Ivan Fernandes, MediaCom Global Director, Social Media ...

Ivan Fernandes, MediaCom Global Director, Social Media ...

Ivan Fernandes, MediaCom Global Director, Social Media ...

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Of course, for brands, there is also a wider social lens to consider and we have already seen manyinstances where a brands behavior and customer service can impact its perception. It's a cliché, but badnews does travel faster than good – but when a brand does resolve important customer issues throughsocial media the benefits can be huge.The other wide significance issue is what social media means for mobile marketing. My own belief isthat this is both the biggest challenge and opportunity. It will be significant in every way from pure reachto geo-located and time based communication.My last thought is this: Humans have always been social but today that sociability can be observed,stimulated and acted upon. This is a huge opportunity for us.Thank you very much, Rob!<strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Fernandes</strong>, <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Director</strong>, <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Media</strong> Technology at <strong><strong>Media</strong>Com</strong> Worldwide@<strong><strong>Media</strong>Com</strong>SMMhttp://uk.linkedin.com/pub/ivan-fernandes/2/a7/8334

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