Frames and Riesz bases for Banach spaces, and Banach spaces of ...

Frames and Riesz bases for Banach spaces, and Banach spaces of ...

Frames and Riesz bases for Banach spaces, and Banach spaces of ...

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178 K. CHO, J.M. KIM, H.J. LEE(a) The analysis operator F (x ∗ n ) : X → B s is well defined.(b) The synthesis operator R (x ∗ n ) : Y s → X ∗ is well defined <strong>and</strong> the operatorR (x ∗ n )js−1 : Bs ∗ → X ∗ is weak ∗ to weak ∗ continuous.3. B s -<strong>Frames</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Riesz</strong> <strong>bases</strong>In this section we use the results in Section 2 to establish some relationshipsbetween frames <strong>and</strong> <strong>Riesz</strong> <strong>bases</strong>, necessary <strong>and</strong> sufficient conditions <strong>for</strong> frames tobe <strong>Riesz</strong> <strong>bases</strong>.Recall that an operator T is surjective if <strong>and</strong> only if T ∗ is an isomorphism,<strong>and</strong> T ∗ is surjective if <strong>and</strong> only if T is an isomorphism; cf. [17, Theorem 3.1.22].Then we haveTheorem 3.1. Suppose that (e n ) is a Schauder basis <strong>for</strong> B s <strong>and</strong> let (x n ) be asequence in X. Then the following are equivalent.(a) The analysis operator F (xn) : X ∗ → Y s is an isomorphism.(b) The synthesis operator R (xn) : B s → X is surjective.(c) The analysis operator F (xn) : X ∗ → Y s is an isomorphism <strong>and</strong> the operatorj s F (xn) : X ∗ → B ∗ s is weak ∗ to weak ∗ continuous.Pro<strong>of</strong>. (c)=⇒(a) is trivial.(a)=⇒(b) By Theorem 2.1 R (xn) is well defined. Then R ∗ (x n) = j sF (xn) in thepro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.1(b)=⇒(c). Hence by the assumption (a) R (xn) is surjective.(b)=⇒(c) Since R ∗ (x n) = j sF (xn), by the assumption (b) F (xn) is an isomorphism.□From Theorem 3.1, if (x n ) is a B s -<strong>Riesz</strong> basis <strong>for</strong> X, then (x n ) is a Y s -frame<strong>for</strong> X ∗ . For example, if (x n ) is an l p -<strong>Riesz</strong> basis <strong>for</strong> X (1 ≤ p < ∞), then (x n ) isan l p ∗-frame <strong>for</strong> X ∗ , <strong>and</strong> if (x n ) is a c 0 -<strong>Riesz</strong> basis <strong>for</strong> X, then (x n ) is an l 1 -frame<strong>for</strong> X ∗ . But a Y s -frame <strong>for</strong> X ∗ does not imply a B s -<strong>Riesz</strong> basis <strong>for</strong> X in general.Indeed, consider the sequence (x n ) = (e 1 , 0, e 2 , 0, · · ·, 0, e n , 0, · · ·) in c 0 . Then <strong>for</strong>every (α k ) ∈ l 1 ‖(α k )‖ 1 = ‖((α k )x n )‖ 1 . Thus (x n ) is an l 1 -frame <strong>for</strong> l 1 , but (x n )fails the condition (ii) <strong>of</strong> a c 0 -<strong>Riesz</strong> basic sequence <strong>for</strong> c 0 .In the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.4 the synthesis operator R (xn) : Y s → X ∗∗ is theoperator F ∗ (x n) j s, hence we have the following.Theorem 3.2. Suppose that (e n ) is a Schauder basis <strong>for</strong> B s <strong>and</strong> (f n ) is a Schauderbasis <strong>for</strong> Y s <strong>and</strong> let (x n ) be a sequence in X. Then the following are equivalent.(a) The analysis operator F (xn) : X ∗ → B s is an isomorphism.(b) The synthesis operator R (xn) : Y s → X ∗∗ is surjective, <strong>and</strong> the operatorR (xn)j −1s: Bs ∗ → X ∗∗ is weak ∗ to weak continuous.(c) The analysis operator F (xn) : X ∗ → B s is weak ∗ to weak continuous <strong>and</strong> anisomorphism.Remark 3.3. In Theorem 3.2, if (a) holds, then X is reflexive because R (xn)(Y s ) ⊂X in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.4 . Consequently, under the assumption in Theorem3.2, a nonreflexive <strong>Banach</strong> space X cannot contain a B s -frame <strong>for</strong> X ∗ .We now consider sequences in dual <strong>spaces</strong>. The following result extends [11,Theorem 2.4].

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