Health Book_03-Special Features_2011_web.pdf - Blue Cross

Health Book_03-Special Features_2011_web.pdf - Blue Cross

Health Book_03-Special Features_2011_web.pdf - Blue Cross


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<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>Health</strong> BOOKXwater is life!WATER-BORNE DISEASESRecognize some of the common illnesses caused by contaminated water.DysenteryDiseasePathogenicAgentBacterial(Shigella and Salmonella,Shigella dysenteriae)Sources of Agentin Water SupplyContaminated waterGeneralSymptomsFrequent passage of feceswith blood and/or mucus andin some cases, vomiting ofbloodLeptospirosisBacterial(Leptospira)Contaminated watercontaining animal urinecarrying the bacteriaBegins with flu-like symptomsthen resolves. Secondphase then occurs involvingmeningitis, liver damage,renal failure.Otitis Externa(Swimmer’s Ear)Caused by a number ofbacterial and fungal speciesSwimming incontaminated waterEar canal swells causing painand tenderness to the touchTyphoid feverBacterial(Salmonella typhi)Ingestion of watercontaminated with feces ofan infected personSustained fever of up to 40 o Cor 104 o F, profuse sweating,diarrhea, in some cases arash may occur. If untreated,symptoms will progress todelirium, enlargement of thespleen and liver.GastroentiritisHepatitis ASources:Viral (Astrovirus, Calcivirus,Enteric Adenovirus,Parvovirus)Viral(Hepatitis A virus or HAV)Murky Waters by Donnel Lu, <strong>Health</strong> Today, August 2009Manifests itself inimproperly treated waterManifests itself in water orfoodWHO: Waterborne Disease is World’s Leading Killer by Jessica Berman, www.voanews.comhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/waterborne_diseasesDiarrhea, nausea, vomiting,fever, malaise, abdominalpainFatigue, fever, abdominalpain, nausea, diarrhea,weight loss, itching, jaundice,depressionWATER-BORNE DISEASES

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