2007-08 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan

2007-08 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan

2007-08 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan


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<strong>Reading</strong> and Literacy Coaches<strong>Reading</strong>/literacy coaches have been an integral part of the success of the districtreading initiatives during the last few years. The role of the reading coach has beendefined in Rule 6A-6.053, FAC. While it is not required that every school be provideda reading/literacy coach, district leadership must allocate resources to hirereading/literacy coaches for the schools determined to have the greatest need based onthe following: Student performance data Experience and expertise of the administration and faculty in readingassessment, instruction, and intervention Receptiveness of administration and faculty to the coaching modelAll schools utilizing reading/literacy coaches during the 20<strong>12</strong>-2013 school year mustimplement the Just Read, Florida! literacy coach model. The coach model formed thebasis for the state funded reading coach grants in 2004-2005 and is further delineatedin Brevard Public Schools’ Role of the Literacy Coach document (Attachment C).Districts must ensure that the number of state, federal, or locally funded readingcoaches is prioritized based on school need. All coaches, regardless of their fundingsource, must report their time to the Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network(PMRN) on a biweekly basis. Principals will be required to log onto the PMRN prior tothe start of school to enroll their reading/literacy coach(es). Coaches will not be able touse the system until they have been enrolled by their principal. Principals will also berequired to provide the funding source(s) for each coach at the time of enrollment.Throughout the school year, principals and district reading contacts should regularlyreview reading coach log entries in order to support the role of the coach.Any reading/literacy coach who is funded through the <strong>Research</strong>-<strong>Based</strong> <strong>Reading</strong>Instruction Allocation in the FEFP as part of the K-<strong>12</strong> <strong>Comprehensive</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>must be a full-time coach. <strong>Reading</strong>/literacy coaches who split their time between twoschools are considered full-time coaches. This includes coaches who are only partiallyfunded through the <strong>Research</strong>-<strong>Based</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> Instruction Allocation in the FEFP. Whileit is recommended that reading coaches not be assigned a regular classroomteaching assignment, they are expected to work frequently with students in wholeand small group instruction in the context of modeling and coaching in otherteachers’ classrooms.2 | P a g e

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