Motorola TETRA Solutions - Sigma Wireless

Motorola TETRA Solutions - Sigma Wireless

Motorola TETRA Solutions - Sigma Wireless

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What our customers sayPublic SafetyPrior to going ahead with the operational pilot, theAirwave service underwent 7 weeks of extensivescenario testing in Lancashire, involving some 300police service users. Considering that this was thefirst opportunity for police officers and support staffto test the system in the operational context, thefeedback on the system and the trainingprogramme was very encouraging.“I am convinced that Airwave is the solution toproviding the police service with high quality andsecure communication, although as we embark onthe pilot stage of the project in Lancashire, it is clearthat there is still work to be done.”Alan PittUser assurance Co-ordinatorAirwave project, UK Police Information“Enabling the effective and efficient communicationof our law enforcement officers is paramount in ourpriorities. We needed a reliable and long-termsolution that provides extensive coverage, issecure, and at the same time, allows for futureenhancements. <strong>Motorola</strong>’s <strong>TETRA</strong> system deliverson our requirements for critical communications.”Dr. Do Xuan ThoGeneral DirectorGeneral Department of TechnologyMinistry of Public Security of Vietnam“Considering the important role that digital radiocommunication can play in the development of acountry’s fabric, we needed to be confident that ourchoice of supplier could provide a mission criticalsolution that would perform. We also had tobe sure that the chosen supplier could be trusted todeliver technological developments as promisedand on time. In this respect our past experiences of<strong>Motorola</strong>’s technical capabilities, professionalservices and assistance have been extremelypositive. <strong>Motorola</strong> has consistently demonstratedthat its technology can be relied upon.”M. MikulicChief of the Ministry of InteriorCommunications DepartmentRepublic of CroatiaTransit Operations“Communication plays a significant role in the dayto-dayoperations of the Express Rail Link.The ERLis the first high-speed train in Malaysia and<strong>Motorola</strong>’s <strong>TETRA</strong> system will significantly enhanceour communication efficiency; enabling us to bettermonitor and co-ordinate our operations as well asfacilitating greater measures for passenger safety.”Dr. Aminuddin AdnanCEOExpress Rail Link Sdn. Bhd.“Running an airport is a huge, complex logisticaltask. The people working here have to be able tocommunicate well to work together effectively. The<strong>TETRA</strong> system will make it fast, easy and safe forthem to share information which will mean we canoperate more effectively and efficiently. Everyonewho uses the Eleftherios Venizelos Airport willbenefit from faster and more responsive service.”Fotis KaronisIT and TelecommunicationsManager of the newAthens International Airport“Reliability, operational efficiency and safeoperation were critical consideration factors. Aftercareful evaluation, we decided on <strong>Motorola</strong>’sdispatch communication system based on theirproven track record in <strong>TETRA</strong> implementations forrail projects. Coupled with <strong>Motorola</strong>’s advancedtechnology, the new private radio system willenable information and communication to bedispatched in a more effective and secure mannerduring our daily operations.”Zhu HushengVice PresidentShanghai Shentong Metro Co., Ltd.“Operational efficiency and reliability were keycritical factors in selecting a partner for this project.<strong>Motorola</strong> was selected as the choice partner forits advanced IP-based communication system andsubscribers as well as their proven track recordin <strong>TETRA</strong> implementations for government radionetwork. Multi-government agencies in Koreacan communicate as one and better rely on anintegrated mission-critical communication networkto promptly respond and manage disasters andemergency matters.”Oh Kap KunDeputy DirectorKorea’s National Emergency Management AgencyPorts Operations“PSA is constantly applying technology to makeoperations more efficient and speedy for ourcustomers. A reliable, secure and efficient flow ofinformation is vital to our operations, and allowsus to deliver consistent and quality service toour customers. We have chosen the <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>TETRA</strong> system because it offers a robust andtechnologically advanced network that reinforcesthe excellent connectivity of our four terminals.”Grace FuCEOPSA South East Asia and JapanNationwide Network“TEDA is the largest economic and technologydevelopment government body in China. The<strong>TETRA</strong>-based emergency response communicationsystem will play a significant role in establishingTEDA as a leading government authority in drivingnew enhancements and investment to promote theregion’s economic competitiveness and technologydevelopment. The <strong>TETRA</strong> digital trunking system isone critical part of the Emergency ResponseCommunications system that will integrate thecommand and control communications foremergency crisis management."Li YonDirectorTEDA Management Committee

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