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accident and the cleanup work still remains to be completed. The media and the public are beginning toquestion both the federal government’s and the city’s response to the problem.The American air strikes on Iraq (or North Korea), in retaliation for the country’s refusal to agree toweapons inspections, are scheduled to begin two days from now…It is on this day that the offshore decontamination facility is captured by members of Dead Cell (a NavySEALs anti-terrorism training unit), after they occupied the plant under the guise of conducting a drill.They have also taken hostage the President as well as a VIP from an environmental group, both of whowere there inspecting the plant at the time.This is a critically important time for the President, with the deadline for confirming the air strikes fastapproaching.The terrorists, having planted C4 explosives around the plant, order the surrounding area cleared. Shouldthe facility explode, it would turn the entire harbor into an inferno and render the city of New Yorkuninhabitable for half a century.Their first demand is the release of the Genome Soldiers, imprisoned after the Shadow Moses incident.Several hours after the FBI and the NYPD finish closing off the area, an unidentified unit (Gurlukovich’sprivate army) consisting of several hundred soldiers lands on the plant.The terrorists are calling themselves the ‘Sons of Liberty’, and the name of their leader is Solid Snake. Thehistorical Sons of Liberty called their leader ‘King’, and would disguise themselves as sailors and laborers,causing destruction and uprisings.What are the terrorists after? What are their objectives?The last member of FOXHOUND, codenamed Raiden (a rookie), is ordered to infiltrate the plant.(Although in actuality, FOXHOUND no longer exists.)In truthThe offshore plant was not built to clean up the crude oil leaked into the water. It was built as a means ofsecretly recovering the sunken Arsenal Ship (namely its top-secret materials) and constructing and testingArsenal Metal Gear near Manhattan. The oil fence and the oil in the water are both fake.The official storyIn addition to its decontamination faculties, the offshore plant was also built to extract all the heavy <strong>metal</strong>s(minerals), such as lithium and nickel, which are constantly leaked into the harbor’s water from themanganese nodules on the seabed. Its purpose is not only to clean up the oil, but to excavate the massiveamounts of natural resources present in the water as well. This top-secret, ground-breaking technology hasprofound implications for the future of the country. It is even said that gold can be extracted fromseawater. The inexhaustible supply of gold this could mean would have an incalculable effect on the globaleconomy.The terrorists (Dead Cell) plan to use a nuclear warhead to destroy digital money and obtain securitythrough gold (this differs from Solidus’s plan).An overview of changes to the game systemPage 21

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