1 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell ...

1 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell ...

1 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell ...

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35. M.L. Davila, C.Taylor, X.Wang, J. Stefanski, M. Olszewska, S. Bartido, M. Frattini, M. Sadelain, I. Rivière,R.J. Brentjens. B Cell Aplasia In a Patient with Relapsed B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia FollowingRe-Induction <strong>and</strong> Consolidation with Autologous T Cells Genetically Targeted to the CD19 Antigen (Abstract# 3268). 52 nd ASH Annual Meeting, December 2010 Orl<strong>and</strong>o, FL.36. J. H. Park, R. Yeh, I. Rivière, M. Sadelain, <strong>and</strong> R. J. Brentjens. In Vitro analysis of Suicide Gene Expression<strong>and</strong> Function of 3 Suicide Gene-Prodrug Combinations In Human T Lymphocytes Further Modified to Expressthe CD19 Targeted 19-28z Chimeric Antigen Receptor (Abstract # 3771). 52 nd ASH Annual Meeting,December 2010, Orl<strong>and</strong>o, FL.37. K. Curran, C. Taylor, E. Doubrovina, X. Wang, R. O’Reilly, M. Sadelain, N. Kernan, R.J. Brentjens, I. Rivère.Validation of Donor Derived Virus Specific T-Lymphocytes Genetically Modified To Target the CD19 Antigenfor the Treatment of Relapsed Leukemia (Abstract # 230). American Society of Gene <strong>and</strong> Cell Therapy(ASGCT) 14 th Annual Meeting, May 18 – 22, 2011, Seattle, WA.38. H.J. Pegram, V. La Russa, R.J. Brentjens. Expansion <strong>and</strong> Anti-Tumor Efficacy of CD19 Targeted Cord BloodT Cells (Abstract # 239). American Society of Gene <strong>and</strong> Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 14 th Annual Meeting, May 18– 22, 2011, Seattle, WA.39. A.A. Chekmasova, S. S<strong>and</strong>adi, Y. Nikhamin, D.R. Spriggs, R.J. Brentjens. Effective Eradication ofEstablished Ovarian Murine Tumors with MUC16 Targeted T Cells Expressing IL-12 Gene (Abstract # 495).American Society of Gene <strong>and</strong> Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 14 th Annual Meeting, May 18 – 22, 2011, Seattle, WA.40. T. Tsukahara, K. Ohmine, R. Uchibori, M. Urabe, H. Mizukami, A. Kume, I. Rivère, M. Sadelain, R.J.Brentjens, K. Ozawa. Anti-Tumor Activity of Engineered T Lymphocytes Expressing an Anti-CD19 CAR forB Cell Lymphoma (Abstract # 791). American Society of Gene <strong>and</strong> Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 14 th AnnualMeeting, May 18 – 22, 2011, Seattle, WA.41. R. J. Brentjens, I. Riviere, J. Park, M. Davilla, X. Wang, R. Yeh, N. Lamanna, M. G. Frattini, M. Sadelain.Lymphodepletion <strong>and</strong> tumor burden govern clinical responses in patients with B-cell malignancies treated withautologous, CD19-targeted T cells (Abstract# 2534). American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 47 thAnnual Meeting, June 3 – 7, 2011, Chicago, IL.42. J R Gardner, K. Knapp, M.G. Frattini, N. Lamanna, R. Brentjens, J.G Jurcic, P G. Maslak, E. Berman,M..Weiss, D. A. Scheinberg, M. Heaney. Elevated Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in CLL Cells IsAssociated with a more aggressive Natural History (Abstract # 1765). American Society of Hematology (ASH)53 rd Annual Meeting, Dec. 10 – 13, 2011, San Diego, CA.43. H. J. Pegram, J. Lee, E. Hayman, G. H Imperato, T. J. Tedder, R. J Brentjens. Tumor Specific T CellsModified to Secrete IL-12 Eradicate Systemic Tumors in the Absence of Prior Toxic ChemotherapyConditioning Regimens. (Abstract # 3120). American Society of Hematology (ASH) 53 rd Annual Meeting, Dec.10 – 13, 2011, San Diego, CA.44. J. H. Park, R. Yeh, I. Riviere, M. Sadelain, R. Brentjens. In Vivo comparison of 3 Suicide Gene-ProdrugCombinations in a Mouse Graft-Versus-Host-Disease Model (Abstract # 3121). American Society ofHematology (ASH) 53 rd Annual Meeting, Dec. 10 – 13, 2011, San Diego, CA.45. A. A Chekmasova, S. S<strong>and</strong>adi, D. R Spriggs, R. J Brentjens. Enhanced Antitumor Efficacy of MUC-16Targeted T Cells Further Modified to Constitutively Express the IL-12 Cytokine in a Syngeneic Model ofOvarian <strong>Cancer</strong>. (Abstract # 4176). American Society of Hematology (ASH) 53 rd Annual Meeting, Dec. 10 –13, 2011, San Diego, CA.21

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