General Knowledge Research Crosswords - Australian Teacher

General Knowledge Research Crosswords - Australian Teacher

General Knowledge Research Crosswords - Australian Teacher


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7. Highest point; apex.<strong>General</strong> <strong>Knowledge</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Crosswords</strong><strong>General</strong> <strong>Knowledge</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Crossword No. 18- Across -- Down -1. A citizen of Spain.2. This central American nation lies between North Americaand South America.11. André-Marie ……..….. discovered electromagnetism.12. A state of the USA.13. A small, crude shelter used as a dwelling.14. The .............. brothers were famous story tellers.18. It gets fitted to a wheel.19. An annual event occurs once a ............ .20. Picture symbols used in the ancient Egyptian writingsystem. plural21. Lacking in brightness; faint.23. Henry ........ pioneered the mass production of cars.26. A block of metal, especially gold.27. A one-celled aquatic parasite.30. Occupational Therapy initials32. The capital city of this American state is Boise.33. An orb.35. Type of poem.3. Birds build these.4. A perfect tennis serve.5. Exposure to harm or risk.6. The season before summer.7. A form of Buddhism.8. The central part of a church.9. Two days before the day after tomorrow is ........... .10. Fastidious.15. 5 th month of the year.16. 2 nd syllable of ‘carpet’.17. Ancient horse-drawn carts used in warfare and for sport(racing). plural20. A many-headed serpent in Greek mythology.21. A place of temporary lodging.22. A ‘shooting star’.24. Order of the British Empire initials25. One of Canada’s 10 provinces.28. An ellipse-like shape.29. Pumped by the heart.31. The number of tenths in one whole.34. A medical condition.37. Organ of hearing.39. A small fruit often seen on pizzas.42. .............. lights can brighten up a city’s streets.43. The adjective made from ‘alps’.47. To knock over; overturn.48. New Zealand’s largest city.50. City on Canada’s west coast.52. Its capital city is Kiev.36. Evening abbreviation38. A precious metal.39. Webbed-footed, aquatic mammals plural40. A mischievous child.41. A division of geologic time.44. Chinese bear.45. Midday.46. Worn by females, below the waist.49. The 3 rd multiple of 3.53. Talon.54. This international, Swiss-based company produceschocolate and other foods.50. Victoria abbreviation51. Striped insect.© Intelligent Australia Productions39

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