2012 GADSL list - RSJ Technical Consulting

2012 GADSL list - RSJ Technical Consulting

2012 GADSL list - RSJ Technical Consulting


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4849SubstanceDimethylformamide (N,N-Dimethylformamide)CAS-No.ClassificationReasoncode68-12-2 D FIDiorganotin compounds, Selected D FIDibutyltin Compounds, All members D FIDioctyltin Compounds, All members D FI50 Disodiumtetraborates, selected D FA5152Dodecachloropentacyclo 1, 3, 4-Metheno-1H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalene,MirexEpichlorohydrin(1-Chloro-2,3-epoxy-propane)2385-85-5 P LR106-89-8 D FIApplicationSource(Legalrequirementsregulations)Reg. (EC) No1907/2006Reg. (EC) No1272/2008Dir 91/689/ECReg. (EC) No.1272/2008Reg. (EC) No1907/2006Reg. (EC) No1907/2006REACHAnnex XIVProhibition ofCertain ToxicSubstancesRegulations, 2005(SOR/SOR/2005-41. Published inCanada GazettePart II, 2006-11-29Vol. 140, No. 24Reg. (EC) No1272/2008Generic examplesStabilizer forpolymersspring steel wire,ditch moldingFlame retardant inplastics, rubber,paint, paper, andelectrical goods from1959 to 1972. Mirexwas sold as a flameretardant under thetrade nameDechlorane, andchlordecone was alsoknown as Kepone.Residual monomersin epoxy resinsThreshold(0,1% if notstatedotherwise)0,1% 1Anyintentionallyadded content1 Calculated according to 4.3.1 of the <strong>GADSL</strong> guidance document. (http://www.gadsl.org)<strong>2012</strong> <strong>GADSL</strong> Version 1.0Only valid with the <strong>GADSL</strong>-prefacePage 19 of 44

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