Capabilities Introduction

Capabilities Introduction

Capabilities Introduction

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Communicate. Collaborate. Accelarate.The 3-Wall Cave Reality System allows multiple users to immerse themselves fully in the virtual environment through 3Dimagery involving sight and sound. The system allows intuitive, real-time interaction with a surround screen realistic 3Denvironment that is responsive to the users’ actions and can display many objects at scale. The system can be open for largergroup interaction or closed for small group immersion.According to technology leader Intel, interactive 3D’s transformative power is as follows:“3D lets you examine and manipulate objects in ways not possible with two dimensions,enabling the opportunity to deliver innovative new products and services that go above andbeyond the traditional two-dimensional experience.”CogniPresenceGiven that sales and marketing events are emotional in nature. Good concept presentation involves strong interpersonal skills,intuitive non verbal communication and great conceptual visualization. This makes sales and marketing a creative act that relieson a systemic and context dependent process. FTCC/NavTech provides high quality process and visualization that enhancesa conceptual and cognitive transfer. This process transforms the user to become an engaged participant. CogniPresence is arevolutionary technology that creates eye to eye contact in an advanced communication environment. This revolutionarymethodology enables the audience to UNDERSTAND FASTER,REMEMBER LONGER and DECIDE QUICKER.CogniPresence will enable your organization to consistently create ahigh “I get it” factor in less time. The human face serves as a whiteboardon which all emotions can be written. A single glance tells us what weneed to know. In the blink of an eye, we know whether we have the4

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