Scavenger hunt answer key - Museum on Main Street

Scavenger hunt answer key - Museum on Main Street

Scavenger hunt answer key - Museum on Main Street

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25. Read through the panels <strong>on</strong> early air transportati<strong>on</strong>. Who was called the“persistent first flighter?” How l<strong>on</strong>g did it take that pers<strong>on</strong> to fly around theworld in 1939?The New York Times called Clara Adams a “persistent first flighter” for beingthe first female passenger <strong>on</strong> ground‐breaking air flights. Adams flew aroundthe world in just under 17 days as a passenger <strong>on</strong> a 1939 flight.26. Read the “Wartime Stories” flipbook. Who wrote: “The trip was a nightmarethat lasted two nights and a day. The train creaked with age. It was coveredwith dust, and as the gaslights failed to functi<strong>on</strong> properly, we traveled incomplete darkness most of the night…All shades were drawn and we werenot allowed to look out of the windows…” Why was this author forced tomove from her home?Miné Okubo wrote this passage in her autobiography Citizen 13660. Okuboand her family were Japanese‐Americans forced to leave their home andwere placed into an internment camp during World War II. Okubo and herfamily were internees at Topaz, a camp in Utah.Our Expanded World27. Look at the objects in the case of travel souvenirs. Name the items that yousee in the case. Do you collect things when you take a trip? Talk with yourclassmates about the items that you collect to remember your trips.Viewmaster with discs, maps, brochures, AAA TripTik, postcards, souvenirspo<strong>on</strong>s, felt pennant28. Find the photograph of the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Guardsman <strong>on</strong> a bus. Why did theNati<strong>on</strong>al Guard travel with the bus passengers?The passengers <strong>on</strong> the bus were Freedom Riders, who traveled around areasin the South to protest racial segregati<strong>on</strong> in transportati<strong>on</strong>. The Nati<strong>on</strong>alGuard was mobilized to help protect the Freedom Riders, who were violentlyc<strong>on</strong>fr<strong>on</strong>ted in several communities, culminating in the firebombing of a busin Alabama in 1961.29. Move from side to side to see the images of the streetcar and the modernsubway train. How many people commuted to work by bus or rail in 2000?How do you travel to school each day?In 2000, 128 milli<strong>on</strong> Americans used bus or rail transit to travel to work.

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