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Scott Health & Safety provides the higheststandards in the design and manufacture ofRespiratory Protection Equipment developed inclose consultation with users to meet industryspecifie requirements.As a result, Seott has provided the products ofehoice in the asbestos removal and nuelear powerindustries for over 20 years.NowPhantom Vision@ has evolved from continuedresearch and collaboration to meet and exceed theincreasingly demanding needs, not only of theseindustries but anywhere full facemask protection isrequired.PROVEN NEW TECHNOLOGY• The new high performance brushless motor providesreliable full-shift operation and a long service life.• The lightweight battery pack uses lithium-ion cells toeliminate re-charge memory issues.• Through life maintenance costs are minimised byhigh levels of water ingress protection. protected powercontacts and custom electronic motor contro!.SUITABIUTY AND PERFORMANCE• The new Phantom Vision® provides 160 litres per minuteairflow, for a minimum of 8 hours, from each re-charge.• ln addition to the PSL particle filter, Phantom Vision® isalso approved for use with combined filters against gashazards.• Phantom Vision® is available in three sizes to suit thewidest range of users.• Current PAPR users were consulted extensively, andmany features of Phantom Vision® were designedspecifically in response to customer input.BUILT ON THE VISION FACEMASK• Vision provides high levels of comfort and an unrestricted(98%) field of view.• The Vision design is well regarded and has already provedsuccessful in many other demanding environments (e.g.firefighting).• Vision has an optically correct, distortion free visor whichis hard coated for scratch and solvent resistance.DECONTAMINATlON. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE• Phantom Vision® can continue operating while thewearer uses a decontamination shower.• Even the exhale valve cover has been re-designedspecifically to avoid trapping fibres or particles, and todirect shower water away from the valve.• After use it is quick and easy to disassemble for furthercleaning. AII parts are wipe c1ean or washable, andre-assembly is just as straightforward.LOW COST OF OWNERSHIP• Maintenance downtime is minimised by straightforward'between use' and service requirements, and all majorparts are modular for rapid replacement.• The Vision faceseal has a proven 12 year service life andis easy to replace.• There ~ no need to replace filter stocks as PhantomVision uses the proven current design of filters.EASE OFUSE• The rotary connection to the mask allows the powercable to be freely directed to suit the wearer.• The easy-grip battery pack twist-Iocks onto the beltmounted connection plate and is rotated to powerPhantom Vision® on and oft.• Phantom Vision® is supplied in a sturdy re-useable carrycase to keep it clean and safe during transit and storage.

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