Vol 6 No 1 September 2012 - Local Highway Technical Assistance ...

Vol 6 No 1 September 2012 - Local Highway Technical Assistance ...

Vol 6 No 1 September 2012 - Local Highway Technical Assistance ...


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<strong>Vol</strong>ume 6, <strong>No</strong>. 1 Idaho Technology <strong>Assistance</strong> Newsletter <strong>September</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Federal-aid Essentials for <strong>Local</strong> Public AgenciesThe Federal <strong>Highway</strong> Administration introducesan online library of dynamic videos and related materialsspecifically designed for local public agencies.This new resource highlights key components of theFederal-aid <strong>Highway</strong> Program, offering valuable andhelpful information to manage federally funded transportationprojects. The materials are featured on anew Web site called Federal-aid Essentials for <strong>Local</strong>Public Agencies.Federal-aid Simplified.UNDERSTANDING THE ESSENTIALSFederal-aid Essentials for <strong>Local</strong> Public Agencies isa gateway to up-to-date materials, and an extensive directoryof State resources and Federal contacts. It is anonline library of informational video modules, designedto help local public agencies answer the importantquestions about federally funded projects.Available 24 hours a day, on most devices with Internetaccess, Federal-aid Essentials for <strong>Local</strong> Public Agenciesis readily accessible and available when you want ananswer. Each module addresses a single topic presented inplain language—condensing the complex regulations andrequirements of the Federal-aid <strong>Highway</strong> Program intoeasy-to-understand language and illustrated examples.Brief, concise, and to the point—each video is less than 10minutes long and highlights a critical topic essential to thesuccessful delivery of a federally funded project. Videoscan be viewed online in any order and at any time. Companionresources accompany each presentation, along withlinks to further resources.Federal-aid Essentials for<strong>Local</strong> Public Agencies isorganized around sevenmain topic areas:Federal-aid ProgramOverviewCivil RightsEnvironmentFinanceRight-of-WayProject DevelopmentProject Construction &Contract AdministrationThe Web site will allow you to indicate areas ofinterest and receive alerts when new material becomesavailable. You also can give feedback thatwill help FHWA continue to provide useful assistancethrough this Web site.Federal-aid Essentials for <strong>Local</strong> Public Agenciespresents what you need to know about the Federal-aid<strong>Highway</strong> Program. It is designed to help local agencystaff navigate the Federal-aid <strong>Highway</strong> Program and tofurther understand the benefits of the policies, procedures,and practices. Your State department of transportation –your DOT – is very knowledgeable about Federal-aid projectsand continues to be your primary resource for complyingwith Federal requirements. The Federal-aid EssentialsWeb site also includes a comprehensive listing ofState Resources, consisting of links to local program Websites, manuals, references, local technical assistance programs,and local program coordinators.Start here: for help managing your nextFederal-aid transportation project, go towww.fhwa.dot.gov/federal-aidessentialsWant more information on the Federal-aid Essentials for <strong>Local</strong> Public Agencies Web site? ContactProject Managers Rob Elliott: rob.elliott@dot.gov OR Carin Michel: carin.michel@dot.govContinued on Page 5...4

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