Molecular Plant Breeding (online), 2011, Vol. 2 http://mpb ...

Molecular Plant Breeding (online), 2011, Vol. 2 http://mpb ...

Molecular Plant Breeding (online), 2011, Vol. 2 http://mpb ...

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<strong>Molecular</strong> <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Breeding</strong> <strong>2011</strong>, <strong>Vol</strong>.2, No.8, 48-59<strong>http</strong>://<strong>mpb</strong>.sophiapublisher.comsame as that of their corresponding transgene donors(Figure 1B). However, the integration patterns of bargene were changed in some hybrids (Figure 1A). Forexample, two bands of 1.5 kb and 2.0 kb in lengthwere lost from the progeny plants of cross lines TR6/CJN 2 and TR 6/Bing 95-13, comparing with theirtransgene donor TR 6. Two new hybridization bandsof bar gene, 1.5 kb and 2.0 kb in length, emerged inthe progeny plant of cross line TR5/CJN 3, comparingwith its transgene donor TR5. Although the TR5 lanewas loaded with less DNA, giving possibility of the1.5 kb and 2.0 kb bands of bar gene coming from itsparent TR5, these two new hybridiztion bands did notappear in the remaining other three hybrids from TR5,whoes lanes were loaded with more DNA (Figure 1A).These confirmed the conclusion that the 1.5 kb and2.0 kb hybridization bands of bar gene were created incross line TR5/CJN 3.Figure1 Integration and expression analyses of selected bar andnon-selected cecropin B gene in rice in mono crossing transmissionNote: A: Southern blot of bar gene: genomic DNA wasdigested with Hind III, which cut once in the plasmid pCB 1 andhybridized with DIG-labeled bar probe, comprising bar genecoding region and nos teminator (0.9 kb); B: Southern blot ofcecropin B gene: genomic DNA was digested with HindⅢ andhybridized with DIG- labeled cecropin B probe, comprisingcecropin B coding region and Pin terminator (1.12 kb); C:Southern blot of the intact of cecropin B gene: genomic DNAwas digested with HindⅢ and PstⅠ and hybridized withcecropin B probe, which generated a 1.12 kb fragment ascecropin B probe sequence; D: Northern blot analysis of thenon-selected cecropin B gene expression; Lane M: DNAmolecular weight markerIII (Roche); Lane P: Plasmid pCB 1control; Lane U: Untransformed rice plant control; Lane T:Jin-yin 119 transgenic rice plant positive control; Lane 1: TR 5transgene donor, Lane 2: TR 5/CJN 3; Lane 3: TR 5/CJ 601;Lane 4: TR 5/CJ 683; Lane 5: TR 5/Bing 97-267; Lane 6: MingB transgene donor; Lane 7: Ming B/Jia 59; Lane 8: Ming B/Jia60; Lane 9: Ming B/Xuzao; Lane 10: TR 6 transgene donor;Lane 11: TR 6/CJN 2; Lane 12: TR 6/Bing 95-13; Lane 13: TR5/TR 61.2 Stability of transgene integration patterns inmultiple crosses transmissionThe inheritance of transgene bar and cecropin B in thecourse of multiple crosses was revealed by DNASouthern blotting analysis, using Jingyin 119 line astransgene donor. This Jingyin 119 transgenic line hadfour bar gene loci and two cecropin B gene loci whenhybridized with their probe respectively, aftergenomic DNA was digested with HindⅢ, which cutonce in the plasmid pCB 1 (Figure 2A and 2B).Southern blotting results demonstrated that theintegration pattern of non-selected cecropin B genewas very stable in mono- and multiple crossbreedingtransmission (Figure 2B). All the progenies of hybridsshowed two hybridization bands of cecropin B gene,exactly the same as that of Jingyin 119 donor. But theintegration pattern of selected bar gene did not alwaysremain stable during crossbreeding transmission.Among the seventeen rice crosses, the integrationpattern of bar gene remained stable in eight hybridsand changed in the other nine lines, which lost twosmaller hybridization bands of bar gene, 1.6 kb and1.0 kb in length respectively (Figure 2A). Our formerresearch revealed that the transgenic integrationpatterns of Jingyin 119 transgene donor kept stable inself-pollination across generations, but bar andcecropin B gene showed different integration patterns50

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