Read Full Clinical Study - Waterpik

Read Full Clinical Study - Waterpik

Read Full Clinical Study - Waterpik

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40The Journal of <strong>Clinical</strong> DentistryVol. XXIV, No. 2Table IIPre-cleaning RMNPI and Post-cleaning Plaque RemovalPre-Cleaning Post-Cleaning Change Score % Change*Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)Whole Mouth WF 0.65 (0.047) 0.17 (0.050) 0.48 (0.043) 74.4%SF 0.64 (0.039) 0.27 (0.069) 0.37 (0.053) 57.7%Marginal WF 1.00 (0.000) 0.32 (0.083) 0.68 (0.083) 68.2%SF 1.00 (0.000) 0.49 (0.114) 0.51 (0.114) 51.1%Approximal WF 1.00 (0.000) 0.18 (0.079) 0.82 (0.079) 81.6%SF 1.00 (0.000) 0.37 (0.101) 0.63 (0.101) 63.4%Facial WF 0.65 (0.069) 0.09 (0.062) 0.56 (0.070) 85.7%SF 0.66 (0.074) 0.20 (0.086) 0.46 (0.070) 69.4%Lingual WF 0.64 (0.041) 0.24 (0.078) 0.40 (0.060) 62.9%SF 0.62 (0.032) 0.34 (0.095) 0.28 (0.076) 45.2%SD = Standard Deviation*Change from pre-cleaning p < 0.001Figure 3. Mean % reduction in Plaque (RMNPI)*Significant difference in favor of the WF compared to SF (p < 0.001) for all assessmentschanges from pre- and post-cleaning scores for the approximalregion; 81.6% and 63.4%, respectively. The WF group showedsuperior plaque removal compared to the SF group (29%, p

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