Hearings Committee Meeting Agenda 26 March 2009

Hearings Committee Meeting Agenda 26 March 2009

Hearings Committee Meeting Agenda 26 March 2009


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<strong>Agenda</strong> -<strong>Hearings</strong> Commissioners 4 <strong>26</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2009</strong>3.01 pm Gerald Rowan on behalf of St Paul’s Anglican Church (submitter inopposition to the application) presented evidence and responded toquestions from Commissioner Childs.(Track No: 63) (Track Duration: 00:24:34)3.27 pm Nicki Sullivan (submitter in opposition to the application) presentedevidence.(Track No: 64) (Track Duration: 00:07:24)3.36 pm Christine Coste (submitter in opposition to the application) presentedevidence and responded to questions from Commissioner Childs.(Track No: 65) (Track Duration: 00:18:18)4.08 pm Jim Cornes on behalf of the Te Atatu Residents and RatepayersAssociation (submitter in opposition to the application) presentedevidence.(Track No: 67) (Track Duration: 00:11:54)ADJOURNMENT4.22 pm Commissioner Neeson adjourned the Hearing for 15 minutes.4.42 pm The Hearing reconvened.4.42 pm The Reporting Planner Nick Pollard responded to questions raised earlierin the Hearing by the Commissioners.4.44 pm Twan Peters (Architect on behalf of the applicant) gave the right of reply.Rachel Foster Acoustic Engineer MAUNSELL/AECOM Ltd responded toquestions raised by the submitters regarding noise.Commissioner Battersby asked Mr Twan Peters what weighting theapplicant placed on the Town Centre Community Implementation Plan(TCCIP).Mr Peters replied that the TCCIP was a non statutory document and wasnot required to be taken into account. However the applicant had givensome credence to the document.(Track No: 69) (Track Duration: 00:16:23)5.01 pm Commissioner Neeson thanked everyone for their attendance and advisedthat the Commissioners would be reserving their decision, closed theHearing and informed all parties that they would be notified of the decisionwithin 15 working days from receipt of the written submission from MrChris Hansen on behalf of his client Mrs Jackson.Note:Note:The written submission from Mr Hansen was received by the Council onMonday, 6 April <strong>2009</strong>, release of the decision has been extended pursuantto section 37 of the RMA, the due date is now Wednesday, 20 May <strong>2009</strong>.Commissioner Battersby on behalf of the panel of Commissioners signedoff the decision on Wednesday, 20 May <strong>2009</strong>. If a copy of the decision isrequired please the <strong>Committee</strong> Secretary on 836 8000 ext: 8820.

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