Download May-June 2009 issue - Walvis Bay Corridor Group

Download May-June 2009 issue - Walvis Bay Corridor Group

Download May-June 2009 issue - Walvis Bay Corridor Group

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TRUCK STOPS TO IMPROVE TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTUREALONG THE WALVIS BAY CORRIDORSThe <strong>Walvis</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> <strong>Group</strong> ( WBCG ) in conjunctionwith the Worcester Polytechnic Institute( W PI ) , Massachusetts, USA, conducted a feasibilitystudy recently on the establishment of truck stopsalong the <strong>Walvis</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>s. The purpose for thestudy was to determine which services are deemednecessary available to truck drivers utilizing the<strong>Walvis</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>s and to determine strategic locationsfor the truck stops along the corridors. With theincrease in traffic along the corridors it has becomeimperative to further improve the transport infrastructurealong the <strong>Walvis</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>s, by establishingtrucks stops and upgrading existing ones to ensure acomfortable and safe environment for the truck driversand their consignments, whilst resting. In addition,the study was conducted to determine whichexisting service stations could potentially be convertedinto truck stops.The concept to establish truck stops resulted from thelack of full-service truck stops in Namibia. Currentlytruck drivers have to stop at multiple locations tosleep, eat a full meal, shower, or get general healthcare services when travelling long distances. Withthe absence of these facilities, the <strong>Walvis</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>sbecome challenging to travel along these vastdistances between urban settlements. Furthermore,according to the study the establishment of truckstops at the main borders of the <strong>Walvis</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>sand other key locations would make it a viable optionfor the effective use of these truck stops. Based onthe surveys the interviews pointed out the need forenvisaged full-service truck stops to feature the followingrange of services, inter alia, shower facilities,adequate ablution facilities, take-ways, conveniencestores, diesel fuel, maintenance garage, leisure facilities,wellness centres, banking ( ATMs ) , restaurants,bed & breakfast facilities and pay phones.Secured parking should be a key imperative atthese truck stops to safeguard the truck, deter theftof diesel fuel from the truck and more importantlythe consignments being transported.With the envisaged expansion of the Port of <strong>Walvis</strong><strong>Bay</strong> and the anticipated increase in traffic, it is imperativeto ensure that truck stops help us mitigatesafety and security <strong>issue</strong>s along the <strong>Walvis</strong> <strong>Bay</strong><strong>Corridor</strong>s.The establishment of robust truck stops along ourtrade routes will not only benefit the investors, financialstakeholders and local municipalities butwill have economic spin-offs such as job creationas well as supporting the informal sectors andother entrepreneurs. Henceforth, WBCG supportsthe establishment of truck stops along the <strong>Walvis</strong><strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>s as a matter of priority.Photo: Proposed Layoutof a truck stop7The leading trade route in southern Africa

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