The Insider - GP2 Series

The Insider - GP2 Series

The Insider - GP2 Series


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WEB EDITION<strong>GP2</strong>PIC OFTHE WEEKSweet sixteen! MW Ardenteam principal and FormulaOne driver Mark Webbercelebrates victory in parcfermé with Mitch Evans,the youngest ever GP3<strong>Series</strong> winner!A WINDOWIN TIME<strong>The</strong> GP3 <strong>Series</strong> returned to its birthplaceat the weekend, the Circuit de Catalunyain Barcelona, where it all began lastyear. On that inaugural weekend, PalVarhaug became the first ever winner ofa GP3 <strong>Series</strong> race for Jenzer Motorsport.In 2011, Pal has graduated tothe <strong>GP2</strong> <strong>Series</strong> along with eventualchampion Esteban Gutierrez, providinga clear indication of the preparationGP3 provides young racers for theirburgeoning careers, and strengtheningthe links between GP3 and <strong>GP2</strong>.Q&ATAMASPAL KISSTECH 1Congratulations Tamas, a firstwin for you and the team...Yes, this is one of my best days– it’s unbelievable! We made adifferent tyre strategy for therace. I had a bit of luck with thesafety car, but then I just tried tokeep calm and manage my tyreswhich all worked well.YOUR DREAM DRIVER?DEBORAH LYALLMW ARDEN PRESS OFFICERIt’s great for the team too!Yes, the car was brilliant.Everyone could see the times,we were very quick at the front.And top of the standings...Wow! It’s a birthday present forme this weekend. <strong>The</strong> team isreally strong and we will keepworking like this for the future.First of all, communication iskey. You want someone openand chatty who can say the rightthings to the media. <strong>The</strong>y need toknow how to deal with good andbad times and also be punctualfor media events. I know PR isn’ttop of their list, but it’s good ifthey know where they need to be.Enthusiasm is also importantbecause a good mood and awider perspective helps me toSPAIN ///THE STATSPOLE POSITION TIME1:38.489MITCHEVANSwrite the press release… as doessleep! It helps them do well ontrack and not be grumpy whenthey’re dealing with the press.And finally, youth. <strong>The</strong> olderthey arrive with you, the morechance they have picked upbad habits. Working with youngdrivers is fantastic because youcan mould them into mediafriendlysportsmen, which isimportant in this day and age.SOMETHINGTO REMEMBER...Look after your tyres! Aaro Vainio recordedhis first GP3 <strong>Series</strong> podium on Saturdayin Spain, but came home with a heavilyworn front left tyre. With tyre wearcritical, only some defensive drivingfrom the young Finn meant hecould offset the problem andmaintain his podium place.

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