1. BASIC ECONOMIC IDEAS..pdf - StudyGuide.PK

1. BASIC ECONOMIC IDEAS..pdf - StudyGuide.PK

1. BASIC ECONOMIC IDEAS..pdf - StudyGuide.PK


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www.studyguide.pk133. Workers become too dependent upon each other:Specialization and division of labour means that people come to rely on others for the provisionof goods and services. This illustrates that in many industries, workers have become dependent on theactions of other workers. For instance, if there are several processes in the production of an article, astrike among one group of workers can quickly affect those engaged in other processes.4. Limited knowledge:Division of labour has caused workers to have limited knowledge. The workers only get to knowone job. They do not have the wide training which would make them adaptable to changes in thetechniques of production. Thus, should there be a decline in the demand for their particular skills, theworkers find it difficult to transfer to other occupations. These workers will, therefore, be unemployed.5. Products are all the same:The goods produced under a system of specialization are usually turned out in vast numbers andshare the same design. In other words, they are standardized. It is not possible to please everyonebecause it would be difficult and expensive to change the production process to suit one person’swishes.

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