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Gaski, H., Ed. (1997). Sami Culture in a New Era: The Norwegian Sami Experience, Davvi Girji OS.<br />

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The Geographical Journal (1932). The Geographical Journal, Royal Geographical Society. LXXIX: 353-448.<br />

Geographical Reviews (1921). “Review of The Friendly Arctic.” Geographical Reviews 12(No.2): 314-316.<br />

George, E. M. (2003). Living on the Edge. Nuu-Chah-Nulth History from an Ahousaht Chief's Perspetive, Sono Nis Press.<br />

George, J. C. (1997). Arctic son. New York, Hyperion Paperbacks for Children.<br />

Gerlach, S. C. and M. S. Murray, Eds. (2001). People and Wildlife in Norhtern North America: Essays in honor of R. Dale Guthrie. BAR<br />

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Giddens, A. (2000). Runaway World: How Globalization Is Reshaping our Lives. New York, Routledge.<br />

Gilberg, R. and H. C. Gulløv, Eds. (1997). Fifty Years of Arctic Research. Anthropological Studies from Greenland to Siberia. Etnhographical<br />

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Gísli Kristjánsson (2000?). “Hefði hann kennt mér að fljúga.” Mannlíf 17(8): 44-52.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (1998). “The Intimate Arctic: An Early Anthropologist's Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term.” Ethnos 63:3, 1998: 413-440.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2001). “Arcticality: Gender, Race, and Geography in the Writings of Vilhjalmur Stefansson.” Narrating the Arctic: A Cultural<br />

History of Scientific Practice, 1800-1940: (41).<br />

Gísli Pálsson, Ed. (2001). Writing on Ice: The Ethnographic Notebooks of Vilhjalmur Stefansson, University Press of New England.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2001?). “The Legacy of Vilhjalmur Stefansson.” : 22.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2002). “Perfect Disasters - and Partial Accounts.” Antropologi i Finland - Suomen antropologi 27(number 2): 48-57.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2003). Frægð og firnindi. Ævi Vilhjálms Stefánssonar. Reykjavík, Mál og menning.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2005). Travelling Passions. The Hidden Life of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. Hanover and London, University Press of New England.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2007). Anthropology and the New Genetics, Cambridge University Press.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2007). Lífsmark. Mann(erfða)fræði. Reykjavík, Háskólaútgáfan.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2008). “Genomic Anthropology. Coming in from the Cold?” Current Anthropology 49(4): 545-568.<br />

Gísli Pálsson (2009). “Hans Jónatan. Karabískur þræll gerist íslenskur bóndi.” Morgunblaðið, Lesbók(7. mars 2009): 6-7.<br />

Gísli Pálsson and Agnar Helgason (2003). “Blonds, Lost and Found. Representations of Genes, Identity, and HIstory.” : 16.<br />

Gísli Pálsson and E. P. Durrenberger, Eds. (1996). Images of Contemporary Iceland: Everyday Lives and Global Contexts. Iowa City,<br />

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Gísli Pálsson, Haraldur Ólafsson, et al., Eds. (1997). Við og hinir: Rannsóknir í mannfræði. Ritröð Mannfræðistofnunar Háskóla Íslands, Nr. 1.<br />

Reykjavík, Mannfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands.<br />

Gísli Pálsson and Krístín E. Harðardóttir (2002). “For Whom the Cell Tolls. Debates about Bomedicine.” Current Anthropology 43(2): 271-301.<br />

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Global Environment Facility, Ed. (2002). The Challenge of Sustainability - an action agenda for the global environment. Washington, D.C.,<br />

Global Environment Facility.<br />

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