calleda 165.7km triangle task with a start timeat 1:30pm. Cloudbase was expected tobe at around 8000ft.Davis: During launch a pilot got hisVG line stuck to the cart and crashes. Hewalks away from it, the ambulance guysand launch director were immediatelyout to render assistance.At the next day’s briefing advice wasgiven on ways <strong>of</strong> how to prevent thisfrom happening again. I subsequently putmy VG line in a bungee on my downtube.It was a long slow climbing tow acouple <strong>of</strong> kilometres east to the lift, butit was a steady climb to a 5400ft base,quite low for Forbes, but also quite cool.I took <strong>of</strong>f at the first clock at 1:30pm.A couple <strong>of</strong> slow climbs, one beforeBogan Gate and one just after beforeI finally got up good after Bogan Gateand got low before Trundle. Ricker andI joined another pilot for a reasonablyfast climb and made our way to Trundleturnpoint.Two kilometres past the TP, we spotteda pilot going up quickly and came inunder him for a 600ft/min to base, nowat 7800ft. There was a cloud street tothe east toward the Alec Town turnpoint.With Ricker just below and behind,I emerged from the mist and headedeast under the cu’s. I worked weak liftand cursed so much I lost it and soonlanded. Ricker made it around the secondturnpoint, but landed less than halfwayto the third turnpoint at Bogan Field.Ricker: I launched second and endedup with Davis Straub and Larry Bunner atthe start. I took second start and landedjust short <strong>of</strong> turnpoint three at 122km.Larry had a low save and made it in,but Davis landed short too..Twenty-two pilots made goal.Task 11 Curt Warren M AUS 9892 Attila Bertok M HUN 9593 Dave Shields M GBR 949D ay 4 – ta s k 2Race to Goal 148.8km, Forbes–Grenfell–Eugowra–Cudal.The CAPE forecast showed thunderstormsto the north <strong>of</strong> Narromine,quite a way from Forbes. It also showedgood lift and cu’s to the east <strong>of</strong> Forbeswith cloudbase at 9000ft. The surfacetemperature was predicted to be mildat 32ºC. The task committee came up witha local task.Davis: I hate going south to Grenfelland suggested a five-kilometre radiusturnpoint which would allow us to stayon the hill sides before Grenfell. TheLine-up <strong>of</strong> Dragonflys at the airfield and......cars lined up in front <strong>of</strong> the Vandenberg Hotel headquartersReleasing from towPhotos: Ricker Goldsborough10 Soaring <strong>Australia</strong> <strong>February</strong> 2011 <strong>February</strong> 2011 Soaring <strong>Australia</strong> 11Day 3 winner CurtGreen flatlandsPhoto: Jonny DurandPhoto: Jonny Durand

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