PHP MySQL - Stilson.net

PHP MySQL - Stilson.net

PHP MySQL - Stilson.net

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CHAPTER 26 • INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING MYSQLwww.it-ebooks.infoin popularity. In addition, for many users, the Windows environment offers an ideal testing ground forweb/database applications that will ultimately be moved to a production Linux environment.Installing <strong>MySQL</strong> on WindowsThis section highlights the <strong>MySQL</strong> binary installation process targeted for the Windows platform.Although you could compile the software from source, most users likely will opt to use the binary instead(a choice recommended both here and by <strong>MySQL</strong> AB). Therefore, this section focuses solely on thatprocedure.■ Tip The <strong>MySQL</strong> installation process described in this section applies to all desktop versions of Windows newerthan 2000 (except for Windows Millennium), and Windows Advanced Server 2000 and 2003. It likely works forWindows Vista as well, although you may need to make adjustments to some of the installation paths.You can download the <strong>MySQL</strong> binary for your platform by navigating to the <strong>MySQL</strong> Web siteDownloads section. Unlike the RPMs, the binaries come with both the server and client packagedtogether, so you need to download only a single package. Download this package, saving it to the localmachine.Like many Windows programs, a convenient GUI installer is available for installing the binary. Theprocess follows:1. Decompress the zip file to a convenient installation location, such as yourDesktop. Any Windows-based decompression program capable of workingwith zip files should work just fine; WinZip (www.winzip.com) is a particularlypopular compression package.2. Double-click the mysql-essential-VERSION-win32.msi icon to start theinstallation process.3. Read and click through the welcome prompt.4. Choose between a Typical, Complete, or Custom installation. The Typicalinstallation provides everything you need to effectively run <strong>MySQL</strong>, while theComplete installation installs all the optional components in addition to thedocumentation. The Custom installation allows you to wield total control overwhat’s installed, in addition to allowing you to choose the installationdirectory. Go ahead and choose the Custom installation and click Next.5. At the top of the Custom Setup screen you’ll be able to determine whichfeatures are installed. I suggest leaving this untouched; however, at the bottomof the screen you’ll be able to change <strong>MySQL</strong>’s installation location. Thedefault is C:\Program Files\<strong>MySQL</strong>\<strong>MySQL</strong> Server 5.1. I suggest changing thisto C:\mysql. Click Next, and then click Install in the next window.6. The installation process begins. Be patient while the process completes.7. The next two screens contain advertisements. Feel free to click More… on eitherof these screens to learn more about the respective offerings, or click Next tocontinue the process.492

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