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IAESTEs jobbkatalog 2013Opplag: 7400Trykkeri: Grøset Trykk AS99 45 65 00firmapost@groset.noMed forbehold om trykkfeil i jobbannonsene.Nettsiden www.iaeste.no/jobb er gjeldende ved eventuelle avvik.2Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

InnledningJeg hadde en gang en samtale med en amerikaner i Paris. Han var kommetdit for å studere i et semester, i likhet med meg. I en av våre lange lunsjpauserdiskuterte vi forskjellen mellom Frankrike og USA. Hvorfor var bilene så dyreher, lurte han på. Hvordan klarte man seg uten frokost i dette landet? Oghvorfor kunne ikke pariserne være litt mer utadvendte, selvutleverende..amerikanske? Det var da vår chilenske venn tok ordet. Han hadde sittet oglyttet til samtalen. Engelsken var ustø, og han tenkte nøye gjennom hversetning før han uttalte den. ”Hvis du kom hit og trodde at alt skulle være som iUSA, har du bomma, kompis. Da kunne du like gjerne blitt hjemme.”Det blir nok aldri noen eventyrer av vår amerikanske venn. Men en ting fikk vihan til å innrømme mot slutten av <strong>opp</strong>holdet. Han var glad for at han haddekommet. Hadde han ikke gjort det, ville han aldri ha skjønt hvor glad han vari hjemlandet.Lykke til med søkingen!Vennlig hilsenIngrid MyhrUtvekslingskoordinatorIAESTE Norgewww.iaeste.no/jobb3

InnholdKontaktinfoFAQsReisebrevStipendSøknadsprosessenSlik leser du jobbannonsene5910131417JobbeneArchitecture and DesignChemistry, Biotechnology and BiologyCivil EngineeringComputer ScienceEconomy and ManagementEnergy and Electrical engineeringGeosciencesMathematicsMaterial ScienceMechanical EngineeringOffshore and Naval EngineeringPhysicsAbonner på jobberNotaterBli med i IAESTE1821273237404648505258616465674Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

KontaktinfoLurer du på noe?Har du spørsmål om jobbene, søknadsprosessen ellernominasjon, ta kontakt med din lokale utvekslingsansvarlig.Har du spørsmål om abbonering på jobber, stipend elleraksept fra arbeidsgiver, ta kontakt med en av de nasjonaleutvekslingsansvarlige.Nasjonale utvekslingsansvarligeUtvekslingskoordinatorIngrid MyhrMobil: (+47) 95806152Mail: outgoing@iaeste.noUtvekslingsansvarligAnine DragesetMobil: (+47) 40294131Mail: outgoing@iaeste.nowww.iaeste.no/jobb5

KontaktinfoLokale utvekslingsansvarligeUtvekslingsansvarlig BergenKaroline FanebustMobil: (+47) 97659386IAESTE Bergen: (+47) 55582756Mail: uabergen@iaeste.noUtvekslingsansvarlig GrimstadFredrik Kooijman DørrMobil: (+47) 91510323IAESTE Grimstad: (+47) 37233470Mail: uagrimstad@iaeste.noUtvekslingsansvarlig OsloFredrik WesenlundMobil: (+47) 98660213IAESTE Oslo: (+47) 22855069Mail: uaoslo@iaeste.no6Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

KontaktinfoUtvekslingsansvarlig StavangerSaljuk DizajMobil: (+47) 90569709IAESTE Stavanger: (+47) 51832331Mail: uastavanger@iaeste.noUtvekslingsansvarlig TromsøYngve GuttormsenMobil: (+47) 97099695Mail: uatromso@iaeste.noUtvekslingsansvarlig TrondheimRebecca Celine LundqvistMobil: (+47) 93039632IAESTE Trondheim: (+47) 73591015Mail: uatrondheim@iaeste.noUtvekslingsansvarlig ÅsIngrid Marie AndersenMobil: (+47) 48099671IAESTE Ås: (+47) 64966377Mail: uaaas@iaeste.nowww.iaeste.no/jobb7

KontaktinfoKontortiderBergen:Vi holder til i UNIFOB sine gamle lokale i første etasje i Realfagbygget.Kontortid 20, 22 og 25. februar kl 10-16.Grimstad:Kontoret ligger i andre etasje på Bluebox, og er åpent kl 10-14 alle hverdager iutlysningsperioden.Oslo:Kontoret ligger ved pendelen i fysikkbygningen og er åpent mandager 11-13,onsdager 10-12 og fredager 11-13.Stavanger:Paviliong 9, bak sykepleiebygget. Gå til høyre for lærerbygget når du går fra AR.Paviliong 9 er et blått bygg. Gå inn inngangen til venstre og <strong>opp</strong> en trapp.Kontortid 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 22 og 25. februar fra 12-15.Tromsø:Kontoret ligger ved Cafe Bodega (Teorifagbygget) og er åpent 4, 11, 18, 20 og 25.februar kl 12-14. Tidspunkt kan også avtales på mail eller telefon.Trondheim:Kontoret ligger i <strong>2.</strong> etg på Stripa. Mellom biblioteket og orakel-tjenesten. Se etterIAESTE logoen på døra.Kontoret er åpent alle hverdager i utlysningsperioden mellom kl 9-15.Ås:Kontoret ligger i <strong>2.</strong> etasje over Posten med inngang på baksiden av bygget.Kontortid 13, 19, 20 og 21. februar kl 12-14, og 25. februar kl 12-16.8Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

FAQsFAQsHvem kan søke på IAESTE-jobb?Alle som er registrert som student ved et lærested i Norge kansøke. Man trenger ikke å ha norsk statsborgerskap. Dersom mantil vanlig studerer i Norge, men er på utveksling i utlandet, kanman søke gjennom IAESTE Norge.Hva kan jeg forvente å tjene ved å dra på IAESTEjobb?De aller fleste land har et lavere lønnsnivå enn Norge. IAESTE Norgetilbyr et stipend til jobber der lønnen ikke forventes å dekke leve- ogbokostnader. Beløpet står i jobbeskrivelsen.Må jeg skaffe bolig selv?I de aller fleste tilfeller ordner IAESTE i mottakslandet dette. Du må somregel betale husleien selv.Kan jeg ta kontakt med arbeidsgiver for å vite merom hva jobben går ut på?Nei, kontakt med arbeidsgiver eller IAESTE i mottakslandet er begrensettil studenter som har blitt akseptert. Dette er for at arbeidsgiver skalvurdere søknaden på et objektivt grunnlag.Hva menes med relevante attester?Med relevante attester menes kun attester fra jobber/verv som kan værerelevante for jobben du søker på.www.iaeste.no/jobb9

ReisebrevReisebrev fra MongoliaVåren 2012 hadde jegto valg: være i Norge og ha envanlig sommerjobb med litt ferie,eller reise ut på et eventyr utenlike med IAESTE. Jeg valgte detsiste, og gjett om jeg er glad fordet! En bedre sommer må en letelenge etter!Jeg studerer bioteknologi, og denmest interessante jobben for megvar i Ulan Bator (hovedstaden iMongolia). ”Mongolia?!”, tenkerdu kanskje. ”Hva annet har de åtilby der enn endeløse sletter, fjellog litt Chinggis Khaan-historie?”Jeg tenkte noe liknende førjeg dro, men etter å ha bodd iMongolia i 7 uker kan jeg skriveunder på at dette landet kan bypå så mye, mye mer!Jeg jobbet på 2 ulikesykehuslaboratorier og analysertekliniske prøver. Teknikkene debenyttet var ganske varierte, ogjeg fikk prøve alt sammen. Jegfikk gjøre stort sett alt jeg spurteom, og jeg fikk til og med lov tilå være med og observere underåpen hjertekirurgi og øyekirurgi! Iutgangspunktet skulle jeg jobbe i6 uker, men siden hele Mongolia10Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Reisebrevvar i fellesferiemodus ble dettenoe kortet ned. Hvilket gav megmer tid til å reise og <strong>opp</strong>levelandet!Lønnen var ikke så myeå skryte av, men på jobb medIAESTE får en lønn i helt annenvaluta: venner! Kollegaene minevar stort sett mongoler, noenpå min egen alder og andreeldre. Felles for dem alle vargjestfriheten. Jeg ble flere gangerinvitert med på middager ellerhelgeturer til landsbygda. I tilleggvar vi ca 15 IAESTE-studentersom jobbet i Ulan Bator, alle fraforskjellige land i Europa. Vi varsammen hele tiden utenom jobb;sightseeing, reising og middagerom kveldene. Hvem trenger velsøvn?Vi red på hester,besteg små fjellt<strong>opp</strong>er, sov hosnomadefamilier og testet nestenhver eneste restaurant/utestedi Ulan Bator. Oppholdet bleavsluttet med en 15-dagersturgjennom Gobiørkenen ogSentralmongolia sammen med 3andre IAESTE-studenter. Vi reistegjennom ørken, fjell, sletter, såde mest utrolige solnedgangerog nattehimler, red på hester,gikk fjelltur, så fossefall, vi sovhos ordentlige nomadefamilier,besøkte templer og møttebuddhistmunker.Etter 7 uker i Mongoliakan jeg se tilbake på en sommermed mye reising, relevantarbeidserfaring, latter og gledeog utrolig mange nye venner.www.iaeste.no/jobb11

ReisebrevVi hadde det faktisk så gøy atvi møttes og feiret nyttårsaftensammen i Brüssel et halvt åretterpå! Så hvis du vil ha relevantarbeidserfaring og samtidig få en<strong>opp</strong>levelse- og venner for livet eret IAESTE-<strong>opp</strong>hold noe for deg!- Guro Kruge Urdalmasterstudent i bioteknologi/molekylærbiologi vedUniversitetet for Miljø ogBiovitenskapIAESTEs rapportdatabaseEr du nysgjerrig på hvordan tidligere utreisende studenterhar hatt det på sin IAESTE-jobb i utlandet?Besøk nettsiden vår og la deg inspirere!www.iaeste.no/rapporter12Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

StipendStipendFor noen jobber er lønnsnivået lavt i forhold til reise- ogleve-kostnadene. IAESTE deler derfor ut stipend til enkeltejobber. Størrelsen på stipendet står nærmere beskrevet ijobbannonsene.Du kan søke på stipendet når du har fått aksept fra arbeidsgiver.IAESTE-stipendet betales ut noen dager før avreise. Kvittering påbetalt billett må fremvises for å få stipendet utbetalt, men du vil fåutbetalt hele det tildelte stipendet uavhengig av reisekostnadene dine.Dersom du har hatt store, uventede kostnader i løpet avarbeids<strong>opp</strong>holdet er det også mulig å søke om et ekstraordinærtstipend etter at arbeids<strong>opp</strong>holdet er over.Erasmus-stipendDersom du skal jobbe i mer enn 3 måneder i europa, kan det hendedu også har rett på stipend fra Erasmus. Ta kontakt med din lokaleutvekslingsansvarlige for å høre hvordan du søker på dette.www.iaeste.no/jobb13

SøknadsprosessenSøknadsprosessenpå 1-2-31. Opprett profilGå til våre nettsider www.iaeste.no/portal og trykk på ny bruker.NB! Dersom du har søkt på IAESTE-jobb tidligere kan det hende at duallerde har en profil. Da kan du trykke på glemt passord og få tilgang tilbrukeren din.Når du har <strong>opp</strong>rettet en profil, må du også <strong>opp</strong>rette enstudentprofil med informasjon om hva du studerer. Trykkpå utveksling, og jobbsøkerprofil i margen til venstre.14Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Søknadsprosessen<strong>2.</strong> <strong>Last</strong> <strong>opp</strong> <strong>dokumenter</strong>For å søke må du laste <strong>opp</strong> et sett med standard<strong>dokumenter</strong>, som skallegges ved alle søknadene dine.Det gjør du ved å trykke på mine <strong>dokumenter</strong> nederst på siden somheter Jobbsøkerprofil.Alle dokumentene må være på engelsk, og i formatet PDF.1. CV: Bør følge samme standard som ved jobbsøking i Norge.<strong>2.</strong> Karakterer: Karakterutskrift på engelsk av alle relevante fag du har tattpå universitets/høgskole-nivå.3. Karakterbeskrivelse: Beskrivelse av den norske karakterskalaen blirautomatisk lagt til søknaden din. Dersom du har tatt fag i andre land må duogså laste <strong>opp</strong> en engelsk beskrivelse av karakterskalaen der.4. Fagbeskrivelse: Velg ut de fagene du har tatt som er relevante forjobben du søker på, og skriv en kort beskrivelse av innholdet. Dette finnerdu på hjemmesiden til ditt lærested.5. Eventuelt relevante attester: Her laster du <strong>opp</strong> attester som errelevante for jobbene du søker på. Dersom attestene er på norsk, mådu selv skrive en oversettelse. Denne må signeres av en lokal IAESTErepresentant.www.iaeste.no/jobb15

Søknadsprosessen3. Finn jobber og søk!Når du har lastet <strong>opp</strong> standarddokumentene kan du legge til hvilkejobber du vil søke på. De tilgjengelige jobbene finner du ved å trykke påvis jobber.Når du har funnet en jobb du vil søke på, trykker du på legg tilsøknadsliste nederst på jobb-beskrivelsen. Du kan søke på maks 5jobber.Når du har valgt ut jobbene du vil søke på, trykker du på søk jobb. Davelger du prioriteringsrekkefølge.Videre må du laste <strong>opp</strong> et spesifikt søknadsbrev for hver jobb du skalsøke på. Dette må være på engelsk, helst ikke mer enn en side og iformatet PDF. Dersom det står i jobbeskrivelsen at jobben krever noentilleggs<strong>dokumenter</strong>, kan du laste <strong>opp</strong> de under andre <strong>dokumenter</strong>.I det siste steget må du fylle inn ønsket arbeidsperiode. Dette er ikkeden endelige perioden, men når du har mulighet til å jobbe. Pass på atperioden og antall uker passer med alle jobbene du har søkt på.Til slutt:Trykk send søknad!16Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Slik leser du jobbannonseneSlik leser dujobbannonseneJobbdestinasjonField of study:Study Level:StudieretningHvilket årstrinnarbeidsgiver ønsker atstudenten er påJob ID:Languages:Company: Arbeidsgiver som tilbyr jobb Specialization: FagområdeJobbensreferansenummerKrav til språkbeherskelse. En vanlignorsk student snakker “excellentEnglish”Working place: By/sted Business: Hvilken bransje bedriften er iWork offered:Duration(weeks):Within period:Jobbeskrivelsen forteller deg hva jobben innebærer samt hvilke kvalifikasjoner du bør ha somsøkerTilbudt lengde påarbeidsperiodenTidsrommet hvor arbeidsukene må finne stedSalary:Her <strong>opp</strong>gis lønnen, dette <strong>opp</strong>gis i lokalvalutaLiving & lodging cost: Utgifter for husleie og mat IAESTE-stipend: Les mer om dette på s.13Other requirements: Annen informasjon/kravPå de påfølgende sidene finner du jobbene for 2013. Vær <strong>opp</strong>merksom påat studiet ditt/spesialiseringen din kan passe inn under flere av fagområdenesom vi har delt jobbene inn i. Mer informasjon om hver enkelt jobb finner dupå iaeste.no/jobb.www.iaeste.no/jobb17

Architecture and DesignArchitecture and DesignArkitekturIndustriell designByggdesignArgentina Job ID: A-19-13-SFField of study: ArchitectureStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Estudio Biaggioni Specialization:Working place: Santa Fe City Business: Architectural designWork offered: Development of architectural projects, design and technical specifications. Work monitoring.Duration(weeks): 9 - 12 Salary: ARS 2000/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.11.2013Living & lodging cost: ARS 1200/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 3000Other requirements:Knowledge of architectural software (Autocad, Sketchup Up).18Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Architecture and DesignChina Job ID: CHN2013-CDG-03Field of study:ArchitectureStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: CDG Group Specialization: Architecture design, large-scale architectureWorking place: Changzhou Business: ARCHITECTURE DESIGNWork offered:Possible tasks:- Assisting senior architects with day to day needs- conduct research and analysis on market environment and current trends- Work on designing competitions- On-site visitation and analysis- Generating architectural concepts- Mock-ups and physical modeling- Work involving few hand sketching- Work involving 2D/3D-design (rendering)- Assisting with client presentations- Attend business conferences and meetings- Preparing for presentations and pitchesThe trainee must be open minded, innovative, and keen to contribute, and appreciate variouscultural activities organized by the company.Duration(weeks): 10 - 13 Salary: CNY 2000/monthWithin period: 15.06.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: CNY 1750/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 3000Other requirements:It is necessary for the intern to provide the portfolio to CDG Group in advance to show his/herown understanding and taste in designing. This can be sent by e-mail to IAESTE Norway whenapplying.- CDG Group are searching for interns who have a certain awareness for large-scalearchitectures.- CDG Group truly hope interns can be involved in a whole project during their internship.Depending on project needs, interns may be required to make short business trips with managersor senior architects.www.iaeste.no/jobb19

Architecture and DesignChina Job ID: CHN2013-XY-21Field of study:Economics, Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering, Product DesignStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: XINGYU CO., LTD Specialization:Working place: Changzhou City Business: Automotive LightsWork offered:The work will be adapted to the students background and interest.Possible tasks:- Lighting structure design.- Experiments for welding of housing and lens materials- Prepare testing plans for lamps- Involvement in company production and manufacturing process- Technical and economic evaluation of projects- Identify potential international markets/customersDuration(weeks): 8 - 9 Salary: CNY 2500/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 30.06.2013Living & lodging cost: CNY 1750/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 2000Other requirements:Graduate school student is preferred.Russia Job ID: R/2-11Field of study:ArchitectureStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Architectural StudioManipulazione InternazionaleSpecialization:Working place: Moscow Business:Work offered:- Architectural design- Computer designing- Town planning and urban designThe salary includes free lodging.Duration(weeks): 4 - 6 Salary: RUB 2000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.08.2013Living & lodging cost: RUB 2000/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Laptop required.20Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Chemistry, Biotechnology and BiologyChemistry, Biotechnologyand BiologyIndustriell kjemiKjemiBioteknologiBiologiMikrobiologiMolekylærbiologiMatvitenskapColombiaField of study:Food ScienceJob ID:CO2013/013/UQUINDIOStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English Good and Spanish FairCompany: Universidad del Quindo Specialization: Postharvest of tropical fruits.Working place: Armenia (Quindío) Business: Education and researchWork offered:Post-harvest and processing of fruit.Activities: Development activities of physical characterization, chemistry and biochemistry of freshtropical fruit with a conversation process. Coatings, edible films.Duration(weeks): 8 - 12 Salary: COP 700000/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.11.2013Living & lodging cost: COP 650000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 13000Other requirements:Some knowledge of spanish is recommended.www.iaeste.no/jobb21

Chemistry, Biotechnology and BiologyCzech Republic Job ID: CZ-208/13Field of study:ChemistryStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Institute of ChemicalTechnology, PragueSpecialization:Thermochemical conversion and analyticsWorking place: Prague Business: Research and EducationWork offered:Offered work is focused on the determination of gas purity and composition of flammable gasmixture by gas chromatography (GC) using universal (TCD, FID, MS) and specific detectors(FPD, SCD, HID). Target analyses are conducted with specific detectors, for determination of lowconcentrations of sulfur compounds using GC-FPD and GC-SCD instrumentation. MSD and HIDare used for determination of trace levels of permanent and specific target compounds in gasesand their mixtures. Aim of carried out work depends on the requirements of existing laboratorydemands and actual needs of individual research projects Our research activities are focusedon next main topics: Determination of low concentrations of sulfuric compounds in flammablegases (NG,LPG,Syngas), Upgrading biogas and syngas composition, Gasification and pyrolysisof solid fuels (biomass, waste materials), High temperature catalytic gas cleaning produced bypyrolysis and gasification of biomass and separated waste materials, Laboratory modeling ofhigh temperature HCl removal. Accomodation is provided by school and its cost is reduced fromsalary. Accomodation costs are 3000/month.Duration(weeks): 6 - 16 Salary: CZK 8000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: CZK 6000/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Germany Job ID: DE-13-1195-1Field of study:Agriculture, Biology, Biotechnology, Environmental ScienceStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:TU Munchen, Lehrsthuhl furPhytopathologieSpecialization:Working place: Freising Business:Work offered:Epidemiological studies on diseases of agricultural crops (potato, cereal) in field and laboratory.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 650/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 31.07.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:If possible, please apply for full months. The working period may also be from september tooctober.22Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Chemistry, Biotechnology and BiologyGermany Job ID: DE-13-1095-1Field of study:ChemistryStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Universität OldenburgFakultät VSpecialization:Working place: Oldenburg Business:Work offered:Physical or analyticalThe hosting work group carries out a research program using microelectrochemical techniquesfor the investigation of energy conversion systems and biochemically modified surfaces.The techniques include besides standard electrochemical methods a range of scanningprobe techniques and spectroelectrochemical investigations. Depending on the trainee, theinternship may involve the preparation of scanning probe tips, the conduction of electrochemicalmeasurements, the surface modification of various materials and nanoparticles and thesubsequent characterization.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 650/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Student must have completed a basic labcourse in physical or analytical chemistry. If possible,please apply for full months.India Job ID: INKU-2013-1045-KUField of study:Biotechnology, Plant ScienceStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Working place:Work offered:Karunya University - Schoolof Biotechnology and HealthSciencesKrunya Nagar, Coimbatore,Tamil NaduSpecialization:Business:UniversityIn Vitro propagation of economically important plants/phytochemical Screening of medicinal plantsand standarization of in vitro propagation.Duration(weeks): 10 - 16 Salary: INR 8000/monthWithin period: 2<strong>2.</strong>06.2013 - 20.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: INR 3000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 4000Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb23

Chemistry, Biotechnology and BiologyJordan Job ID: JO-13-PMC/MULTI-6Field of study:Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Phosphate Mines Company Specialization:Working place: Aqaba Business: Phosphate extraction, Processing andBy-ProductsWork offered:Working at the Industrial Complex through a training program supervised by engineers from thecompany. The students can be from several backgrounds of engineering or chemical sciences,since the company has various fields of operation.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: JOD 200/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.09.2013Living & lodging cost: JOD 100/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1500Other requirements:Student should accept to work with strong chemical compounds.Netherlands Job ID: NL-2013-2-2Field of study:Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Quintel Intelligence Specialization: Energy modelingWorking place: Amsterdam Business: Energy transistion modelWork offered:Quintel Intelligence has energy-related projects to extend or improve our Energy TransitionModel.We will make sure that your internship will happen in a project that is sufficiently academic, yetcontributes to a product that people need to be able to use.This job is possible with different backgrounds: Computer Sc., Chemistry, Chemical Eng.,Mechanical Eng., Material Sc., Environmental Eng., Mining Eng., Physics.Together with our partners we develop the independent, fact-based and comprehensive EnergyTransition Model. This model is freely available, open source and used for CO2 impact analysis,Estimating energy savings, Comparing different countries with each other, Facilitation ofdiscussions on energy.We are looking for an intern that is proactive, eager to learn, a team player, has excellentacademic credentials. We offer both internships that support your thesis research, and real-worldpractices. Your internship will be connected to one of our projects.Duration(weeks): 26 - 52 Salary: EUR 750/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2014Living & lodging cost: EUR 750/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Excellent results, interest in modeling and/or energy related subjects.24Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Chemistry, Biotechnology and BiologyPoland Job ID: PL-13-PLO-051Field of study:Biochemistry, Food Technology, Pharmaceutical StudiesStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Instytut Podstaw ChemiiZywnosci-Institute of generalfood chemistrySpecialization:Working place: Lodz Business:Work offered:Kind of work: Co-workerWork description:Student will be based in research centre of Institute of General Food Chemistry and will becomepart of a project team with the responsibility of projects concerning application of fluorescencespectroscopy for folding-unfolding transition in proteins.Trainee will take part in practical laboratory works assisting the university researchers.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: PLN 775/monthWithin period: 01.07.2013 - 30.08.2013Living & lodging cost: PLN 700/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Switzerland Job ID: CH-2013-45Field of study:Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Material ScienceStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Paul Scherrer Institut Specialization: ElectrochemistryWorking place: 5232 Villigen Business: Research and DevelopmentWork offered:Your tasks:- Battery electrode preparation (slurry formulation and coating) to evaluate theinfluence of composition on battery performance- Battery assembly, electrochemical cyclingand evaluation- FTIR spectroscopy for electrode surface analysis of reactants- DifferentialElectrochemical Mass spectrometry for gas evolution analysis.Duration(weeks): 10 - 12 Salary: CHF 2100/monthWithin period: 01.04.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: CHF 1600/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Basic lab training is required, Electrochemistry knowledge is beneficial, at least 6 semesters ofthe education completed in any of the mentioned study fields. Students with any NON-EU/EFTAnationality need to provide an official letter from their university, confirming that the traineeship iscompulsory (IAESTE Switzerland will apply for visa and work permit).www.iaeste.no/jobb25

Chemistry, Biotechnology and BiologyTajikistan Job ID: TJ-2013-5701Field of study:Biology, ImmunologyStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Research Institute forPreventive medicineSpecialization:Working place: Dushanbe Business: researchWork offered:Research works.Implementation of modern methods to prevent diseases of infectious nature.Diagnosis of diseases. Participation in expeditions during outbreaks of infections.Duration(weeks): 4 - 8 Salary: TJS 200/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: TJS 200/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 10000Other requirements:26Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringByggVann og miljøByggdesignIndia Job ID: IN-2013-0608-MUField of study:Civil EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Manipal Institute ofTechnology, department ofEnvironmental ScienceSpecialization:Working place: Manipal Business:Work offered:www.iaeste.no/jobbWater and Waste Water treatment/EnvironmentalKind of work: Surface/Ground water sampling, analysis of their characteristics in laboratory withequipments/instruments and also by titration methods. Should be able to use flame photometer,UV spectrophotometer, Atomic absorption spectrophotomterDuration(weeks): 4 - 10 Salary: INR 5000/monthWithin period: 01.10.2013 - 31.03.2014Living & lodging cost: INR 3000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 5500Other requirements:Knowledge of Computer/Water an waste water treatment/Ground water modelling.27

Civil EngineeringPanama Job ID: PAN-SIMESA 14- 2013Field of study:Civil EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English Good and Spanish FairCompany: SIMESA Specialization:Working place: Panama Business: assembly/installation/design mechanicalelectricalWork offered:The student will work on a project to expand the Panama Canal. It requires knowledge andgeodetic surveying, as well as management of specific instruments such as theodolites, totalstations and GPS. Also specialized software mathematical calculations and adjustments anddrawing ability ACAD.Duration(weeks): 10 - 12 Salary: PAB 600/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.08.2013Living & lodging cost: PAB 500/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 5000Other requirements:ACADPakistan Job ID: NUST/47/2013/CivField of study:Civil EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:National University ofSciences and Technology,PakistanSpecialization:Working place: Sector H-12, Islamabad Business: University (R&D)Work offered:The student will be expected to participate in the ongoing projects in the institution’s laboratories.The kind of work may fall under any of the following categories:- Adademic projects- Industrial projects- Research & Development projectsDuration(weeks): 2 - 18 Salary: PKR 25000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.05.2014Living & lodging cost: PKR 20000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 3000Other requirements:28Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Civil EngineeringPeru Job ID: PE-2013-PYCField of study:Civil EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English Good and Spanish FairCompany:PEREZ Y CASTROINGENIEROS S. CIVIL DER.L.Specialization:ConstructionWorking place: Piura, Ica or Lima Business: Construction projectsWork offered:Assistant resident engineer.Design, planning and project management tasks: review of plans, calculation of quantities, costs,other relative activities.It will be better if the student decides to practice more than 3 monts so he/she can participate inthe entire projectDuration(weeks): 10 - 24 Salary: PEN 2500/monthWithin period: 16.06.2013 - 28.0<strong>2.</strong>2014Living & lodging cost: PEN 800/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Romania Job ID: RO-52/13Field of study:Civil Engineering, Structural EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Profesional ConstructProiectare S.R.L.Specialization:Steel structuresWorking place: Bucharest Business: Structure Design ProjectsWork offered:Engineering survey applications, GIS developmentDuration(weeks): 4 - 4 Salary: EUR 290/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.07.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 290/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:SAP2000, ETABS, ACAD - basic levelwww.iaeste.no/jobb29

Civil EngineeringSpain Job ID: ES-2013-5202Field of study: Civil EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English Good and Spanish FairCompany: Ingenieria del suelo S.A. Specialization: GeotechnicalWorking place: Madrid Business: Engineering consultingWork offered: Assistance in the calculations of dams using computer softwareDuration(weeks): 6 - 6 Salary: EUR 800/monthWithin period: 16.06.2013 - 28.07.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 500/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Germany Job ID: DE-13-1030-2Field of study:Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: TU Dresden Institut Specialization:Working place: Dresden Business: University instituteWork offered:Design of lightweight structures, characterization of anisotropic materials, manufacture ofprototypes.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 650/monthWithin period: 01.01.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Experiences in Finite-Element-Analysis required.30Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Civil EngineeringUSA Job ID: US-2013-85007Field of study:Civil EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: University of Minnesota Specialization: Geophysics, Water ResourcesWorking place: Minneapolis Business: Research, UnspecifiedWork offered:Goals: Participation in specific research project and work closely with the advisor and graduatestudents. The objective is to expose the intern to research related to water resources, hydrology,and geomorphology through lab experiments and/or advanced methodologies for the analysis ofgeophysical signals.Duration(weeks): 8 - 10 Salary: USD 1800/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.09.2013Living & lodging cost: USD 650/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 4000Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb31

Computer ScienceComputer ScienceInformatikkDatateknikkIKTTeknisk kybernetikkKommunikasjonsteknologiJapan Job ID: 2013JP-095Field of study:Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, ElectronicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Hitachi LTD Specialization:Working place: Ibaraki Business: Digital Consumer Products DevelopmentWork offered:Ensuring the reliability of the hardware and software platform for computer control systemswhich suport the social infrastructure. Evaluation test of the newly developed computers andperipherals. Analyse the causes of the failre of the product and fix the problem.The office is on holiday 1<strong>2.</strong>07-16.07 and 10.08-18.08Duration(weeks): 8 - 16 Salary: JPY 100000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: JPY 50000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 100032Other requirements:Basic skill about the usage of measurement equipment. Knowledge of electronics circuit.Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Computer ScienceAustria Job ID: AT-2013-5023-LZField of study:Computer Science, Software EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Siemens VAI MetalsTechnologies GmbH & CoSpecialization:Working place: Linz Business: Industrial EngineeringWork offered:The student is required to prototype Apps for Android OS. Partly, it may be required to implementApplications in Java or C#. Practical knowledge on Eclipse IDE and Android SDK is required.Practical knowledge in at least one of the following techniques is required: RFIS, NFC, ImageRecognition (QR-codes, Barcodes). The telephone interview with the student will cover practicalexperience with programming of Android Apps.Duration(weeks): 8 - 22 Salary: EUR 1500/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Telephone interview by IAESTE Austria and/or employer.Austria Job ID: AT-2013-6007-VIField of study:Computer Science, MathematicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Institute of Science andTechnology AustriaSpecialization:Linear Algebra, StatisticsWorking place: IST Austria Business: Research InstitutionWork offered:We are offering an internship in the area of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Dependingon your studies, research projects of more theoretical or practical nature are possible in the areasof Visual Scene Understanding, Kernel Methods and Structured Output Learning. The positionis most suitable for students who wish to gain experience in scientific work. It comes with thepossibility to subsequently apply for a Phd position at the graduate school. Tasks for the traineeduring the training period will be to plan an execute research under the supervision of Prof.Christoph Lampert and his group members. Develop, analyze and use state-of-the-art computervision and machine learning tools. Analyze data critically, interpret experimental results andtrouble shoot efficiently. The traineeship may lead to a scientific publication.Duration(weeks): 10 - 12 Salary: EUR 950/monthWithin period: 16.06.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:-strong mathematical skills, in particular in linear algebra and statistics-preferably: prior experience in computer vision, pattern recognition and/or machine learning-for projects with practical focus: programming skills in C++ and/or Python in Linuxwww.iaeste.no/jobb33

Computer ScienceIndia Job ID: IN-2013-2361-MUField of study:Computer Science, Electronics, TelecommunicationsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Qlicket Specialization: Radio communicationWorking place: New Delhi Business: Advertising Over WiFi Hotspots AcrossIndia.Work offered:The project is related to 80<strong>2.</strong>11 based wireless communication protocol and stack asimplemented by LSB kernel drivers. The candidate must be well versed with the 80<strong>2.</strong>11 wirelesscommunication protocol and how the communication happens over the radio frquency. Thecandidate would need to help with profiling interference from adjoining stations transmittingon same or overlapping channels. The candidate would also need to help with Linux kerneldrivers for Atheros and Broadcom based controllers that support AP mode and help in profilingtransmission rates and reliability over different bands using Linux wireless tools like iw, madwifi,hostAPD etc.Duration(weeks): 4 - 8 Salary: INR 15000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.07.2013Living & lodging cost: INR 12000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 3500Other requirements:If the candidate has understanding of Linux networking that would be preferable.Netherlands Job ID: NL-2013-2-2Field of study:Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Quintel Intelligence Specialization: Energy modelingWorking place: Amsterdam Business: Energy transistion modelWork offered:Quintel Intelligence has energy-related projects to extend or improve our Energy TransitionModel.We will make sure that your internship will happen in a project that is sufficiently academic, yetcontributes to a product that people need to be able to use.This job is possible with different backgrounds: Computer Sc., Chemistry, Chemical Eng.,Mechanical Eng., Material Sc., Environmental Eng., Mining Eng., Physics.Together with our partners we develop the independent, fact-based and comprehensive EnergyTransition Model. This model is freely available, open source and used for CO2 impact analysis,Estimating energy savings, Comparing different countries with each other, Facilitation ofdiscussions on energy.We are looking for an intern that is proactive, eager to learn, a team player, has excellentacademic credentials. We offer both internships that support your thesis research, and real-worldpractices. Your internship will be connected to one of our projects.Duration(weeks): 26 - 52 Salary: EUR 750/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2014Living & lodging cost: EUR 750/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 100034Other requirements:Excellent results, interest in modeling and/or energy related subjects.Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Computer ScienceSpain Job ID: ES-2013-5501Field of study:Computer Science, TelecommunicationsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Biomedical ImageTechnology Departamentode Ingenieria ElectronicaETSI TelecommunicationSpecialization:Working place: Madrid Business: Medical Image TechnologiesWork offered:Medical image processing algorithms. Please bring your own computer.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 872/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 500/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Programming experience image processing backgroundSwitzerland Job ID: CH-2013-32Field of study:Computer Science, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: CERN Specialization: Applied Physics or EngineeringWorking place: Geneva Business: Particle Physics Research and EngineeringWork offered:Opportunities mainly in the Information Technology Department, Physics Department andAccelerator Departments.Special remarks:The candidate must also be citizen of one of these states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the CzechRepublic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway,Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Romanian, Serbian and theUnited Kingdom.To be able to fully benefit from a technical studentship we advise students to opt for the longestperiod possible.Lodging needs to be arranged by candidate but CERN can help with finding accomodation (onsite hostel, accomodation service)Duration(weeks): 16 - 52 Salary: CHF 3181/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.06.2014Living & lodging cost: CHF 1600/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Student must be enrolled at an university. After nomination by IAESTE,the selected candidatealso needs to apply through the CERN website and deliver 2 references until March 5, 2013.Students in theoretical &experimental particle physics are not eligible. We need from Non-EUcitizens an official letter from the university that confirms the internship to be a compulsory part ofthe student s study program.www.iaeste.no/jobb35

Computer ScienceTanzania Job ID: TZ-2013-03-OUTField of study:Computer ScienceStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:The Open University ofTanzania, Institute ofEducation TechnologySpecialization:Working place: Dar es Salaam Business:Work offered:Information and communication technologyThe institute of Education Technology is developing the E-learning department that will providetechnical and pedagogical support for design and delivery of E-learning based material/content.Duration(weeks): 8 - 12 Salary: TZS 350000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.10.2013Living & lodging cost: TZS 300000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 3500Other requirements:36Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Economy and ManagementEconomy andManagementIndustriell økonomiØkonomi og administrasjonMarkedsføringSamfunnsøkonomiBrazil Job ID: BR-13-0135-MGField of study:Economics, Industrial Engineering, ManagementStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Universidade Federal deVicosaSpecialization:Working place: Vicosa - MG Business:Work offered:Development of support activities to incubated companies and preincubates projects in themanagement of the process of product development and innovation management.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: BRL 500/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: BRL 450/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 6500Other requirements:The student must be inrolled in a university.www.iaeste.no/jobb37

Economy and ManagementCyprus Job ID: CY13-13Field of study:Economy And ManagementStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Limassol Co-operativeSavings BankSpecialization:Economics / Business / FinanceWorking place: Limassol Business: Banking IndustryWork offered:An economics / business / finance student will work at one or more branches of the LimassolCo-operative Savings Bank and will perform various duties related to the banking industry.Must have an excellent command of the English language and be a team player, with a positiveattitude.Duration(weeks): 6 - 7 Salary: EUR 660/monthWithin period: 17.06.2013 - 09.08.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 600/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Czech Republic Job ID: CZ-126/13Field of study:CommerceStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Simek Kovo Specialization: Product marketing.Working place: Klatovy Business: MetallworksWork offered:We are looking for a person who can help us to open the Scandinavian market for our product - ahot air stove. The applicant should know the Scandinavian market. The tasks will include:- Find new dealers in Scandinavia- Negotiating the conditions- Internet marketingDuration(weeks): 6 - 50 Salary: CZK 10000/monthWithin period: 01.0<strong>2.</strong>2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: CZK 6000/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:38Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Economy and ManagementLithuania Job ID: LT-2013-03Field of study:EconomicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: MAZUS Specialization: Market research, development andperformance of sales activities in assignedmarket (e.g. Norway)Working place: Kaunas region Business: Production of packaging from corrugatedboard and cardboard.Work offered:- Initiates and coordinates development of action plans to penetrate new markets;- Creates and conducts proposal presentations and reponses;- Assists Account Executives in preparation of proposals and presentations;- Plans, implements, controls, analyses and reports on market research information he/shegathers.Duration(weeks): 8 - 16 Salary: LTL 1514/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: LTL 900/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Communicative personVietnam Job ID: VN/2013/82Field of study:Economy And ManagementStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:College of Sciences, ThaiNguyen University, ThaiNguyen CitySpecialization:International Business, InternationalEconomics and CommerceWorking place: Thai Nguyen Business: Educational InstitutionWork offered:- Attending international cooperation activities- Greeting foreign guests- Participation in translation- Participation in program development- Participation in designing projectsThis offer is more a cultural than technical placement.Duration(weeks): 10 - 52 Salary: VND 3000000/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: VND 2600000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 12500Other requirements:Proactive, adaptive and sociable; laptop.www.iaeste.no/jobb39

Energy and Electrical EngineeringColombiaField of study:Electrical EngineeringJob ID:CO2013/010/UQUINDIOStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Universidad del Quindo Specialization: OptoelectronicaWorking place: Armenia (Quindío) Business: Education and researchWork offered:Optical, electrical or structural characterization of organic and semiconductor materials.Duration(weeks): 8 - 12 Salary: COP 700000/monthWithin period: 31.03.2013 - 28.11.2013Living & lodging cost: COP 650000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 13000Other requirements:Students from electrical engineering, physics or chemistry. Some knowledge of spanish isrecommended.Croatia Job ID: HR-2013-1000-ZGField of study:Electronics, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:KONCAR Elektroindustrijad.d.Specialization:Working place: Zagreb Business: Engineering, EnergeticWork offered:The business activity of the KONÄŒAR Group lies mostly in power generation, distribution andtransmission of electrical energy, industry and electric traction.Students will mostly work on various engineering assignments according to the level of theirknowledge and motivation on their behalf and type of current production (or project) on the behalfof our company. Research work is also expected.Duration(weeks): 6 - 6 Salary: HRK 3000/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 23.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: HRK 2400/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb41

Energy and Electrical EngineeringDenmark Job ID: DK-2013-0023Field of study:Electrical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Balslev Consulting EngineersA/SSpecialization:Working place: Glostrup, Copenhagen area Business: ConsultingWork offered:Power/Smart Grid/Natural gasInvolved in Smart Grid project. Maybe combined with the natural gas system or electric tractionsystems (trains).We will try to make the traineeship in cooperation with the CEE institute at the TechnicalUniversity of Denmark.Start of traineeship must be either during June or from mid August.Duration(weeks): 12 - 20 Salary: DKK 12470/monthWithin period: 03.06.2013 - 20.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: DKK 6000/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Nationality required: EUGermany Job ID: DE-13-1292-1Field of study:Chemistry, Physics, Power Generation, Process EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Hochschule MerseburgFachbereich INWSpecialization:Working place: Merseburg Business: university instituteWork offered:The student will calculate, build and operate with a storage based heat pump system inlaboratory scale. Most parts of the systems are existing, some parts will be modified, so manualskills are necessary. The data acquisition system has to be renewed, sensors have to becalibrated, data have to be analyzed. Engergy balances and balances for heat transfer has to bedone. The most time, the student will work in laboratories or the office on the campus in a teamwith other students doing their bachelor thesis.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 650/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.10.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:42Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Energy and Electrical EngineeringIndia Job ID: IN-2013-2361-MUField of study:Computer Science, Electronics, TelecommunicationsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Qlicket Specialization: Radio communicationWorking place: New Delhi Business: Advertising Over WiFi Hotspots AcrossIndia.Work offered:The project is related to 80<strong>2.</strong>11 based wireless communication protocol and stack asimplemented by LSB kernel drivers. The candidate must be well versed with the 80<strong>2.</strong>11 wirelesscommunication protocol and how the communication happens over the radio frquency. Thecandidate would need to help with profiling interference from adjoining stations transmittingon same or overlapping channels. The candidate would also need to help with Linux kerneldrivers for Atheros and Broadcom based controllers that support AP mode and help in profilingtransmission rates and reliability over different bands using Linux wireless tools like iw, madwifi,hostAPD etc.Duration(weeks): 4 - 8 Salary: INR 15000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.07.2013Living & lodging cost: INR 12000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 3500Other requirements:If the candidate has understanding of Linux networking that would be preferable.Japan Job ID: 2013JP-095Field of study:Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, ElectronicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Hitachi LTD Specialization:Working place: Ibaraki Business: Digital Consumer Products DevelopmentWork offered:Ensuring the reliability of the hardware and software platform for computer control systemswhich suport the social infrastructure. Evaluation test of the newly developed computers andperipherals. Analyse the causes of the failre of the product and fix the problem.The office is on holiday 1<strong>2.</strong>07-16.07 and 10.08-18.08Duration(weeks): 8 - 16 Salary: JPY 100000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: JPY 50000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Basic skill about the usage of measurement equipment. Knowledge of electronics circuit.www.iaeste.no/jobb43

Energy and Electrical EngineeringJordan Job ID: JO-13-PMC/MULTI-6Field of study:Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Phosphate Mines Company Specialization:Working place: Aqaba Business: Phosphate extraction, Processing andBy-ProductsWork offered:Working at the Industrial Complex through a training program supervised by engineers from thecompany. The students can be from several backgrounds of engineering or chemical sciences,since the company has various fields of operation.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: JOD 200/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.09.2013Living & lodging cost: JOD 100/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1500Other requirements:Student should accept to work with strong chemical compounds.Netherlands Job ID: NL-2013-2-2Field of study:Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Quintel Intelligence Specialization: Energy modelingWorking place: Amsterdam Business: Energy transistion modelWork offered:Quintel Intelligence has energy-related projects to extend or improve our Energy TransitionModel.We will make sure that your internship will happen in a project that is sufficiently academic, yetcontributes to a product that people need to be able to use.This job is possible with different backgrounds: Computer Sc., Chemistry, Chemical Eng.,Mechanical Eng., Material Sc., Environmental Eng., Mining Eng., Physics.Together with our partners we develop the independent, fact-based and comprehensive EnergyTransition Model. This model is freely available, open source and used for CO2 impact analysis,Estimating energy savings, Comparing different countries with each other, Facilitation ofdiscussions on energy.We are looking for an intern that is proactive, eager to learn, a team player, has excellentacademic credentials. We offer both internships that support your thesis research, and real-worldpractices. Your internship will be connected to one of our projects.Duration(weeks): 26 - 52 Salary: EUR 750/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2014Living & lodging cost: EUR 750/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Excellent results, interest in modeling and/or energy related subjects.44Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Energy and Electrical EngineeringSwitzerland Job ID: CH-2013-79Field of study:Electrical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Solcept AG Specialization:Working place: Wetzikon ZH Business: R&D Services embedded Software &HardwareWork offered:We can offer work packages in two field, acc. to the skills of the trainee:- Embedded software- Embedded hardwareThe exact work is strongly dependent on the time and duration of the traineeship, at the momentthe following tasks could be anvisaged:- Hardeware design of an industrial control platform user interface- Software for the industrial control platform (C/C++)- Embedded Linux demo applications (uCLinux)Duration(weeks): 6 - 10 Salary: CHF 3000/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 30.11.2013Living & lodging cost: CHF 1600/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements: Traineeship should start before summer 2013!Switzerland Job ID: CH-2013-28Field of study:ElectronicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Neratec Solutions AG Specialization: embedded softwareWorking place: Bubikon Business: Industrial Wireless Products and ServicesWork offered:We are looking for a student interested in mesh-networking for low power devices in wirelesspersonal area networks (WPANs). Target is to develop an OS-independent (i.e. should run underLinux and under eCos) software library to provide mesh-networking functionality for applicationsusing this library. Base for this library will be open source software. The student should beinterested in IPv6, networking, routing protocols etc..Knowhow in C-programming is needed.Having developed software under Linux and for embedded systems would be of great value.Duration(weeks): 8 - 16 Salary: CHF 2500/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: CHF 1600/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:This traineeship cannot start later than June 2013! Earlist start March 2013. Students with anyNON-EU/EFTA nationality need to provide an official letter from their university, confirming thatthe traineeship is compulsory (IAESTE Switzerland will apply for visa and work permit)www.iaeste.no/jobb45

GeosciencesGeosciencesGeologiGeomatikkGermany Job ID: DE-13-1243-1Field of study:GeologyStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Sächsisches Landesamt fürUmwelt und GeologieSpecialization:petrology, vulcanology, sedimentologyWorking place: Dresden Business: Public administrationWork offered:Mix of field work, office work and computer work. The trainee gets a geological subject thathe must work on. The exact issue is not fixed yet, but comes from the fields of petrology,sedimentology and volcanology.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 650/monthWithin period: 01.04.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Good knowledge in geology are required. If possible, please apply for full months.46Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

GeosciencesMongolia Job ID: MGL/013/036Field of study:GeologyStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Mongolian University ofScience and TechnologySpecialization:Working place: Ulaanbaatar Business: Research and EducationWork offered:Geological mapping field training will be held in remote area, where the Khugnu-Tarna field campis located about 300 km west from Ulaanbaatar, capital city of Mongolia.The area has natural beautiful scenery, historical monuments and most importantlyunderstandable geological structures, wide range of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphicrocks, spectacular three-dimensional exposures of intrusions, folds, cleavages, and faults whichare make great place to run geologic field training.The students will be involved in structural geological mapping courses which includes dailygeological routes, field descriptions of varois rock types and structural measurements. At the endof the training students are creating 1: 50000 scale geological map of the Khugnu Tarnai area.The training period is 28 days in the remote area, which means no frequent transportation andfood supply. Therefore, students have to prepare their own food and stuff for the training period,before departure. There are no western style bathrooms nor accommodation at the camp,instead, public tent, portable toilet and shower are offered. Students own tent is acceptable.Duration(weeks): 4 - 8 Salary: MNT 270000/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.08.2013Living & lodging cost: MNT 250000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 7000Other requirements:Fit to work in a fieldBosnia AndHerzegovinaJob ID:BA-2013-0014-MOField of study:Geodesy And CartographyStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Administration for Geodeticand Property AffairsSpecialization:Geoinformatics, cadastre-spatialinformationWorking place: Mostar Business: Geodesy and property affairs.Work offered:Participate in activities related to cadastral work.Duration(weeks): 4 - 4 Salary: BAM 600/monthWithin period: 01.07.2013 - 01.08.2013Living & lodging cost: BAM 500/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb47

MathematicsMathematicsMatematikkMatematisk økonomiStatistikkGermany Job ID: DE-13-1030-2Field of study:Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: TU Dresden Institut Specialization:Working place: Dresden Business: University instituteWork offered:Design of lightweight structures, characterization of anisotropic materials, manufacture ofprototypes.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 650/monthWithin period: 01.01.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Experiences in Finite-Element-Analysis required.48Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

MathematicsAustria Job ID: AT-2013-6007-VIField of study:Computer Science, MathematicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:Institute of Science andTechnology AustriaSpecialization:Linear Algebra, StatisticsWorking place: IST Austria Business: Research InstitutionWork offered:We are offering an internship in the area of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Dependingon your studies, research projects of more theoretical or practical nature are possible in the areasof Visual Scene Understanding, Kernel Methods and Structured Output Learning. The positionis most suitable for students who wish to gain experience in scientific work. It comes with thepossibility to subsequently apply for a Phd position at the graduate school. Tasks for the traineeduring the training period will be to plan an execute research under the supervision of Prof.Christoph Lampert and his group members. Develop, analyze and use state-of-the-art computervision and machine learning tools. Analyze data critically, interpret experimental results andtrouble shoot efficiently. The traineeship may lead to a scientific publication.Duration(weeks): 10 - 12 Salary: EUR 950/monthWithin period: 16.06.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:-strong mathematical skills, in particular in linear algebra and statistics-preferably: prior experience in computer vision, pattern recognition and/or machine learning-for projects with practical focus: programming skills in C++ and/or Python in LinuxUkraine Job ID: UA-2013-006-4Field of study:MathematicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: NC IAESTE of Ukraine Specialization: MathematicsWorking place: Kiev Business: UniversityWork offered:Student will be involved in the project ”Modern Mathematics for engineers”.Work in the following areas: theory of stability, theory of oscillation and vibration, differentialequations and other topics.Work might also depend on the student’s skills and scientific interests.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: UAH 1200/monthWithin period: 01.07.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: UAH 2400/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb49

Material SciencesMaterial ScienceMaterialteknologiNanoteknologi50Finland Job ID: FI/13/13Field of study:Chemistry, Material Science, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Tampere University ofTechnologySpecialization:Working place: Tampere Business: Department of PhysicsWork offered:Research work in the fields of Optics or Computational physics. The trainee will help otherstudents/researchers of the group in their work and the tasks will be adapted according to theinterests and background of the trainee. The tasks can include theoretical and/or experimentalwork.Gross pay 1700-1800 depending of the study level of the trainee.Duration(weeks): 8 - 12 Salary: EUR 1700/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.08.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Good marksSøknadsfrist: 25. februar

Material SciencesSlovakia Job ID: SK-TN/13/02Field of study:Material ScienceStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: ADUT, Joint Glass Centre Specialization: ChemistryWorking place: Trencin Business: research and educationWork offered:Solution of partial tasks in the research of corrosion mechanisms of natural teeth in acidicenvironment and the influence of corrosion on micromechanical properties of tooth enamel.Training aimed at good command of available laboratory techniques at the end of the stay.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: EUR 340/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.09.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 230/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:flexibility, ability to work in chemical lab without direct guidanceSwitzerland Job ID: CH-2013-45Field of study:Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Material ScienceStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Paul Scherrer Institut Specialization: ElectrochemistryWorking place: 5232 Villigen Business: Research and DevelopmentWork offered:Your tasks:- Battery electrode preparation (slurry formulation and coating) to evaluate theinfluence of composition on battery performance- Battery assembly, electrochemical cyclingand evaluation- FTIR spectroscopy for electrode surface analysis of reactants- DifferentialElectrochemical Mass spectrometry for gas evolution analysis.Duration(weeks): 10 - 12 Salary: CHF 2100/monthWithin period: 01.04.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: CHF 1600/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Basic lab training is required, Electrochemistry knowledge is beneficial, at least 6 semesters ofthe education completed in any of the mentioned study fields. Students with any NON-EU/EFTAnationality need to provide an official letter from their university, confirming that the traineeship iscompulsory (IAESTE Switzerland will apply for visa and work permit).www.iaeste.no/jobb51

Mechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaskinProduktutvikling og produksjonProsessMekatronikkFlyteknikk52Bangladesh Job ID: Bang/MT/4/13/132Field of study:Electrical Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: College of Aviation Specialization: ElectronicsWorking place: Dhaka Business: Education & Maintenance and Operation ofAircraft and flyingWork offered:Electro magnetic system or photo electronic system or Digital Technician in aero space orElectrical and Instrumentation system in Space craft or Rotor craft, or Avionic system in Aircraftor Radio electronics system. The work consists of small projects on Electrical or Electronicsengineering. Specifics can be negotiated with faculty member or supervisor.Duration(weeks): 10 - 24 Salary: BDT 20000/monthWithin period: 31.01.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: BDT 18500/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 3500Other requirements:Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Mechanical EngineeringChina Job ID: CHN2013-XY-21Field of study:Economics, Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering, Product DesignStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: XINGYU CO., LTD Specialization:Working place: Changzhou City Business: Automotive LightsWork offered:The work will be adapted to the students background and interest.Possible tasks:- Lighting structure design.- Experiments for welding of housing and lens materials- Prepare testing plans for lamps- Involvement in company production and manufacturing process- Technical and economic evaluation of projects- Identify potential international markets/customersDuration(weeks): 8 - 9 Salary: CNY 2500/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 30.06.2013Living & lodging cost: CNY 2000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 2000Other requirements:Graduate school student is preferred.Croatia Job ID: HR-2013-1000-ZGField of study:Electronics, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:KONCAR Elektroindustrijad.d.Specialization:Working place: Zagreb Business: Engineering, EnergeticWork offered:The business activity of the KONÄŒAR Group lies mostly in power generation, distribution andtransmission of electrical energy, industry and electric traction.Students will mostly work on various engineering assignments according to the level of theirknowledge and motivation on their behalf and type of current production (or project) on the behalfof our company. Research work is also expected.Duration(weeks): 6 - 6 Salary: HRK 3000/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 23.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: HRK 2400/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb53

Mechanical EngineeringGermany Job ID: DE-13-1030-2Field of study:Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: TU Dresden Institut Specialization:Working place: Dresden Business: University instituteWork offered:Design of lightweight structures, characterization of anisotropic materials, manufacture ofprototypes.Duration(weeks): 8 - 8 Salary: EUR 650/monthWithin period: 01.01.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Experiences in Finite-Element-Analysis required.Jordan Job ID: JO-13-PMC/MULTI-6Field of study:Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Phosphate Mines Company Specialization:Working place: Aqaba Business: Phosphate extraction, Processing andBy-ProductsWork offered:Working at the Industrial Complex through a training program supervised by engineers from thecompany. The students can be from several backgrounds of engineering or chemical sciences,since the company has various fields of operation.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: JOD 200/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.09.2013Living & lodging cost: JOD 100/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1500Other requirements:Student should accept to work with strong chemical compounds.54Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Mechanical EngineeringNetherlands Job ID: NL-2013-2-2Field of study:Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Quintel Intelligence Specialization: Energy modelingWorking place: Amsterdam Business: Energy transistion modelWork offered:Quintel Intelligence has energy-related projects to extend or improve our Energy TransitionModel.We will make sure that your internship will happen in a project that is sufficiently academic, yetcontributes to a product that people need to be able to use.This job is possible with different backgrounds: Computer Sc., Chemistry, Chemical Eng.,Mechanical Eng., Material Sc., Environmental Eng., Mining Eng., Physics.Together with our partners we develop the independent, fact-based and comprehensive EnergyTransition Model. This model is freely available, open source and used for CO2 impact analysis,Estimating energy savings, Comparing different countries with each other, Facilitation ofdiscussions on energy.We are looking for an intern that is proactive, eager to learn, a team player, has excellentacademic credentials. We offer both internships that support your thesis research, and real-worldpractices. Your internship will be connected to one of our projects.Duration(weeks): 26 - 52 Salary: EUR 750/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2014Living & lodging cost: EUR 750/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Excellent results, interest in modeling and/or energy related subjects.Poland Job ID: PL-13-AGH-025Field of study:Automation, Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering, MetallurgyStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Biprostal S.A. Specialization:Working place: Krakow Business: Panning and design of industrial objects.Work offered:The student will work as Assistant Designer. Student will participate in projects of industrialobjects, drawing industrial objects, static parameters modelling. Student will familiarize himselfwith company organization and structure.The company is prociding engineering services and elaborating complex multi-branch technicaldesign for all design stages and basing on current Building Law.Duration(weeks): 8 - 20 Salary: PLN 1400/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 30.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: PLN 1000/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Experience in AUTOCAD 2D&3D, programs for statistic model calculation (ROBOT or others).Candidates must be from EU countries or countries where visa to Poland id not required.www.iaeste.no/jobb55

Mechanical EngineeringSpain Job ID: ES-2013-0415Field of study:Process EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English Excellent and Spanish FairCompany: GHENOVA INGENIER Specialization:Working place: Sevilla Business: Engineering and technical officeWork offered:The student will work on a project in our aeronautical department. Tasks will be assign accordingto the student’s background.We have been offering engineering services to the main companies of the aeronautical marketsince 1998, being capable of taking full responsibility of projects, through from the preliminaryconcept design to the in-service engineering support.Duration(weeks): 25 - 51 Salary: EUR 800/monthWithin period: 03.06.2013 - 30.05.2014Living & lodging cost: EUR 500/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Slovenia Job ID: SI-13-25-LJField of study:Mechanical Engineering, MechatronicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o. Specialization:Working place: Nazarje Business: development and production of smallhousehold applWork offered:Work in organizing and optimizing production processes and implementation of continousimprovement process.Duration(weeks): 8 - 24 Salary: EUR 600/monthWithin period: 01.01.2013 - 01.01.2014Living & lodging cost: EUR 300/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:56Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Mechanical EngineeringSri Lanka Job ID: SL/2013/10Field of study:Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Holcim (Lanka) Ldt. Specialization: Mechanical and process engineeringWorking place: Puttlam Business: Manufacturing & Marketing of CementWork offered:Operations, maintenance, process engineering, data analysis, reporting, project planning andimplementation.Duration(weeks): 8 - 10 Salary: LKR 15000/monthWithin period: 01.05.2013 - 31.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: LKR 10000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 4000Other requirements:United Kingdom Job ID: UK/13/004/09Field of study:Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Queens University of Belfast Specialization: Aerospace EngineeringWorking place: Belfast Business: Teaching and researchWork offered:Working on ongoing research project related to Materials Science, Energy, Mechanical andAerospace Engineering.Duration(weeks): 6 - 6 Salary: GBP 900/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 30.08.2013Living & lodging cost: GBP 800/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb57

Offshore and Naval EngineeringOffshore and NavalEngineeringMarinteknikkPetroleumsteknologiOffshoreteknologi58Kazakhstan Job ID: KZ-2013-34Field of study:Chemical Engineering, Ecology, GeologyStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Caspian St.Univ. ofTechnologies andEngineeringSpecialization:Oil and gasWorking place: Aktau Business: EducationWork offered:Carrying out of scientific researches in university laboratories and visits for some time theenterprises of Mangystau region (oil and gas companies). Type of training depends on his/herqualification.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: KZT 40000/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: KZT 40000/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 6500Other requirements:It is a plus if the student is able to communicate in russian.Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Offshore and Naval EngineeringMexico Job ID: MX-13/005Field of study: Petroleum EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: Tecno, S.A. de C.V. Specialization:Working place: Poza Rica, Veracruz Business: ConstructionWork offered: More info on iaeste.no/jobbDuration(weeks): 8 - 24 Salary: MXN 6400/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.1<strong>2.</strong>2013Living & lodging cost: MXN 6200/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 13000Other requirements:Some knowledge of Spanish is preferred.Oman Job ID: OM/13/05Field of study:Petroleum EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Petroleum DevelopmentOmanSpecialization:Working place: Muscat and Oilfield Business: Oil & Gas Exploration and developmentpetroleum consultants.Work offered:Student will work with Petroleum Engineering teams in the main office & in the onshore oilfields.The program contains exposure to many activities related to oil & gas disciplines. Safetyprocedures & on job training activities will also be carried out.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: OMR 150/monthWithin period: 15.05.2013 - 17.10.2013Living & lodging cost: OMR 100/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 5000Other requirements:www.iaeste.no/jobb59

Offshore and Naval EngineeringPoland Job ID: PL-13-PWR-003Field of study:Naval Engineering, ShipbuildingStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Navicentrum Ltd. Specialization:Working place: Wroclaw Business: Ship DesignWork offered:Kind of work: DesignWork description:- Health and safety training- Introducing into company’s works and previous achievements (ships’ projects)- Design with AutoCad and Inventor- Active assistance in works under current projects- Getting familiar with Wroclaw’s shipyards and ship building processDuration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: PLN 1400/monthWithin period: 10.06.2013 - 31.07.2013Living & lodging cost: PLN 1100/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Knowledge of: AutoCad, Inventor (not obligatory), Technical Drawings, Technical English,Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)United Kingdom Job ID: UK/13/004/04Field of study:Hydraulics, Naval EngineeringStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Queens University of Belfast Specialization:Working place: Belfast Business: Teaching and researchWork offered:Work with the marine renewable research team and learn about testing models in wave tanks asfield measurement work.Duration(weeks): 6 - 8 Salary: GBP 900/monthWithin period: 06.05.2013 - 27.09.2013Living & lodging cost: GBP 800/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:60Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

PhysicsPhysicsFysikkMiljøfysikkFinland Job ID: FI/13/13Field of study:Chemistry, Material Science, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany:Tampere University ofTechnologySpecialization:Working place: Tampere Business: Department of PhysicsWork offered:Research work in the fields of Optics or Computational physics. The trainee will help otherstudents/researchers of the group in their work and the tasks will be adapted according to theinterests and background of the trainee. The tasks can include theoretical and/or experimentalwork.Gross pay 1700-1800 depending of the study level of the trainee.Duration(weeks): 8 - 12 Salary: EUR 1700/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 31.08.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Good markswww.iaeste.no/jobb61

PhysicsAustria Job ID: AT-2013-2023-GRField of study:PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany:NanoTecCenter WeizForschungsgesellschaft mbHSpecialization:Solid State PhysicsWorking place: Graz Business: Research and DevelopmentWork offered:The main advantage of a chemical sensitive organic Light Emitting Diode (SensLED) is theimplementation of the sensing function into the active layer of the device. The internship isdirected towards:a) Evaluation and characterisation of novel sensor materials for different analytes like oxygen,ammonia, amines and acids.b) Development of new SensLED design architectures for enhanced sensor respons times.c) Implementation of the SensLED concept into SMART sensor device architecture.Duration(weeks): 6 - 6 Salary: EUR 1000/monthWithin period: 01.07.2013 - 30.08.2013Living & lodging cost: EUR 650/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Informational talk with IAESTE Austria and/or employer after nomination.Netherlands Job ID: NL-2013-2-2Field of study:Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English ExcellentCompany: Quintel Intelligence Specialization: Energy modelingWorking place: Amsterdam Business: Energy transistion modelWork offered:Quintel Intelligence has energy-related projects to extend or improve our Energy TransitionModel.We will make sure that your internship will happen in a project that is sufficiently academic, yetcontributes to a product that people need to be able to use.This job is possible with different backgrounds: Computer Sc., Chemistry, Chemical Eng.,Mechanical Eng., Material Sc., Environmental Eng., Mining Eng., Physics.Together with our partners we develop the independent, fact-based and comprehensive EnergyTransition Model. This model is freely available, open source and used for CO2 impact analysis,Estimating energy savings, Comparing different countries with each other, Facilitation ofdiscussions on energy.We are looking for an intern that is proactive, eager to learn, a team player, has excellentacademic credentials. We offer both internships that support your thesis research, and real-worldpractices. Your internship will be connected to one of our projects.Duration(weeks): 26 - 52 Salary: EUR 750/monthWithin period: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2014Living & lodging cost: EUR 750/month IAESTE-stipend: NOK 1000Other requirements:Excellent results, interest in modeling and/or energy related subjects.62Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

PhysicsSwitzerland Job ID: CH-2013-32Field of study:Computer Science, PhysicsStudy Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Languages: English GoodCompany: CERN Specialization: Applied Physics or EngineeringWorking place: Geneva Business: Particle Physics Research and EngineeringWork offered:Opportunities mainly in the Information Technology Department, Physics Department andAccelerator Departments.Special remarks:The candidate must also be citizen of one of these states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the CzechRepublic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway,Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Romanian, Serbian and theUnited Kingdom.To be able to fully benefit from a technical studentship we advise students to opt for the longestperiod possible.Lodging needs to be arranged by candidate but CERN can help with finding accomodation (onsite hostel, accomodation service)Duration(weeks): 16 - 52 Salary: CHF 3181/monthWithin period: 01.06.2013 - 01.06.2014Living & lodging cost: CHF 1600/month IAESTE-stipend:Other requirements:Student must be enrolled at an university. After nomination by IAESTE,the selected candidatealso needs to apply through the CERN website and deliver 2 references until March 5, 2013.Students in theoretical &experimental particle physics are not eligible. We need from Non-EUcitizens an official letter from the university that confirms the internship to be a compulsory part ofthe student s study program.www.iaeste.no/jobb63

Abonner på jobbnyheterIngen jobber for deg?IAESTE har mange jobber som legges utfortløpende, og som er tilgjengelige forsøkere fra alle land.Her gjelder det å sende inn søknad så fortsom mulig, da de besettes fortløpende!Ønsker du å motta automatisk varselnår vi har en jobb som passer for deg?Gå inn påwww.jobbønske.noog registrer deg!64Søknadsfrist: 25. februar


Notater66Søknadsfrist: 25. februar

Bli med i IAESTEBli med i IAESTEIAESTE er en frivilligstudentorganisasjon somutveksler jobber for ingeniør- ogteknologistudenter over hele verden.Siden IAESTE ble grunnlagt i 1948har IAESTE Norge utvekslet over7000 sommerjobber med andreland. Hvert år sender vi ut rundt 100norske studenter på jobb i utlandet,og tar imot et tilsvarende antallutenlandske studenter som kommertil Norge for å jobbe som praktikant ien norsk bedrift.IAESTE tilbyr deg unike erfaringer, et flott tillegg på CVen,morsomme <strong>opp</strong>levelser og en glimrende sjanse til åfå venner fra hele verden.Bli med da vel!Vil du vite mer?Les mer om oss på www.iaeste.noeller ta kontakt med IAESTE-komiteenved ditt universitet.www.iaeste.no/jobb67

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