Number 10, December 1991 - International Permafrost Association

Number 10, December 1991 - International Permafrost Association

Number 10, December 1991 - International Permafrost Association

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J.R. Mackay noted that they had been contacted byProfessors V.N. Konishchev and N.N. Romanovskiyof Moscow State University regarding the preparationand publication of a Russian-English Glossary of<strong>Permafrost</strong> Terms. The proposal is an ambitious oneand would require financial help. H.M. French agreedto try to obtain further information, including the relationshipof the proposed project to the TerminologyWorking Group.<strong>International</strong> Affiliations: ICSU (<strong>International</strong> Councilof Scientific Unions) asked IPA to help review theactivities ofIGBP (<strong>International</strong> Geosphere-BiosphereProgramme). The review is in progress with short reportsto be prepared by early September, under the directionof J. Brown and H.M. French.Nominating Committee: The President appointed anominating committee in June 1990. The three membersare: F. Dramis (Italy, Chairman), J.A. Heginbottom(Canada) andMadame Zhou Youwu (China). ThePresident reviewed the nominating procedure as givenin Bylaw No. 2 of the Constitution. The nominatingcommittee has been asked to prepare a list of nomineesfor the next Council Meeting in August 1992, Washington,D.C.VI <strong>International</strong> Conference on <strong>Permafrost</strong>: G.D.Cheng reviewed the status of the Conference. Morethan <strong>10</strong>00 copies of the announcement have been distributedand upward of 120 positive replies werereceived. Approximately 60% of those who respondedchose the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau tour. There werenumerous positive suggestions as to the best ways ofensuring a widespread distribution of the First Bulle-tin. G.D. Cheng suggested that some of the WorkingGroups (e.g. Mountain <strong>Permafrost</strong>, Foundations,Present Global Change and <strong>Permafrost</strong>) participate inthe sessions by organizing panels, discussions, andspecial sessions as suggested by Chinese OrganizingCommittee (COC). Council members responded positivelyto the suggestion. Men-tion was also made of aSymposium to be organized by A.E. Corte.The venue of the VI Conference is under investigationby the COC. Council expressed the view that, if possible,accommodation be such that participants bothwith and without access to hard currency' could behoused either in the same complex or, if not in thesame complex, at least close enough to each other topermit personal contacts. Funding issues, registrationcosts, etc. were among numerous topics upon whichthere were wide ranging discussions.Future Meetings: The next Executive Committeeand Council Meetings are planned for early August1992 at Washington, D.C., U.S.A., just prior to the<strong>International</strong> Geographical Congress.VII <strong>International</strong> .<strong>Permafrost</strong> Conference: H.M.French re-affirmed Canada's interest in hosting theVII conference in 1998, provisionally at Yellowknife,N.W.T., Canada. French stated that a decision willlikely be taken late in <strong>1991</strong>.Report based on draft minutes byJ. Ross Mackay,IPA Secretary General.Participants in the Council Meeting of <strong>International</strong><strong>Permafrost</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, July 31-August 1, <strong>1991</strong>, Beijing, China.Left to right: Cheng Guodong, Vice President,China; Francesco Dramis, Representative. Italy;Shi Yafeng, Representative. China; J. RossMackay,Secretary-General, Canada; Troy L.Pkwe, President, U.S.A.; E. Derbyshire, ProxyRepresentative, U.K.; Lorenz King, Representative,Germany; Hugh French, Representative,Canada; Qui Guoqing, Representative, China.Not in photograph: P. Haesaerts, Proxy Representadve,Belgium. (Ptwk photograph No. PK29,766, July 31, <strong>1991</strong>.)4 Frozen Ground

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