Wyoming Appeals for Unemployment Insurance Compensation

Wyoming Appeals for Unemployment Insurance Compensation

Wyoming Appeals for Unemployment Insurance Compensation


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PAGE 7 OF 7appeals process, particularly with respect to how hearings are conducted and how appealing partiesmust comply with hearing requirements.Finding3.2: Training of claims taking, adjudication, and appeals staff is insufficient to ensure consistencythroughout claims-appeals processing.ooRecommendation: The UID [<strong>Unemployment</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> Division] should develop a minimum andstandard training curriculum <strong>for</strong> new staff hires in each of its sections, particularly <strong>for</strong> staff in theclaims center and appeals sections. UID supervisors should be instructed to evaluate staff duringtheir probationary period based on the specific skill-set established by these written standards.Recommendation: The UID [<strong>Unemployment</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> Division] should develop refreshertraining <strong>for</strong> long-term staff and revisit its training curriculum periodically to <strong>for</strong>mally incorporateor eliminate emergency changes as implemented through its e-mail staff notification process.The DWS issued a follow-up report to the original evaluation in December 2012 in which it detailed thefollowing actions taken related to the original findings and recommendations:Finding 2.1 and Related Recommendation: The DWS hired additional staff (hearings officer andadministrative assistant) and reorganized the business office to gain efficiency in processing appeals. Allscheduling duties are per<strong>for</strong>med by the Business Manager and the unit has developed a plan <strong>for</strong> priorities ofemployer chargeability and tax issues which tend to get backlogged due to claims cases due to federaltimeliness standards.Finding 2.3 and Related Recommendations: Changes to data tracking and appellant notice requirementsare being included in the new data system being constructed <strong>for</strong> the DWS. The DWS also conducted afocus group of UI claimants to gather feedback on the Claimant Handbook. With this feedback, the DWSexpanded in<strong>for</strong>mation in the handbook concerning the basics of the appeals process and provides directionto an online video that gives a step-by-step process of how to prepare <strong>for</strong> appeals hearings.Finding 3.2 and Related Recommendations: A partnership with the <strong>Wyoming</strong> Distance Learning Centerwas established to develop curriculum <strong>for</strong> the Quality Assurance Team (though the partnership has beeninterrupted by funding issues). By having these individuals work collaboratively across divisions anddeveloping an online curriculum, training issues were identified and addressed. Currently, an internaltraining team has been <strong>for</strong>med to take on curriculum development. The DWS is in the process ofreplicating a leading curriculum program from another state, including observing a "best practice" state,Utah. Along with a department-wide leadership team with regularly scheduled meetings, the DWS placespolicies on the agency’s internal website <strong>for</strong> feedback from employees as well as through a ten daycomment period/process. Other DWS changes include: 1) the UI Tax unit continuously holds internalcross-training of all staff; 2) each new hearing officer must conclude a two week training on administrativelaw fair hearings at the National Judicial College; and 3)an annual cross-training program was implementedin order to train benefits staff members in each area outside of their unit. Also, the UI benefits unit is in theprocess of building electronic binders with in<strong>for</strong>mation on emergency changes and procedures.If you need anything further, please contact LSO Research at 777-7881.WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, <strong>Wyoming</strong> 82002TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX (307) 777-5466 • EMAIL • lso@wyoleg.gov • WEBSITE http://legisweb.state.wy.us

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