Slaves, Free Men, Citizens - CIFAS

Slaves, Free Men, Citizens - CIFAS

Slaves, Free Men, Citizens - CIFAS

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Whites in a Slave Society*Mtfdtfric-Louis-glie Moreau de Saint-MtfryThis description of the whites of Saint-Dominkye, originallypublished in 1197, forms part of a *nerd study ofthat colony by a white from another French West Indiancolony. It describes and differentiates among the variousEuropean residents and the nativeborn white8 (Creoles).'Ibis sekction shows how constant association with shvaaffected the white Creole personality, and it complement8Patterson's similar discussion from the slave point of view.M~~IUC-LOUIS~B MOREAU DE SAINT-&Y, ageneration Creole from Mnrtiniqw, was an astute observefand chronicler of evev aspect of West Indian life. Alawyer and judge in the Antilles, he was active in Pa&in both cultural and political allairs and occupied prominentpitiom, both before and after the French Rev0118-tion, as histon- litt&atew, and administrator.Material in brackets was deleted by tbe author from theh t printed edition but restored by the compilen of the1958 edition,In places where men come to dwell together over a longperiod of time, [some special system of associationemerges, witb rules governed by local conventions. h tbeabsence of extraordinary or rare events, the aystem endureswithout sensible change, because the few individualswho come to join the group and thaw who are born intoit adopt its usages; strictly speaking, it is just a family, moreor less numerous.] They seem almost completely amalmated, and members of the society at large aU share similarand easily identifiable traits. But in colonial atablishmentsrecently created by successive cmigratio~~~, the dgm of agenuine ensemble are not to be seen: instead these societi~are shapeless mixtures subject to dive* iduences;and this lack of cohesion is especially marked when a greatcolony is made up of individuda who have come there insearch of a clime distant and wholly d8ercnt from their

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