4 Things 50 Cent Can Teach You About Audience

4 Things 50 Cent Can Teach You About Audience

4 Things 50 Cent Can Teach You About Audience


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Four <strong>Things</strong> <strong>50</strong> <strong>Cent</strong> <strong>Can</strong> <strong>Teach</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>About</strong> Connecting with <strong>You</strong>r <strong>Audience</strong>...http://www.copyblogger.com/robert-greene-<strong>50</strong>-cent/6 of 18 12/2/2009 11:38 AMBack in the days when I used to teach, I would take that approach with my students. If they didn’tunderstand, then it was I who had the problem, not them, and I needed to find a way to help themunderstand the message. In essence I failed them.I have failed to apply this same approach to my blogging, so this has been a real eye opener.3 zach even - esh December 1, 2009 at 11:16 amRobert – that was F**ing awesome brother, an amazing insight and things I didn’t know about Fifty.I play Fifty on the I Pod at my gym a lot, the athletes love it. I can sense the influence from fans thatgot him to create the song “Get Up”.Ironically, we have Business Men like Dan Kennedy, who stray faaaaaaar away from interaction withhis clients and prospective clients, yet he is wildly successful.Looks like there is NO middle ground or plain vanilla here, you gotta be completely immersed in givingyourself and being transparent or extremely secluded and anti social.This was an awesome article, Robert, BIG thanks for posting here!–Z–4 David Spinks December 1, 2009 at 11:19 amWhat a powerful post.“The public is never wrong. When people don’t respond to what you do, they’re telling you somethingloud and clear. <strong>You</strong>’re just not listening.~ Fifty <strong>Cent</strong>”Loved that quote. A great reminder to those that are trying one way communication online andcomplain when they get no response. True, it’s tough to get started building an audience, but it’s not theaudience’s fault, it’s yours.So many companies that start small, noble and audience focused, lose that mentality somewhere alongthe way. When you separate yourself from your audience, you’ll quickly lose touch with them, and fail.There’s the power of online social communities. Understand your audience’s needs by being there, notby watching from the outside.DavidCommunity Manager, Scribnia.com@DavidSpinks5 David Hicks December 1, 2009 at 11:20 amWoah. I’m going through this now too.People who respond to my book get it right away because of the title.

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