OH_Annual_Report_200.. - Odyssey House

OH_Annual_Report_200.. - Odyssey House

OH_Annual_Report_200.. - Odyssey House

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staff and residentsworking together likeone big happy familyassessment and referral centreA four to six week assessment program assists staff andclients in deciding the most appropriate method oftreatment for the problems of each individual. During thisperiod a complete assessment is made of each person’smedical, physical, psychological, educational and vocationalhistory.The client develops, with staff and peers, a long and shorttermtreatment plan. At the end of the assessment, twooptions are available. The person may choose to enter intoa subsequent treatment service at <strong>Odyssey</strong> <strong>House</strong>, includingeither the residential program or the non-residentialcounselling programs, as deemed suitable. Alternatively, areferral is made to a different type of service that is deemedsuitable to meet the individual needs of that person.<strong>Odyssey</strong> <strong>House</strong> accepts referrals from suburban, regionaland rural New South Wales and other states.Health agencies, medical professionals, parents, counsellors,court personnel, the judiciary, police and family membersare just some of the people involved in referring individualsto <strong>Odyssey</strong> <strong>House</strong>. There are also many self-referred clients.<strong>Odyssey</strong> <strong>House</strong> is closely linked to professional groups suchas the Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies, theAustralasian Therapeutic Communities Association, theWorld Federation of Therapeutic Communities, the LawSociety of NSW, as well as the Alcohol and Other DrugsCouncil of Australia.Highlights• Upgrade of the office facilities through the acquisition ofnew office furniture and computers.• Addition of educational resources to assist newerresidents to the program better understand programconcepts.• Establishment of an Occupational Health and Safety(<strong>OH</strong>&S) committee which is part of the overall <strong>OH</strong>&Scommittee. All members (15) were trained andaccredited over the course of the year.• Addition of new clinical interventions for Koori residents,Mingu Yabun group; Young Adults group, for residentsaged 18-25; and establishment of a Dual Diagnosis groupto assist residents with mental health issues.• Staff attended training workshops on:- Sexual abuse training- Human Resources Management- Policy and Procedure writing- Australian Treatment Outcome Study – datacollection- Drug and alcohol issues in Middle Eastern culture.Major works took place to upgrade the bathroom andshowers; to test and tag all electrical appliances; establishedan entertainment centre with DVD, amplifier and soundsystem.ODYSSEY HOUSE152006ANNUAL REPORT

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