Ordinary Time Family Crest Template - CathFamily - PMRC

Ordinary Time Family Crest Template - CathFamily - PMRC

Ordinary Time Family Crest Template - CathFamily - PMRC


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A Story: “We are the body of Christ!” I still remember the impact of that ideawhen it first really made sense to me in my teenage years. I was part of theAntioch youth movement and there were two thousand of us at the firstnational conference titled ‘One for Others’. Being Catholic is a bit like beingpart of a family - we’re all different, we all bring unique gifts, yet we are allone family, one body in Christ. What exhilaration it was to march throughthe streets of the city singing joyfully , “We are the body of Christ!”Make it: Together design afamily crest. Include symbolsthat represent each member’sunique gifts. rayerSpaceJust as the body has many parts, so arewe one body in Christ though we also aremany. In the one Spirit we were baptised,people from many nations, and we alldrink of the one Spirit. Each part of thebody is different; the hand, the feet, thehead, the eye; but all parts are important.You, together, are the body of Christ andeach one is a different part.(ref I Cor 12:12-30)© 2010 <strong>PMRC</strong> AustraliaAuthors: Francine & Byron PirolaPlease feel free to reproduce thissheet non-commerical purposes.www.cathfamily.org

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