IMUA 3-13-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

IMUA 3-13-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary

IMUA 3-13-92 - PCC 50th Anniversary


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ESKARANEXEMPLIFIES''PERSONAL\trORTH'' THEMECultural Center master carverDavid Eskaran stood before hisfellow employees to deliver amoving, poignant speech whichcompared his personal "hurts andmemories ofthe past to theunderstanding and aloha ofthePresen!"He also paid a touching andemotional tribute to all hiscolleagues on the "Front Lines".Eskaran was keynote speaker at theCenter's monthly devitionalmeeting last Thursday at the IMAXPoll,nesia theater The theme was"Personal \Vonh."Vith literally hundreds ofemployees fighting back tears, herecalled his student days ofstruggleand sacrifice at BYU-Hawaii.raising a family with $2 paychecks(the balance went to pay advancestudent loans). He remember hk"saimin days" with his wife andyoung family where every meal fordays comprises ofsaimin, saiminend more saimin."l remember taking all night toqpe a term paper using one 6ngerbecause hiring a skiiied typist wassimply out ofthe question andgoing through the pain, worry andfrustration ofparenthood on ameager budget," he said.He said what made thingsbearable and tolerable were folkslike Barney and Marge Christy whogifted them with sweet potatoes;going fishing in the company ofothers and bringing home a catchto feed his family; secret deliveriesofgroceries and food to theirdoorstep; parents stopping byunexpectantly before Temple visitsto drop off bags of groceries and adwoted and supponive wife (Terri)who wx always at his side.Reminding the Center audiencehis story is our story he explainedhow when he first came to <strong>PCC</strong> hewould have given blood in itsservice, but that through the yearshe became weighted down wirhunhappiness and disappointmentover experiences in the workplace.Consequently, he said hischanged feeliogs became a"truckload of rocLs ofill-will."He described how he looked athis job folder one day finding onlythe things he was counselled anddisciplined for and finding norecord ofhis pasr achievements orany ofrhe good he had done.Eskaran emphasized, however, anew day and a new spirit haspermeated the Center since LesMoore was narned as Centerpresident. He admitted he now hasa change of attitude and hasreturned "emotionally" to hisoriginal commitment to the CenterUsing peninent scriptures, herecounted his r€cent e(periences asa carver with a Hawaii delega:ion toJapan where he spent five weelaand how it contributed to hispersonal discovery of self worth.Determined to prove to hishosts and other members ofHawaii's delegation that <strong>PCC</strong>'s2craftsmen were as skilled as the bestofthem, he demonstrated a workethic end competency ofcraftsmanship rhat higlrJy impresr I'everyone. Eskaran recalled being vtold by a fellow delegation memberhis admirarion ofhis artistry andadmitted ro him that he, Eskaran,w,l the best carver h Hawaii thathe had seen.He encouraged employees to dorhe same in everyrhing they do,knowing they are being observed."lndividual effort can go a longway. Ve must take pride inpreserving and perpetuaring ourcultures whether inside or ourside<strong>PCC</strong>. Sometimes the greatest workfor <strong>PCC</strong> is done outside," he said.Center president, Its Moorepraises Eskaran for revealing toCenter employees what they havealways known bur sometimes losesight of- rhar working harder anproducing work ofthe highestqualirywill bring recognirion notonly to tthemselves, but also to theCenter, their families and theircommuniq4EDITOR'S NOTE:Euery Center employee can focuson and remember Etkatan's remarhsin refermce to the biblical story orPe*r attempting to ualking on watetIt b far bexer to oedit someon*forhating ma* the attempt andrcmained on top forpetiod than to dzol them for theftihre oftheir attempt Bkaran\rema*s farthet remind t the Centereaen a shortcar onll improae uben thry Praisethe good, praisc the docr afgaad an Jpraise the good prouidos

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