September - 163rd RW, California Air National Guard

September - 163rd RW, California Air National Guard

September - 163rd RW, California Air National Guard


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<strong>September</strong> 2010 est. February 1980What’s inside:Commander’s Column - page 2First Sgt. Says They’re Here! New PT Standards - Page 2Legal Says Be Careful With Social Media - page 3Anti-Terrorism Officer Says Just Be Mean - page 4New Chaplain’s Assistant Introduces Himself - page 5The 163d Reconnaissance Wing Goes to FacebookVisit www.facebook.com/163rwPhoto by Staff Sgt. Paul DuquetteAugust 7, 2010 the 163d Reconnaissance Wing hit the 50,000 flying hours mark. Making this wing the first <strong>Air</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> unit to hit the milestone. Sitting in the pilot seat is Maj. John Jimenez, not pictured but sitting tothe right is Sensor Operator Tech. Sgt. Chad Jones.

163d <strong>RW</strong> CC Talks About August AccomplishmentsCol. Randall Ball163d Reconnaissance Wing CommanderIn the month of August, wehave seen some historic eventsthat showcase our wing as wellas highlight the great future wehave in the Unmanned AerialSystems (UAS) mission.On August 7, we flew our50,000th hour of MQ-1 Predatortime, which was an achievementthat required across the boardsupport from the Grizzly’s.In four short years the 163<strong>RW</strong> has become the leading <strong>Air</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Predator flyingwing by working smart and payingattention to details.We continue to be recognizedat the highest levels. Your workhas paid dividends, which willensure that we are in the rightplace when upgraded UAS capabilityis available in the <strong>Air</strong><strong>Guard</strong>.On August 24, we hosteda ground-breaking ceremonyfor the wing’s new hangar atSouthern <strong>California</strong> Logistics<strong>Air</strong>port. The event attractedCongressional staff, Headquarters<strong>Air</strong> Force leadership, Calif.state senior leadership, includingthe Commander of the <strong>California</strong><strong>Air</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Maj.Gen. Dennis G. Lucas and localcommunity leaders.The event was exceptional,well run and coordinated. The163 <strong>RW</strong> had the opportunity todisplay our future capabilityin supporting <strong>Air</strong> Force trainingneeds. The new hangar willbe a stepping stone to missiongrowth and sustainment. Also ofnote our maintainers have donean incredible job making ourtemporary facilities at SCLAefficient, organized and attractive.Everyone who attendedwas impressed.August was a very rewardingmonth for our unit and youshould all feel satisfied in youraccomplishments. Keep up thegreat work and thanks for allyou do to make this organizationthe best wing in the <strong>Air</strong>Force.First Sergeant Says They’re Here! New AF Fitness StandardsMaster Sgt. Thomas Callahan163d Civil Engineer Squadron First SergeantThey’re here! The new <strong>Air</strong>Force physical fitness test requirements.Have you been to the basegym lately? It is standing roomonly and that is not good if youare waiting for a treadmill to runon. Some of you have probablyalready taken a practice test andexperienced the shock of the newstandards, but do not give up!Recently a group of us from theCivil Engineer Squadron went toVolk Field for a deployment fortraining in July to set up the DisasterRelief Beddown Setup kit,(tents, a/c units, generators etc.)in hot, humid weather. It was anexample of why we need to be ingreat shape to do our jobs. Somewent from working in an office ascivilians to doing physical workin a demanding environment withlittle or no time to acclimate tothe weather. That could happen toall of us as <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> members.I think sometimes it is harderbeing in the <strong>Guard</strong> vs. ActiveDuty. We must not only do ourcivilian job, but be ready to go ata moment’s notice and performour military job; sometimes evenin an environment that we are notfamiliar to.The new requirements may bea challenge to some, but it is fora good reason that the standardswere changed. Being in bettershape has many great rewards. Wewill be able to perform our jobsat a higher level in many differentenvironments, need less time toacclimate, have more energy, livelonger and many more. I’m sureyou can think of some positiveaspects to being healthy. If weare not able to perform our job,it could not only affect our lives,but the lives of those around us.If we do not get planes in the air,it could be somebody on the frontline not going home to their family!Take a positive look at the newstandards and if the gym is full,get out on the base or your neighborhoodand enjoy the outdoors!Mix up your routine to keep it funand make it a life style change,not just whenever the PT test iscoming up.Just a reminder, if you aredoing a group run or PT formation,all members must be in the<strong>Air</strong> Force PT uniform with shirtstucked in.Commanders and fellow FirstSergeants, I encourage you tomix up your group PT sessions tokeep it fun and challenging. Also,if you need to motivate your <strong>Air</strong>men,I can send Master Sgt. StacyBurnside by to help out!Have fun and remember, IWILL NOT FAIL!

News 3Legal Says Be Careful With Social MediaMaj. Sotera Anderson163d Judge AdvocateSo you’ve got a Facebook withover 500 friends, you might thinkyou’re pretty popular, but if youthink about it, how do you knowthese people? That number includesco-workers in the military,some are your actual friends andfamily, but the rest are probablyjust random people. Maybe youmet person at a night club, metanother at a college party, spent10 minutes chatting another up ata sporting event or maybe you’venever even met some of them,they’re just a friend of a friend.The same applies with Myspaceor Twitter followers.Some people are totally addictedto these sites. They telltheir whole life story to everyoneor no one in particular. Giving outinformation like where you live,where you went last night and withwhom, where you work, favoritecolor, food, drink, who your familymembers are and where theylive.Some even go as far as statingwhat political party or religionyou belong to and what you thinkabout other religions and countriesand people from all overthe world, and also that you’re amember of the super duper hardcharging Security Forces Squadronin the military. Maybe youeven post or tweet that you’relooking forward to “getting yousome” on your upcoming 120 daydeployment to Afghanistan.What if that guy you met lastnight at the college party thatasked to be your friend is actuallya terrorist? He now knows whereyou go to school, where you live,that you’re in the military, you’rea Security Forces member, andyou’re deploying to Afghanistanfor 120 days to “get you some,”who your family members are andmaybe even where they live. I betyou’re thinking that wasn’t verysmart, so how much informationis too much? Do you think you’rebeing smart about information onyour FB or your tweets?You may be thinking, “Comeon JAG, I’m not that stupid. Iwould never put that much informationout there.” Are you sureabout that? Go back and checkout your FB page. I’ve checkedsome of you out and guess what?You’re guilty, and maybe I amtoo, so this is a reminder to scrubmy page. Maybe you should thinkabout scrubbing yours as well.Operational security should alwaysbe in the forefront of yourmind when you are engaging insocial networking sites.We also cannot forget the imageyou are portraying. Does thatYouTube video of you and yourbuddies getting wasted after drillportray you, them or the <strong>Air</strong> Forcein a positive light? Is it a videoyou would like to see on CNN toshow the world what our fine <strong>Air</strong>mendo after work? “These are the<strong>Air</strong>men defending your freedomAmerica.”I’m not saying don’t engage insocial networking and that youshouldn’t enjoy doing so. I’m justsaying be smart. Be a good custodianand spokesperson for ourorganization and its mission andmaintain OPSEC at all times. Younever know who’s tuned in.Social Media Tips to Remember• Put your profile on private.• Only accept people you know, notrandom individuals. This way, you’ll knowyour audience.• Don’t include your full home address,just be really general.• Try not to include the full details of your jobor where you work.• Think twice before posting infor-mation or pictures - We don’t want to giveout classified information.• Always think safety.• Use common sense.• Be aware of the image you are presentingto the world.• Always remember to use your OperationalSecurity (OPSEC) awareness.• Don’t post work related photos.

Staff Sgt. Daniel Stephens163d Chaplain Corps.It is a great honor to jointhe 163d ReconnaissanceWing as the newest Chaplain’sAssistant. I’m excitedto work with this dynamicteam. Oneof myp e r s o n a lgoals is tomake everymemberof thewing feelimportant,appreciatedand unde r s t o o d .With thatsaid, Ilook forwardtom e e t i n gthe wholeG r i z z l yfamily.Three months ago I washired by the San Diego PoliceDepartment. I am currentlyin the final phase ofthe Police Academy. Beforeworking for the SDPD, Iserved six years in the 452ndSecurity Forces Squadronhere at March ARB.I have had many memorablemoments in my <strong>Air</strong> Forcecareer; I’ve deployed to AvianoAB, Italy, Kirkuk, Iraqand I even spent two yearswith the Blue Eagles Honor<strong>Guard</strong> here on base. All thoseexperiences and the amazingFeature 5New Chaplain’s Assistant Introduces Himselfpeople that I have met on thejourney have all contributed tomy decision to become a career<strong>Air</strong>man, which has ultimatelyled me to become a Grizzly.Prior to my military career, Iserved as a Youth Director in alocal congregation. I have alsoserved asa MissionaryAssistantinBrazil andM e x i c ow o r k i n gin impover i s h e dcommunitiesandorphanages.As of1 August,2010, Iwas ordainedbymy church,H e a l i n gHearts & Nations, to be a ministerof the Gospel.I believe being a Chaplain’sAssistant with the 163 <strong>RW</strong> isthe most exciting opportunityin the military. I feel an overwhelmingsense of team unity,integrity, service before selfand excellence in all the grizzliesdo, which all contributesto accomplishing the mission. Iam honored to serve beside youin this quintessential endeavor.Inspirational Quote“He has made everythingbeautiful in its time…”Ecclesiastes 3:11Remember the ChaplainCorps team is here to helpyou (any religion) throughany challenge, and can bereached at (951) 655-5404,Monday- Friday, 7:30 a.m. to4:30 p.m. or on the duty cellphone at (951) 236-0496.Blessings,163d Chaplain CorpsChapel Service ScheduleProtestant ServiceSunday UTA, 12 to 12:30 p.m.Chaplain Sarmiento in the Ops. <strong>Air</strong>crewBriefing Room.Catholic MassSunday UTA, 11 - 11:50 a.m. FatherMcNally in the Base Chapel.Catholic ReconciliationSunday UTA, 12 - 12:30 p.m. followingMass in the Base Chapel.

6 BriefsBilleting Hot line Number!Members with issues, complaints,or concerns regardingbilleting reservations or contractedrooms, or who need tocancel their rooms last-minutecan contact the first sergeant’son-call hot line number at(951) 453-7620. The phoneline is active beginning Fridayafternoon and continuingthrough the Sunday morningof each drill weekend. To cancela reservation during themonth, please contact yourunit lodging POC.Top 3 Pizza Lunch MeetingThe TOP 3 organization is scheduledto host a Pizza Lunch Meetingfor master, senior master and chiefmaster sergeants. If you are interestedin renewing your membership orbecoming a member, please join usSept. 11, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. in theCivil Engineer Squadron Classroom(building 2276). For a TOP 3 membershipform, contact Master Sgt.Laurice Souron at (951) 655-2558or email at Laurice.souron@ang.af.mil.FREE ANTIVIRUS FOR HOMEAs a military member,one of the benefitsavailable to you is freeantivirus programs foruse on your home PC.For more informationcontact your ClientSupport Administrator.Schools Require New PT ScoreEffective immediately, all requestsfor members to attend formal militaryschools must be accompanied with thenew physical fitness score results. Thismeans regardless of a service member’sdue date, they are required to takea fitness test under the new standardsbefore they leave for school. For anyquestions regarding this policy, contactCommand Chief Master Sgt. EdwinClarke at (951) 655-4996New <strong>Air</strong> Force Legal WebsiteThe <strong>Air</strong> Force has a new Legal Assistancewebsite. It provides access toinformation and allows members tocomplete will and power of attorneyworksheets online, though it does notallow appointments to be made online.For more information visit, www.aflegalassistance.law.af.mil.Free Wedding DressesBrides Across America is a nationalcharitable organization that gives militarybrides the opportunity to get theirdream wedding dress for free. In orderto qualify for a dress, you must meettheir qualifications, which include beingengaged and planning a wedding;you or your fiancée was deployed toIraq or Afghanistan and show up on theday of a store’s Brides Across Americaevent with proper Identification and deploymentpapers. For more informationand a list of the complete requirements,visit www.bridesacrossamerica.com.<strong>Air</strong>men Get CSU Priority EnrollmentThe Troops to College program hasprovided an opportunity for servicemembers to apply for priority enrollmentwith a <strong>California</strong> State University(CSU) campus. While there is no tuitionbenefits associated with this program,it does provide enrollment priority fora limited number of service members.For more information on the program,visit www.troopstocollege.ca.gov.<strong>California</strong> Veterans BenefitsIf you’re a service member that hascompleted Title 10 orders, you’re entitledto certain benefits. You can findout what benefits you are entitled to byregistering on the <strong>California</strong> Departmentof Veterans Affairs (CDVA) centralveterans’ services database onlineat www.cdva.ca.gov/VetService/reintegration.aspx.Then you will receiveinformation on various benefits.October Employer FlightsIn the month of October, the 452d<strong>Air</strong> Mobility Wing will be hosting twoemployer flights. If you would like tonominate your civilian employer for aflight on a 452 AMW <strong>Air</strong>craft, contactLt. Col. Brenda Hendricksen at Brenda.Free AcademicSkills CourseBuild your skills foreducation and career success.Peterson’s OnlineAcademic Skills Course(OASC) is designed tohelp you build your mathand verbal skills. TheOASC is available for free24 hours a day, seven daysa week on the web to servicemembers, reservists,<strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> membersand their families. It’seasy to get started today.Visit www.petersons.com/dantes.

7 Briefs 7hendricksen@ang.af.mil or call at (951)655-3931 for a form that must be completedand sent in by <strong>September</strong> 14. Bothflights are scheduled for the month of October.The spots are first come, first serve,one nominee per person.Family Day Moves to June UTAPreviously, the Family Day eventwas scheduled to be hosted in the monthof May, but the celebration has been rescheduledto June 4, 2011, which is theSaturday of the unit training assembly.PT Medical ExemptionsTo obtain an exemption based on evaluationand recommendation of your personalcare physician, the member mustprovide the Medical Group with medicaldocumentation to include diagnosis,treatment, prognosis and period and typeof physical limitations or restrictions.Congratulations“Grizzly” PromotionsAndre Kreil163d Civil Engineer SquadronGregory Garcia163d <strong>Air</strong>craft Maintenance Squadron..Continued on page 8..

8 Salutes & Menu 8UTA WEEKEND MENUIf you are authorized lodging Friday before the unit training assembly,you qualify for breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday, also breakfastand lunch Sunday. Meals not served at the Hap Arnold Club willbe provided by Tom’s #1 Burger, with orders.MENU FOR SEPT. 11Lunch - 11 a.m. 1 p.m.Meat LoafTeriyaki ChickenMashed PotatoesSteamed RiceButtered CornBrown GravySoup of The DayDinner Rolls with ButterAssorted Salads &DressingsAssorted DessertsAssorted BeveragesMENU FOR SEPT. 12Lunch - 11 a.m. 1 p.m.Spaghetti With MeatSauceBaked ChickenMashed PotatoesSteamed RiceButtered Mixed VegetablesSoup of The DayDinner Rolls with ButterAssorted Salads &DressingsAssorted DessertsAssorted BeveragesCongratulations“Grizzly” PromotionsWilliam Lee163d Operations Support SquadronAndy Piche163d Security Forces SquadronOscar Conchas196th Reconnaissance SquadronMonique Lozoya163d Communications FlightThomas Sanchez163d Communications FlightKirland Hess196th Reconnaissance SquadronCedric Phiffer163d <strong>Air</strong>craft Maintenance SquadronZachary Gray163d Civil Engineer SquadronThe Best and The BrightestCongratulations to the following Senior <strong>Air</strong>men who completed<strong>Air</strong>man Leadership School; Shar-Lee Fricks.A job-well-done goes to the following Technical Sergeants who allcompleted NCO Academy; Mattew Boren, Heath Branham and ChadJones.Hats off to the follow Master Sergeants who all completed theirSenior NCO Academy Course; Michael Loberg.Congratulations to the following individuals who scored 90 percentor better on CDC/Distance Learning End-of-Course Tests; Senior<strong>Air</strong>man Shar-Lee Fricks scored 91 percent on the end of coursetest for ALS, Staff Sgt. Philip Jung scored a 93 percent on the end ofcourse test for Security Forces Craftsman and <strong>Air</strong>man 1st Class AndyPiche scored a 94 percent on the end of course test for Security ForcesCraftsman.Elizabeth Alcock163d Medical GroupEdward Wojick163d Civil Engineer SquadronJames Benton196th Reconnaissance SquadronMark Evers163d Operations Support SquadronEric Geier163d <strong>Air</strong>craft Maintenance SquadronDonald Hedge163d Security Forces Squadron

Commander’s Straight talkThe ON GUARD is proudly publishedfor the members of the 163d ReconnaissanceWing and their families.CommanderCol. Randall BallPublic Affairs OfficeLt. Col. Brenda HendricksenCapt. Al Bosco1st Lt. Perry CovingtonMaster Sgt. Stanley ThompsonMaster Sgt. Julie AveyTech. Sgt. Joseph ProuseTech. Sgt. Diane DucatStaff Sgt. Kelly HobbyStaff Sgt. Ines JassoStaff Sgt. Paul DuquetteThe ON GUARD is the officialnewsletter published by and forthe members of the 163d ReconnaissanceWing, March ARB,Calif. The contents of the ONGUARD are not necessarily theofficial views of, or endorsedby, the U.S. government, DOD,Department of the <strong>Air</strong> Force orthe 163 <strong>RW</strong>.The Straight Talk hot linecan be reached at (951)655-4758, or feedbackcan be emailed to 163rw.pa.straighttalk@ang.af.milSept Oct Nov Dec11-12 2-3 6-7 4-5

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