Education, Heartbeat of a Nation - Policy Network

Education, Heartbeat of a Nation - Policy Network

Education, Heartbeat of a Nation - Policy Network


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21st Century Public Services – David MilibandSchools have the freedom to decidethe best way to deliver this on theground.Our focus in raising standards istherefore on how we teach –supporting the teaching and learningexperience itself, and above allensuring that how we teach is basedon what we know about how childrenand young people learn.We know from experience andresearch what makes for successfulteaching and learning. Pace,excitement, variety, engagement –even fun – are the watchwords <strong>of</strong> thesuccessful lesson.From the teacher this demandsinteraction with students throughoutthe lesson. It requires a variety <strong>of</strong>teaching approaches, with tasksclearly structured, questions askedand debated, and a constant focus onmeeting curriculum goals andenhancing the learning skills <strong>of</strong> thestudents.For the student it means a demandingcombination <strong>of</strong> rememberinginformation, understanding andinventing concepts, buildinghypotheses and testing them. It meansextracting information and ideas fromlectures and presentations. It meansbeing ready to take initiative inplanning personal study, and workingwith others in co-operative tasks.Teaching in the 21stCenturySince the foundation <strong>of</strong> teaching, thebalance between prescription andautonomy, and collaboration andindividualism, has been contested.Today there is demand for synthesis:personal responsibility for goodpractice allied to collaboration withother teachers and other staff todeliver results.In teaching it is isolation that for toolong has been the enemy <strong>of</strong>improvement. We must ensure thatteachers work together, work withother adults, and work with newtechnology, to crack problems inteaching practice: how to motivateboys, how to challenge lowexpectations, how to achieve gooddiscipline. No teacher should ever feelon their own when it comes to lessonTeaching todaymeans palm-tops,the Internet anddazzling digitalmedia.planning, dealing with unruly pupils,organising the class to ensure there isindividual attention. But this requires astep-change in at least six areas <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice.First, teaching needs to make best use<strong>of</strong> all available technology. 100 yearsago this meant a desk and achalkboard. Today it means palm-tops,the Internet and the dazzlingpossibilities <strong>of</strong> digital media.In the UK our first challenges were tocut the price <strong>of</strong> connections, spreadhardware, train teachers and develops<strong>of</strong>tware. There has been significantprogress in all four areas. But muchmore is possible so ICT is not just abolt-on to the learning experience.In the decade ahead, we need to usethe scope <strong>of</strong> ICT to personalise thecurriculum, to help support pupils’progress and to encourage problemsolvingactivities individually and in22 progressive politics vol 2.1

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