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We willseek for H Nt in the form H Nt = e h Nt,where h N0 is a function identically equalto 1. Let A Nt = H Nt Nt ! Nt ; ! 0 .Then A N0 is the zero 1-form and therefore (6.3) canbe replaced by the equation ( dA Nt)jdt Ds;1 0. We havedA Ntdt= H Ntdh Ntdt Nt! Nt + H Nt Nt(L XNt ! Nt + d! Nt)dtwhere L XNt is the Lie derivative forthe vector eld X Nt . Let q Nt be apath of functionson M such that dh Nt= qdt Nt ( Nt ). Then the equation ( dA Nt)jdt Ds;1 0isequivalent tothe equation(q Nt ! Nt + L XNt ! Nt + ! N ; !)j Ds;1 =0 (6:4)with respect to the path of functions q Nt . By the sandwich lemmaL(D s;1 )isasubsetof D st for all t. Therefore ! Nt annihilates X Nt 2 L(D s;1 ). It follows that L XNt ! Nt =X Nt cd! Nt . Then (6.4) can be written in the form(q Nt ! Nt + X Nt cd! Nt + ! N ; !)j Ds;1 =0:This equation has a solution q Nt due to the relation (6.1), and the denition of D sNt .Third step.Note that the dieomorphisms Nt dened by the ordinary dierentialequation (6.2) tend to the identity dieomorphism as N !1in the same topology inwhich X Nt ! 0. Therefore to nish the proof of Proposition 6.1 it suces to prove that(6.1) has a solution X Nt tending to the zero vector eld as N !1in the C l -Whitneytopology. The third step of the proof is to construct such X Nt .Fix a Riemannian metrics on M. Let V Nt (p) D sNt (p) bethe orthogonal complementtoL(D sNt )(p) within D sNt (p) withrespect to this metric. By Lemmata 2.1and 2.2 dim V Nt (p) =2and rank(d! Nt )j VNt (p) =2. Therefore there is a unique vectorX pNt 2 V Nt (p) such that(X pNt cd! Nt + ! N ; !)j Vt (p) =0 p 2 Mt 2 [0 1]: (6:5)Set X Nt (p) =X pNt . Since ! N ; ! tends to 0 in the C l -Whitney topology, X Nt ! 0asN !1in the same topology. Wewillshow that the path X Nt satises (6.1). This willcomplete the proof of Proposition 6.1.Since L(D st ) V t = D sNt the rst condition in (6.1), which istosaythevalidity ofequation there, follows immediately from (6.5) once we have shown that all the forms inthat equation, namely d! Nt ! N and ! annihilate L(D st ). The fact that d! Nt annihilatesany vector in L(D st )iscontained in Lemma 2.2. To prove that ! and ! N annihilate, usethe sandwich lemma 2.1 twice to conclude that L(D s;1 )(p) iscontained in both D s (p) andin D sN (p). Therefore ! and ! N annihilate the space L(D s;1 )(p). But the sandwichlemmaalso gives L(D st )(p) L(D s;1 )(p), and therefore these forms annihilate L(D st )(p).It remains to prove the inclusion X Nt 2 L(D s;1 )ofequation (6.1). The validity ofthe rst equation in (6.1) and the fact that ! and ! N annihilate the space L(D s;1 )(p)imply(X pNt cd! Nt )j L(Ds;1)(p) =0: (6:6)25

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