Student Edition - Perfection Learning

Student Edition - Perfection Learning

Student Edition - Perfection Learning


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egins in the far east to drawthe dark curtains from dawn’s bed,my sad son creeps home, away from this light. 130He secludes himself alone in his room,shutting his windows, locking the lovely daylight outside,and creating an artificial night.His mood will become dark and ominousunless good advice can remove the cause of his sadness. 135BenvolioMy noble uncle, do you know the reason for his behavior?MontagueI do not know it, and I cannot learn it from him.BenvolioHave you pleaded with him in any way?MontagueI have tried, and so have many friends,but he is the counselor of 140his own emotions, though I will not say how well he playscounselor.He is so secret and close-mouthed,so far from being found out and cured,that he’s like a bud bitten by a deadly worm beforethe bud can spread its sweet leaves to the air 145or offer its beauty to the sun.If we could just learn what causes his sorrow,we would willingly cure it as know about it.romeo enters.BenvolioHere he comes. If you will, please step asideand I’ll find out what’s wrong with him. If I 150don’t, you can deny any connection with me.MontagueStay. I hope you’ll be lucky enoughto hear his true confession. (to Lady Montague)Come, madam, let’s go.Lord and Lady Montague exit.Act 1, Scene 1 35

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