Introduction to Sophian Gnosticism Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Introduction to Sophian Gnosticism Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Introduction to Sophian Gnosticism Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

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Archons in the <strong>Sophian</strong> mythos are beings of admixture. They are the beings of grey instead of light or dark. AnArchon is very much like a human from the standpoint that they have their own agenda and their own reasonfor what they do.The Play of Cosmic ForcesThe process of one becoming many gives way <strong>to</strong> play of cosmic forces in creation. In this play there are divine,admixed, and demonic forces – beings of light, admixture, and darkness. In the tradition, this play of cosmicforces is not external <strong>to</strong> us. We draw <strong>to</strong> us and even create spiritual beings based on our consciousness. Ourstate of mind, intentions, and what we cleave <strong>to</strong> draws these forces <strong>to</strong> us. It is a symbiotic relationship going onall around us. Thus, our path of inner exploration is about trying <strong>to</strong> find our way through this maze of emotionsand desires <strong>to</strong> draw more light <strong>to</strong> ourselves.The Nature of ApocalypseThe word apocalypse actually means revelation. It doesn’t mean big bad end of the world as we have come <strong>to</strong>consider it. For a <strong>Sophian</strong> Gnostic, apocalypse is something that has <strong>to</strong> happen in every person’s experience fortheir path <strong>to</strong> enlightenment. We must have this revelation or apocalypse within our own experience <strong>to</strong> trulygrow and evolve as spiritual beings. Sometimes the apocalypse is difficult and painful aswe find our way through our egoistic desires and find who we really are, but it is not theend of all – just the end of the old self.In addition <strong>to</strong> the personal apocalypse, there is also an idea of a world-wide apocalypsethat will eventually occur. In Kabbalah, this is seen as the end of days when theuniverse gets pulled back in<strong>to</strong> God and all who have become enlightened will reunify with the Divine. TheKabbalistic view is that this is still not the end as God will create again and the whole process starts over.The Coming of ChristThe second coming of Christ is also not the same for a <strong>Sophian</strong> as for a traditional Christian. The first thing <strong>to</strong>remember is that we do not consider Yeshua <strong>to</strong> be the only Christed individual. So, the coming of the Chris<strong>to</strong>scan occur for anyone as they reach enlightenment and supernal consciousness. This second coming is apersonal experience for the individual. There is also a legend in the tradition, that there will be a worldwidesecond coming, when the Chris<strong>to</strong>s as Sophia will manifest in the bodies of several people of various Traditionswho will help lead humanity <strong>to</strong> global enlightenment and liberation.The Old TestamentMany Gnostics have noticed the difference in <strong>to</strong>ne and texture between the Old and New Testaments of theChristian Bible. It has led many <strong>to</strong> believe that it is a different “God” that is spoken of between the two. TheSethian Gnostic tradition (among other dualistic Gnostic schools) attributed the Old Testament <strong>to</strong> the Demiurgeand the New Testament <strong>to</strong> the True God. In the <strong>Sophian</strong> tradition we do not believe that it is God that changesbetween the testaments, but instead the people that have changed. We see the difference as a spiritualevolution of the people as we move from through the Old and New Testaments.When <strong>Sophian</strong> Gnostics look at scriptures they see a progressive light transmission occurring at various levels,each more refined and evolved from the last. They look <strong>to</strong> draw whatever spiritual wisdom they can, leavinganything obsolete behind.

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