Sprinkler systems - Minimax

Sprinkler systems - Minimax

Sprinkler systems - Minimax

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FUNCTION<strong>Sprinkler</strong> <strong>systems</strong>A sprinkler system consists of a piping networkwith sprinklers extending through all buildingareas to be protected. A glass bulb filled withliquid encloses the sprinkler in read iness. If theair temperature exceeds a specified limit due toheat from a fire, the ex panding liquid bursts thebulb, acti vating the sprinkler. The extinguishingwater impacts the spray disk and is distri butedevenly across the source of the fire. In thisway, the fire is extinguished with only a fewsprinklers, reducing the dam age to a minimum.Simulta neously, internal and external rescueteams are alerted.Wet systemIn this type of system, the piping network iscompletely filled with pressurized water. Ifthe sprinkler bulbs burst, water pours outimmediately.Dry systemIn areas exposed to frost or high temperatures,the sprinkler pipes are filled with compressedair. The extinguishing water is supplied as faras the dry alarm valve station. The pressuredrop when the sprink lers open causes the dryalarm valve to open automatically, flooding thepipe network.Pilot operated dry system<strong>Minimax</strong> has more than 100 years of experiencein the development, production, installation andmaintenance of fire protection <strong>systems</strong>.This combined fire detection and sprinklersystem prevents water damage in the event ofaccidental damage to a sprinkler. Before theextinguishing water emerges, the fire de tectionsystem must also be actuated.<strong>Minimax</strong> GmbH & Co. KGIndustriestrasse 10/1223840 Bad OldesloeGermanyPhone: +49 4531 803-0Fax: +49 4531 803-248E-mail: info@minimax.dewww.minimax.deNr. S 89201ÜP10We_04/04.10/3/08.10/HA Printed in GermanyPlease see corresponding technical data sheets for detailed information.

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