Annual Report 2005 - CropLife Africa Middle East

Annual Report 2005 - CropLife Africa Middle East

Annual Report 2005 - CropLife Africa Middle East


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<strong>CropLife</strong> <strong>Africa</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>East</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2005</strong>The <strong>2005</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> has been prepared by the Regional Coordinator with inputs fromArea Coordinators and the Training Consultant and edited by the President of the Organization.IntroductionThis third <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> of <strong>CropLife</strong> <strong>Africa</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>East</strong>covers the period of the financial year from 1 st January to31 st December <strong>2005</strong>. The General Assembly of the organizationheld its annual meeting on June 1 st in Brussels. In additionto the statutory decisions and approvals, the GeneralAssembly also elected Mr. Peter van den Hoek, representingBASF in the Assembly as an additional director of theExecutive Committee by a unanimous vote.The Executive Committee held three meetings in <strong>2005</strong>. Thefirst meeting in Rome in February <strong>2005</strong> was combined witha visit and discussions at the FAO. The June meeting wascombined with the AGM and the <strong>Annual</strong> Conference of<strong>CropLife</strong> International in Brussels and the Septembermeeting followed the hub meeting for North <strong>Africa</strong> <strong>Middle</strong><strong>East</strong> in Casablanca. These meetings focused on the executionof hub action plans and the periodical review andmonitoring of budget performance.Three annual hub meetings were also convened during theyear, April in Cotonou, June in Lusaka and September inCasablanca with the objective to provide guidance andcoaching to national association activities together with supportof regional regulatory initiatives.All activities of <strong>CropLife</strong> <strong>Africa</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>East</strong> during <strong>2005</strong> werecarried out in line with the priorities set by the association andthe action plans approved by the Executive Committee. Thisreport elaborates on the various areas of activity.Regulatory HarmonizationNorth <strong>Africa</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>East</strong>• The regulatory harmonization initiative, co-driven by Crop-Life <strong>Africa</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>East</strong> and the Arab Organization forAgricultural Development (AOAD) continued to expandthe harmonization of regulatory measures amongst countriesof the sub-region.• The approved harmonized application form has beenaccepted and implemented in 16 out of the 18 membercountries with the exception of Qatar and Oman who arestill pending issuance of national legislation on theregistration of pesticides.• A fallback in implementing the harmonized form in Libya isbeing addressed through the AOAD. In Egypt, the “metoo”registration system which was introduced in 2003has been cancelled by the new government.• In Morocco, implementation of the harmonized form led toan increase in quality of submissions and a reduction in thenumber of requests for registrations. In <strong>2005</strong> the numberof rejections was 17% compared to 60% in 2003.• Iraq has been reinstated as a member of the regulatoryinitiative. Two delegates of the Iraqi regulatory authorityattended the annual regulatory meeting in Casablanca inSeptember <strong>2005</strong> and accepted to introduce the harmonizedform and documents in their country.• Content and format of a harmonized label proposal hasbeen accepted by member countries.• All member countries accepted the issuing of a registrationcertificate for each product. Tunisia would issue certificatesonly upon request. The content and format of aproposed registration certificate has been accepted withcertain freedom for modifications in the case of Jordan.• AOAD agreed to establish a data base on pesticides usesto trigger exchange of field data.West and Central <strong>Africa</strong>• The terms of reference for the regional regulatory harmonizationon crop protection products in West <strong>Africa</strong> havebeen approved and the study is underway for a workableregional framework. Both ECOWAS and WEAMU are fullyinvolved and are leading the process. A regional workshopwill be organised by mid-2006 to validate the harmonizationframework for the sub-region.• The initiative for a Central <strong>Africa</strong> Phytosanitary Committee(CPAC) has been signed by the Ministers in charge ofAgriculture in the individual CEMAC countries. The initiativehas been submitted to the Council of Ministers of CE-MAC for adoption prior to implementation.• Liaison at country level was undertaken with the registrationauthorities through workshops and seminars topromote the need for effective application of regulations.These activities were conducted in Ghana, Mali andBurkina Faso. The impact of fraud and counterfeitproducts on the economy were stressed; authorities werethus requested to implement corrective measures tocombat these practices, and to support effectivemanagement of CPPS in the different countries.<strong>East</strong> and Southern <strong>Africa</strong>The <strong>2005</strong> SEARCH meeting in Lusaka focused on developinga guideline on “Mutual Data Acceptance”. Implementationof this across the fourteen countries of SEARCH provedto be extremely difficult leading to the direction of “countrygroupings” which will be developed further during 2006.Additional achievements arising from the Lusaka meetingwere:• The Guideline for the Registration of Generic Productswas accepted as the minimum requirement for thegranting of a generic product registration.• The Guidelines for the Repacking and Small Pack Requirementswas accepted and will be implemented.

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