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THE QUEENThe Queen is middle-aged but still retains her beautyand allure, of which she is immensely proud. She hasno husband so amuses herself with a variety of younglovers. She is a popular monarch and is fully aware of herRoyal responsibilities and executes them with efficiencyand grace. She is disappointed by her son’s weaknessand finds him irritating and embarrassing and a constantreminder of her own mortality. Outwardly she is cold andaloof with her son but with others she can be passionateand vivacious when it pleases her. Bourne wanted tomake this into a larger role as he thought that the motherwas an important role, not portrayed enough in theoriginal ballet. Bourne describes her as a manipulator,making the Prince into what he is. She gives him nothing,no affection, no love so he seeks it somewhere else.ACTIVITYYou will need a <strong>pack</strong> of playing cards. Using a queenplaying card as a visual guide, discuss the two headsthat are seen on the card. Could this represent thetwo sides of the Queen’s personality in Swan Lake?After discussing the idea of the public and privatepersona addressed within the Themes: Royal Familysection of this <strong>pack</strong>, ask the students to discuss whather characteristics are for each side of her personality.In pairs create a duet based on the Queen and theidea of two split sides of her personality; publicand private. The duet could explore the devices ofmirroring to echo the duality of her character andopposition or contrast in both her movement styleand dynamics, to highlight different character traits.Richard Windsor and Dominic North. Photo by Hugo Glendenning.THE PRIVATE SECRETARYIn this version of Swan Lake there is no evil Von Rothbartbut there is the Private Secretary. His role is as adviserto the Queen, a scheming character who is tryingto engineer the Prince’s downfall but is outwardlytrustworthy and reliable.Private Secretary costume design by Lez Brotherston.MATTHEW BOURNE’S SWAN LAKE RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 10

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