Annual Report - CoBank

Annual Report - CoBank

Annual Report - CoBank

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We are limited to making loans and providing relatedfinancial solutions to eligible borrowers in certain specifiedindustry sectors, as mandated by the Farm Credit Act. As aresult, we have a concentration of loans to the agricultural andrural infrastructure industries. The significant risk factorsaffecting credit conditions in these industries within each ofour operating segments are described below.AgribusinessA general slowdown in the global economy and therelationship of demand for and supply of U.S. agriculturalproducts in a global marketplace can significantly impact thevolume, earnings and loan quality of our Agribusinessportfolio. In addition, changes in credit markets can affect ourability to buy and sell loans in this portfolio.The levels and price volatility of agricultural commoditiesresulting from, among other factors, seasonal weatherconditions, changes in the production levels of ethanol,financial investment in the commodity futures markets bynon-agricultural interests and changing export markets canimpact the profitability and loan quality of a significantportion of our Agribusiness customers.Major international events, including military conflicts,terrorism, political disruptions or trade agreements can affect,among other things, the price of commodities or productsused or sold by our borrowers or their access to markets. Inaddition, biological or disease risk, such as avian influenza orH1N1 virus, in human or livestock populations can impact thesupply of and demand for agricultural products.The U.S. agricultural sector receives significant financialsupport from the U.S. government through paymentsauthorized under federal legislation. While U.S. governmentsupport for agriculture has been consistent, there is noassurance that such financial support will remain at currentlevels. Although most of our customers do not generallyreceive direct payments from the federal support programs, asignificant reduction or elimination of such support wouldhave a negative impact on the loan quality of certainborrowers who derive a significant share of their earningsfrom farmers affected by such a reduction. Other political,legislative and regulatory activities may also impact the level orexistence of certain government programs.Strategic RelationshipsApproximately $15.3 billion of our total loan portfolio atDecember 31, 2009 represented direct loans to our affiliatedAssociations and participations in the direct loans of nonaffiliatedAssociations. The risk factors discussed in the“Agribusiness” section above can also impact the loan qualityof Associations and their customers. As noted previously, theloan quality of our Strategic Relationships portfolio isenhanced by our strong collateral position and the earnings,capital and reserves of the Associations that provide us abuffer from losses in their respective loan portfolios. Thecredit quality of our affiliated Associations’ loan portfolios ismore fully discussed in the Supplemental District FinancialInformation on page 88.Rural InfrastructureWe fund the construction, operations and maintenanceactivities of rural energy, communications and watercompanies. A general slowdown in the U.S. economy canreduce industrial and residential demand for services andnegatively affect customers in our Rural Infrastructureportfolio. Changes in credit markets can also impact our abilityto buy and sell loans in this portfolio.Fluctuating weather conditions can adversely affect ourcustomers in the energy industry. The pace and degree of therestructuring of the electric energy industry in the UnitedStates, including the need for additional generating capacityand the lack of open access transmission, may also impact thefuture loan quality of our energy loans. Further, futureconstraints on carbon emissions and other environmentalstandards could adversely impact customers in our energyportfolio.The communications industry is affected by significantcompetition. Regulatory, legislative and technological changesmay impact the future competitive position and markets forthe communications industry. These factors may placedownward pressure on the loan quality of certain sectors ofthe communications industry. In addition, decreased cashflows in today’s economic environment, the inability tosuccessfully integrate merged or acquired companies, or thelack of availability of debt and equity capital could adverselyaffect certain customers in our communications portfolio.Credit Quality Conditions and Measurements inOur Loan PortfolioOur loan quality declined in 2009 as the global recessioncontinued to impact certain sectors of our agribusiness andcommunications portfolios. Loans classified in the highestloan quality classification, pursuant to the FCA’s UniformLoan Classification System, decreased to 95.8 percent of thetotal loan portfolio at December 31, 2009, compared to 97.2percent at December 31, 2008. Adversely classified loans(substandard and doubtful) increased from 1.56 percent oftotal loans at December 31, 2008 to 2.17 percent atDecember 31, 2009. The following table presents loans andrelated accrued interest receivable classified pursuant to ourregulator’s Uniform Loan Classification System, as a percentof total loans and related accrued interest.Loan Quality RatiosDecember 31, 2009 2008 2007Acceptable 95.83 % 97.20 % 97.00 %Other Assets EspeciallyMentioned 2.00 1.24 1.61Substandard 2.02 1.50 1.38Doubtful 0.15 0.06 0.01Loss - - -Total 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 %<strong>CoBank</strong> 2009 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>40

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