Effective Detective

Effective Detective

Effective Detective

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APPENDIX A●●●●and provide opportunities for staff to both consolidate and develop further skills.This was primarily achieved by the SIO sharing examples of good and badpractice with staff, highlighting any relevant learning points, and ensuring thatthey were implemented in future investigations.Staff supportThe ability to motivate the staff within a long running enquiry, especially whenmorale is low, was widely considered to be a critical management skill of anSIO. This can be achieved through tailoring motivation techniques to teammembers. One of the most frequently cited skills was a concern for supportmeasures for the welfare of both the team members and the SIO.Accommodating the reasonable personal needs of staff members of a longrunningenquiry was felt to be particularly important. Many ‘effective’ SIOswould allocate a welfare officer for the duration of long and demandinginvestigations.Strategic awarenessInvestigations do not happen in isolation. ‘<strong>Effective</strong>’ SIOs should be aware howtheir investigative strategy operates in conjunction with force and organisationalgoals, as well as being mindful of how the investigation will impact on both thepublic as a whole (local and particular communities) and their peer group.Team-buildingSIOs have a clear responsibility to manage the investigative team. An ‘effective’SIO should be a good team player, dealing with the staff in an equitable mannerand managing the team dynamics well. This usually requires that the SIO shouldpossess a knowledge of the staff within the investigative team. This should allowhim/her to minimise personality clashes, and recognise the strengths andweaknesses of team members so they can be appropriately employed within theinvestigation. Several officers also believed it was important not to use rank tointimidate other officers.Underpinning knowledgeWhile there will be inevitable differences in the knowledge held by individualSIOs, a basic level of investigative and legal knowledge should be an essentialprerequisite of an SIO. If an SIO lacks knowledge in certain areas, they mustthen ensure that they know where to go and who to approach for information.65

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