0835 Leisure Summer 08_aw.indd - HLL Humberts Leisure

0835 Leisure Summer 08_aw.indd - HLL Humberts Leisure

0835 Leisure Summer 08_aw.indd - HLL Humberts Leisure

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1APP | The future of planningThe benefits of both 1APP and the use of the internet are obvious. Planners and developersacross the country now only need to have one set of forms handy and will become completelyfamiliar with what is required, thus minimising mistakes and consequent delays. Features ofthe new system include a simpler and more transparent planning process. And if using theplanning portal, forms and details can be saved for future use.However, it is clear from our recent use of the new forms that it will take some time to getused to them and that further clarification may be required as to how to answer certainquestions. For example, park homes have been defined by the government to be low costhousing; however the forms only include boxes for market or affordable housing in thesection about residential units. We have recently flagged this issue up with the DCLG andwrote to them on the 22nd April 20<strong>08</strong> requesting that the forms be amended to include asection for low cost housing and also to not have to specify the numbers of bedrooms (giventhat such details are not usually confirmed until later – i.e. subject to buyer preference)Furthermore, it is not obvious as to how park warden’s residential accommodation isto be defined on the form. Whether it is a form of key worker housing and whether theaccommodation is a flat or perhaps a live/work unit. Applicants should also be <strong>aw</strong>are that aTree Survey is now required for all application sites with trees either on or adjacent to them.This also throws up the need for a topographical survey as Tree Consultants generally can’tproduce a Tree Survey without one. Other items to watch out for include the need to providedetails as to sewage/surface water drainage and waste & recycling facilities and to indicatethese on the dr<strong>aw</strong>ings.New Validation CriteriaIn addition to the requirements found in the new application forms, regard also needs tobe had to the new standard validation criteria that have been brought in for all authoritiesin England. These documents state what must be submitted with a planning application inorder for it to be validated and registered. The criteria are split into national (standardised)standards and local standards. The local criteria does allow for some variety in what isrequested by local authorities across England (and is therefore not standardisedas 1APP is), however these criteria do highlight specific requirements in a waythat allows these to be easily checked before an application is submitted.It should be noted that Building Controlapplications are not currently includedin the implementation of 1APP, howeverit is more than likely that the Englishgovernment will also want to streamlineand standardise this process too – as well asperhaps other application types such as sitelicensing.Access the Planning PortalMore details on 1APP and the ValidationCriteria, and all aspects of the government’sonline planning process, are available eitheron the Planning Portal website www.planningportal.gov.uk, or you can still getthis information from the offices or websiteof your local authority. Please note that theseprocedural changes currently only apply toEngland, however, it is possible that if thechanges are perceived favourably then theywill be coming to Scotland and Wales too,although experience tells me that the Welshand Scottish versions will seek to improveupon the English 1APP.ContactSimon Davis BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI, Skiptone: simon.davis@humberts-leisure.comt: +44 (0)1756 799 271In the case of a previous application to North Somerset District Council, theregistration process was held up significantly because although a specific designand access Statement was not required (as the application was for a change ofuse); information about the local requirement for a Disabled Access Statementwas missing. It will now be possible (and relatively simple) to check for suchlocalised requirements by contacting the local authority and asking for a copyof their Validation Criteria (or viewing the document online).The Planning Form should no longerbe an afterthoughtI am sure that in time, writing these new forms and checking the validationcriteria will become second nature, but my advice for anyone planning onsubmitting an application in the near future, is to read through the formand check the validation criteria at an early stage rather than leavingit to the last minute as is often currently the case. That way, you willavoid finding out at the last minute that you need a Tree Survey andTopographical Survey because there are trees adjacent to your site. Inaddition, you may find out at an early stage (unlike the writer) that inaddition to the 1APP form, Arun District Council also require you tosubmit a checklist indicating what information you are supplying inaccordance with their local validation criteria.Unlike the 1APP form and the national validation criteria, the localvalidation criterion does vary from authority to authority. So it isimportant to view the relevant checklist and not simply rely uponexperience with others. For example, Arun District Council requirethat existing and finished floor levels are specified on layout dr<strong>aw</strong>ingswhereas other Authorities simply state that a plan should have a scaleand a north point.www.humberts-leisure.com<strong>HLL</strong> <strong>Humberts</strong> <strong>Leisure</strong> 37

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