Native Americans in World War II - Critical Press Media

Native Americans in World War II - Critical Press Media

Native Americans in World War II - Critical Press Media

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and this one only as a favor to his long-time friend, BillCrutchfield.Hilton expla<strong>in</strong>s his reason for withhold<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terviews andadds a stipulation for grant<strong>in</strong>g this one-time discussion:“There are a lot of th<strong>in</strong>gs I did [<strong>in</strong> the war] that I am veryashamed of and I wish I had never done. I have 2 medalsfrom France and 2 medals from Belgium. I am 74 yearsold, The Big Man only knows how long I am go<strong>in</strong>g to behere.“What you do with this [conversation] is your bus<strong>in</strong>ess, aslong as you don’t give it to somebody to sell to makemoney off – I don’t want that to happen – otherwise you dowhat you want to do with it. Any money to be made of it Iwant it to go to some Veteran’s organization.”Buck Speaks, Day OneI was born Sept. 2, 1923 <strong>in</strong> a little place called Goldsboro, Texas,that is northwest Texas. There used to be a railroad there, butthey moved that and there is no city there anymore.Goldsboro does not exist anymore.I was born <strong>in</strong> ’23 there and my father was rais<strong>in</strong>g horses there. Hewas a full-blooded Comanche Indian; my mother and he had metsomewhere along the way. After I was just a few months old, mypeople wanted to travel up and down the road and he wanted tostay at his ranch. So my mother went with my people and theyseparated.My mother was Choctaw Indian. Way back there, my grandfatherand his brother met these Choctaw women who were sisters, andthey married each other. It caused great disturbances among thetribal people; they had to sort of hit the road and travel, and that iswhat they did dur<strong>in</strong>g the real early years.They traveled an area from Texas to Louisiana to Oklahoma toNew Mexico and then back through Texas. They made this circlefor many, many years, just mov<strong>in</strong>g and liv<strong>in</strong>g up and down the20

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