THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Lyrics Words ... - Pine Lake Music

THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Lyrics Words ... - Pine Lake Music

THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Lyrics Words ... - Pine Lake Music

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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>STAR</strong>-<strong>SPANGLED</strong> <strong>BANNER</strong><strong>Lyrics</strong><strong>Words</strong> by Francis Scott Key<strong>Music</strong> by John Stafford SmithArranged by Jay Rouse and Camp KirklandO say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,Whose broad stripes and bright stars,Through the perilous fight,O’er the ramparts we watched,Were so gallantly streaming?And the rockets’ red glare,The bombs bursting in air,Gave proof through the nightThat our flag was still there.O say does that star-spangled banner yet waveO’er the land of the freeAnd the home of the brave?America! America!Sweet Land of Liberty!Arr. © 2002 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management.All rights reserved.

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND<strong>Lyrics</strong><strong>Words</strong> and <strong>Music</strong> by Woody GuthrieArranged by Jay RouseAs I was walking that ribbon of highway,I saw above me that endless skyway;I saw below me that golden valley.This land was made for you and me,This land was made for you and me.This land is your land, this land is my land,From California to the New York island,From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters;This land was made for you and me.I’ve roamed and rambled and I followed my footstepsTo the sparkling sands of her diamond desertsAnd all around me a voice was sounding:This land was made for you and me.This land is your land, this land is my land,From California to the New York island,From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters;This land was made for you and me.When the sun came shining and I was strollingAnd the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling,As the fog was lifting a voice came chanting:This land was made for you and me, yeah!This land is your land, this land is my land,From California to the New York island,From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters;This land was made for you and me.This land was made for you and me.This land was made for you and me!© 1956, renewed 1984 TRO/The Richmond Organization-Ludlow <strong>Music</strong>,Inc./BMI. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

SALUTE TO <strong>THE</strong> STATES<strong>Lyrics</strong>Arranged by Jay RouseAmerica, the Beautiful (words by Katherine Lee Bates/<strong>Music</strong> by Samuel A. Ward)O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!America! America!God shed His grace on theeAnd crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea,From sea to shining sea!Arr. © 2010 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management.All rights reserved.

LIVIN’ IN <strong>THE</strong> HOMELAND<strong>Lyrics</strong><strong>Words</strong> and <strong>Music</strong> by Randy VaderArranged by Jay RouseLivin’ in the homeland, not afraid to take a stand,Every woman, child and man deserves to be free.Stand tall. Don’t fall. All for one. One for all.That is the battle call for you and for me.Freedom and liberty demand a high cost.Many rights gained through so many lives lost.The brave and the free know it goes hand in hand,If you dare to dream, dare to dream,Dare to dream of livin’ in the homeland.Free, free, if you want to be free,You must count the cost for your liberty.Free, free, if you want to be free,You must count the cost for your liberty.Side by side, hand in hand, for freedom’s cause we’ll take a stand!Side by side, hand in hand, for freedom’s cause we’ll take a stand!Undivided strength as one. That is how we’ll overcome.Undivided strength as one. That is how we’ll overcome.The free and brave still stand protecting our homeland.March! March with our flags held high.Not afraid to fight. Not afraid to die.March! March for the cause is just.‘Tis a sacred honor, ‘tis a holy trust.Freedom and liberty demand a high cost.Many rights gained through so many lives lost.The brave and the free know it goes hand in hand,If you dare to dream, dare to dream,Dare to dream of livin’ in the homeland.Free, free, if you want to be free;Free, free, if you want to be free;Free, free, if you want to be free,Free, free, if you want to be free!Free, free, if you want to be free!

Free, free, if you want to be free!March! March for the cause is just.‘Tis a sacred honor, ‘tis a holy trust.Oh, March! March with our flags held high.Not afraid to fight. Not afraid to die.March! March for the cause is just.‘Tis a sacred honor, ‘tis a holy trust.Freedom and liberty demand a high cost.Many rights gained through so many lives lost.The brave and the free know it goes hand in hand,If you dare to dream, dare to dream,Dare to dream of livin’ in the homeland.Free, free, if you want to be free;Free, free, if you want to be free;Free, free, if you want to be free,Free, free, if you want to be free,Free, free, if you want to be free,Free, free, if you want to be free,March! March for the cause is just.‘Tis a sacred honor, ‘tis a holy trust.© 2010 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management. Allrights reserved.

SALUTE TO <strong>THE</strong> ARMED FORCES<strong>Lyrics</strong>Arranged by Camp KirklandArr. © 2002 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Adm. by Gaither Copyright Management.All rights reserved.CAISSONS GO ROLLING ALONGOver hill, over dale,We will hit the dusty trail,And those caissons go rolling along;In and out, hear them shout,Counter marching all about,And those caissons go rolling along.For it’s high, high, hee, in the field artilleryCount out your numbers loud and strong:Two, three, four, hut, two, three!And where’er you go,You will always knowThat those caissons go rolling along.Arr. © 2002 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Adm. by Gaither Copyright Management.All rights reserved.ANCHORS AWEIGH!<strong>Words</strong> by Alfred Hart Miles and R. Lovell/<strong>Music</strong> by Charles A. Zimmerman.Anchors aweigh, my boys!Anchors aweigh!Farewell to college joysWe sail at break of day, day, day, day!Through our last night on shore,Hail to the foam!Until we meet once more,Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home!Arr. © 2002 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Adm. by Gaither Copyright Management.All rights reserved.SEMPER PARATUS (The Coast Guard Hymn)Written by Captain Francis S. Van BoskerckWe’re always ready for the call,We place our trust in Thee;Through howling gale and shot and shellTo win our victory!Semper paratus is our guide,Our pledge, our motto too!

We’re always ready, do or die!Aye! Coast Guard we fight for you!Copyright © 1939, 1942, 1951 by Carl Fischer, Inc. Copyrights renewed. Allrights assigned to Carl Fischer, LLC. International copyright secured. All rightsreserved. Used with permission.<strong>THE</strong> U.S. AIR FORCE (<strong>Words</strong> and <strong>Music</strong> by Robert Crawford)Off we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun;Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder,At ’em boys, give her the gun!Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,Off with one terrible roar;We live in fame or go down in flame,For nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!© 1938, 1942, 1951 by Carl Fischer, Inc., New York. Copyright renewed. Allrights reserved. Used by permission.<strong>THE</strong> MARINE CORPS HYMN (<strong>Words</strong> by Henry C. Davis)From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli,We will fight our country’s battles in the air, on land and sea.First, we fight for right and freedom,And to keep our honor clean;We are proud to claim the title of United States Marines.Arr. © 2002 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Adm. by Gaither Copyright Management.All rights reserved.Army! Navy!Coast Guard! Air Force!The United Sates Marines!

COUNT <strong>THE</strong> COST (To See That Banner Wave)<strong>Lyrics</strong><strong>Words</strong> by Randy Vader<strong>Music</strong> by Jay RouseArranged by Jay RouseThe sacred song of freedom will never be deterredFrom our borders to the farthest land her melody is heard.A tune of matchless beauty filled with strains of victory;Each lyric penned in crimson the blood of the free.Count the cost to each one who stood tall.Count the cost to each one who gave all.Count the cost to see that banner waveO’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.Still it waves, count the cost.From battleground to state house, freedom’s plan was laid;By lives and by fortunes, by sacred honor paved.A lamp shining brightly is now handed down to usTo raise beside the golden door; our legacy, our trust.Count the cost to each one who stood tall.Count the cost to each one who gave all.Count the cost to see that banner waveO’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.Still it waves.MY COUNTRY, ‘TIS OF <strong>THE</strong>E<strong>Words</strong> by Samuel F. Smith<strong>Music</strong> by Henry CareyLand where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrims’ pride.From every mountainside let freedom ring!Arr. © 2010 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management.All rights reserved.Count the cost to each one who stood tall.Count the cost to each one who gave all.Count the cost to see that banner waveO’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.Still it waves, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!© 2010 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management. Allrights reserved.

LET JUSTICE ROLL ON<strong>Lyrics</strong><strong>Words</strong> by Randy Vader<strong>Music</strong> by Jay RouseArranged by Jay RouseLet justice roll on like a mighty riverAnd righteousness like a never ending stream.May the free and the brave never stumble or falterAnd the dreamers never cease to follow their dream.Let justice roll on like a mighty riverAnd righteousness like a never ending stream.May the free and the brave never stumble or falterAnd the dreamers never cease to follow their dream.If one is enslaved then all are not free.Injustice to you is injustice to me.We all bear His image; His goodness we share.Join and sing, let freedom ringAs we all declare!Let justice roll on like a mighty riverAnd righteousness like a never ending stream.May the free and the brave never stumble or falterAnd the dreamers never cease to follow their dream.United in purpose, we sing with one voice.Brothers and sisters by birth or by choice,We seek Heaven’s guidance for there freedom liesAnd honor those, who duty chose, whose dream will never die!Let justice roll on like a mighty riverAnd righteousness like a never ending stream.May the free and the brave never stumble or falterAnd the dreamers never cease to follow their dream.Let justice roll on like a mighty riverAnd righteousness like a never ending stream.May the free and the brave never stumble or falterAnd the dreamers never cease to follow,No the dreamers never cease to follow their dream.Let justice roll on!© 2010 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management. Allrights reserved.

DOXOLOGY/WE SHALL OVERCOME/LEAN ON ME<strong>Lyrics</strong>Arranged by Jay RouseDOXOLOGYPraise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Arr. © 2010 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management. Allrights reserved.WE SHALL OVERCOMEWritten by Pete Seeger, Zilphia Horton, Frank Hamilton and Guy CarawanWe shall overcome. We shall overcome.We shall overcome someday.O, deep in my heart, I do believeThat we shall overcome someday.We’ll walk hand in hand. We’ll walk hand in hand.We’ll walk hand in hand someday.O, deep in my heart, I do believeThat we’ll walk hand in hand.O, the Lord will see us through. The Lord will see us through.The Lord will see us through today.O, deep in my heart, I do believeThe Lord will see us through today.O, we shall live in peace! We shall live in peace!We shall live in peace someday!Deep in my heart, I do believeThat we shall live in peace someday.I do believe that we shall overcome someday.© 1945, this arr. 2010 Ludlow <strong>Music</strong> Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.LEAN ON ME<strong>Words</strong> and <strong>Music</strong> by Bill WithersSometimes in our lives we all have pain,We all have sorrow.But if we are wise,We know that there’s always tomorrow.Lean on me, when you’re not strongAnd I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.

WE <strong>THE</strong> PEOPLE<strong>Lyrics</strong><strong>Words</strong> by Randy Vader<strong>Music</strong> by Jay RouseArranged by Jay RouseWe the people, descended from all nations,Are one in celebration of this homeland of the brave and the free.We the people, from near and distant places,All colors and all races, stand united in our dream of liberty.We the people, who fought for more than glory and rewrote freedom’s storyIn the blood of those we loved that we might be; we the people,Who dared to dream the dream and to sacrifice supreme,Knowing we shall overcome and all be free.We the people, still hold truth self proclaimed,We’re created all the same, equal hope and justice, claim to liberty.We the people, our destiny before us,May freedom’s dream restore us asking God to bless this homeland of the free.May freedom’s dream restore us asking God to bless this homeland of the free.© 2010 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management. Allrights reserved.

BATTLE HYMN OF <strong>THE</strong> REPUBLIC<strong>Lyrics</strong><strong>Words</strong> by Julia Ward HoweAmerican MelodyArranged by Jay RouseMine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword,His truth is marching on.Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!His truth is marching on!He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat,He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;O be swift, my soul, to answer Him,Be jubilant, my feet!Our God is marching on.Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!His truth is marching on!In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;As He died to make men holy let us live to make men free!While God is marching on.Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!His truth is marching on!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!His truth is marching on!His truth is marching on!His truth is marching, truth is marching,Truth is marching on, marching on!Arr. © 2002 PraiseGathering <strong>Music</strong>. Adm. by Gaither Copyright Management. Allrights reserved.

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