Massage Therapy Bookshelf - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Massage Therapy Bookshelf - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Massage Therapy Bookshelf - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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Pre- and Perinatal <strong>Massage</strong> <strong>Therapy</strong>:A Comprehensive Practitioners' Guide toPregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum, SecondEditionCarole Osborne-SheetsFebruary, 2011/304pps/395illus/978-1-58255-850-9Features:•Chapter outline: The chapter outline serves as a roadmap of thetopics and subtopics that the reader can expect to find in thechapter.•Key terms: Key terms will appear in a list at the beginning of eachchapter and will be boldface on first mention. Terms will be definedwithin the text.•Treatment routines: These will be a list of routines by functionalmuscle group.•Practical application box: This feature will contain practicalinformation that will help the practitioner apply the technique. ThePractical application boxes will include all the "tip" information inone place.•Alert/Caution: an icon with a screened box that highlights anycontraindications or cautions that practitioners need to take whileperforming the techniques.•Think it Through: This feature will help the practitioner apply criticalreasoning when assessing their clients and will be a main feature ofthe text. The goal of this feature is to bridge the pathologies in Part 1with the techniques in Part 2.•Video will accompany the text

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