Bioinspired Materials for Self-Cleaning and Self-Healing - Sottos ...

Bioinspired Materials for Self-Cleaning and Self-Healing - Sottos ...

Bioinspired Materials for Self-Cleaning and Self-Healing - Sottos ...

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<strong>Bioinspired</strong> <strong>Materials</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Cleaning</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Healing</strong>Lichao Gao Jan Genzer Abraham Marmur Thomas J. McCarthy Gareth H. McKinleymolecular engineering atNorth Carolina StateUniversity (NCSU).He earned his “Diplomaengineer”degree inchemical <strong>and</strong> materialsengineering from theInstitute of ChemicalTechnology in Prague,Czech Republic, in 1989,<strong>and</strong> his PhD degree inmaterials science <strong>and</strong>engineering from theUniversity ofPennsylvania in 1996.Afterward, Genzer spenttwo <strong>and</strong> a half years as apostdoctoral Fellow atCornell University <strong>and</strong>the University ofCali<strong>for</strong>nia–Santa Barbara.In the fall of 1998, hejoined the faculty ofChemical Engineering atNCSU as an assistantprofessor. In addition tohis appointment atNCSU, Genzer is anadjunct professor at theNorwegian University ofScience <strong>and</strong> Technologyin Trondheim, Norway.His group at NCSUactively pursues experimental<strong>and</strong> computersimulation research tounderst<strong>and</strong> the behaviorof polymers <strong>and</strong>oligomers at interfaces<strong>and</strong> in confined geometries,with particularemphasis on self-assembly,<strong>for</strong>ced assembly, <strong>and</strong>combinatorial methods.Genzer is a member ofthe editorial boards ofthe Annual Review of<strong>Materials</strong> Research,Polymer, MacromolecularChemistry & Physics,Macromolecular Theory &Simulations, <strong>and</strong> Journal ofDispersion Science <strong>and</strong>Technology. Also, he is aFellow of the AmericanPhysical Society (APS).Genzer’s honors includethe Camille DreyfusTeacher-Scholar Award,the Sigma Xi researchaward, the NationalScience Foundation(NSF) CAREER award,the John H. DillonAward of the APS, theNSF Award <strong>for</strong> SpecialCreativity, <strong>and</strong> NCSU’sOutst<strong>and</strong>ing Teacheraward.Abraham Marmur is aprofessor of chemicalengineering at theTechnion—IsraelInstitute of Technology.He received his DScdegree from the Technionin 1974. Marmur thenspent two years as apostdoctoral researcherat the State University ofNew York at Buffalo.Later, he was a visitingassociate professor atthe University ofWisconsin–Madison <strong>and</strong>a visiting scientist at theIBM Almaden ResearchCenter. Marmur has beenworking in the field ofinterfacial phenomena<strong>for</strong> about 30 years, haspublished extensively inthis field <strong>and</strong> relatedresearch areas, <strong>and</strong> hasconsulted <strong>for</strong> major companies.Marmur also hasparticipated in manyinternational conferences<strong>and</strong> has been active inlecturing in universities<strong>and</strong> industrial sites inmany countries. At theTechnion, professorMarmur received awards<strong>for</strong> excellence in research<strong>and</strong> teaching. In addition,he was an editor ofReviews in ChemicalEngineering, <strong>and</strong> was onthe advisory committeesof Journal of Colloid <strong>and</strong>Interface Science <strong>and</strong>Journal of Adhesion Science<strong>and</strong> Technology.Thomas J. McCarthycan be reached at theDepartment of PolymerScience <strong>and</strong> Enginee -ring, University ofMassachusetts, Amherst,MA 01003, USA; tel. 413-577-1512, fax 413-577-1510, <strong>and</strong> e-mailtmccarthy@polysci.unmass.edu.McCarthy is a facultymember in the PolymerScience <strong>and</strong> Enginee -ring Department at theUniversity ofMassachusetts Amherst.He received his BSdegree in chemistry fromthe University ofMassachusetts in 1978<strong>and</strong> his PhD degree inorganic chemistry fromthe MassachusettsInstitute of Technologyin 1982. McCarthy’sresearch has involvedvarious aspects of polymersurface <strong>and</strong> interfacescience, metal <strong>and</strong> metaloxide surface chemistry,polymers <strong>and</strong> supercriticalfluids, <strong>and</strong> polymers<strong>and</strong> ionic liquids.Gareth H. McKinleyis the School ofEngineering professorof teaching innovationwithin the Department ofMechanical Engineeringat the MassachusettsInstitution of Technology(MIT). He also is thedirector of the Programin Polymer Science <strong>and</strong>Technology at MIT, <strong>and</strong>head of the HatsopoulosMicrofluids Laboratory.He received his BAdegree in 1985 <strong>and</strong> hisMEng degree in 1986, aswell as degrees from theUniversity of Cambridge<strong>and</strong> his PhD degree in1991 from the ChemicalEngineering Departmentat MIT. He is a cofounder<strong>and</strong> member ofthe board of directors ofCambridge PolymerGroup. McKinley’sresearch interests includeextensional rheology ofcomplex fluids, non-Newtonian fluid dynamics,microrheology,field-responsive fluids,super-hydrophobicity,<strong>and</strong> the development ofnanocomposite materials.Jeffrey S. Moore is theMurchison-MalloryChair in Chemistry at theUniversity of Illinois. Hereceived his BS degree inchemistry in 1984 <strong>and</strong> hisPhD degree in materialsscience in 1989—bothfrom the University ofIllinois. After postdoctoralstudies at theCali<strong>for</strong>nia Institute ofTechnology <strong>and</strong> be<strong>for</strong>ereturning to theUniversity of Illinois in1993, Moore began hisindependent career at theUniversity of Michigan.Moore’s research nowfocuses on molecularself-assembly, macromoleculararchitecture, <strong>and</strong>self-healing polymers.Michael F. Rubner iscurrently the TDKProfessor of Polymer<strong>Materials</strong> Science <strong>and</strong>Engineering, within theDepartment of <strong>Materials</strong>Science <strong>and</strong> Engineeringat the MassachusettsInstitution of Technology(MIT), <strong>and</strong> the director ofMIT’s National ScienceFoundation supportedCenter <strong>for</strong> <strong>Materials</strong>Science <strong>and</strong> Engineering.He received his undergraduatedegree in chemistryfrom the Universityof Lowell, summa cumlaude, in 1982. Rubnerearned his PhD degree inpolymer science from theDepartment of <strong>Materials</strong>Science <strong>and</strong> Engineeringat MIT in 1986. Whilepursuing his undergraduate<strong>and</strong> graduatedegrees, Rubner alsoworked as a full-timestaff member in GTELaboratories. Hisresearch interests includethe molecular-level processing<strong>and</strong> electrical,740 MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 33 • AUGUST 2008 • www.mrs.org/bulletin

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