2009-2010 HACD Annual Report - Bet Shraga Hebrew Academy of ...

2009-2010 HACD Annual Report - Bet Shraga Hebrew Academy of ...

2009-2010 HACD Annual Report - Bet Shraga Hebrew Academy of ...


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Dream, Little Children...This is the heritage we bequeath to you. This school was notestablished to leave you untouched, uninspired. Ours is more than an institutiondevoted to pursuing excellence in general studies and Hebraica. We have built thisschool so that you can dream dreams, see visions, and do wonders.– <strong>Shraga</strong> Arian, Founding Principal<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong>Academic ExcellenceRooted In Tradition54 Sand Creek RoadAlbany, New York 12205518.482.0464 | F. 518.482.0129www.hacdalbany.orgJewish Federation <strong>of</strong> Northeastern New York is a generous supporter<strong>of</strong> <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> <strong>Hebrew</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Capital District

Table <strong>of</strong> ContentsMessage from the Head <strong>of</strong> School 3Dear Friends,<strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong> was <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’s forty-seventh year,and it was again a year in which the school left itsdistinctive imprint on its students and the widercommunity. Despite the economic upheaval, wemoved forward during the year with our mission toencourage intellectual curiosity and critical thinkingand we continued to teach and celebrate the beauty<strong>of</strong> Torah, <strong>Hebrew</strong> and the land <strong>of</strong> Israel. I am pleasedto share with you some highlights:Our athletic department launched three new afterschool team sports - cross country, volleyball andtrack and field.Our Mathcounts team placed 7 th in the regionalcompetition. (The six schools above us are all atleast twelve times our size).We introduced new publications including ourinaugural <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> Shelanu,our Alumni newsletter and we upgraded theShabbaton, our weekly publication.For the 4 th year in a row, our eighth graders traveledto Israel as an educationally and emotionallyunparalleled culminating experience. It was a tripthat our students will continue to relive and that willlive within them for many years to come.I hope you’ll enjoy discovering the accomplishments<strong>of</strong> our students, faculty and the entire <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong><strong>Hebrew</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> community as you read this annualreport. On behalf <strong>of</strong> our entire <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> family,I thank everyone who has helped to support ourmission. Your commitment has enabled <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>to thrive and to continue to <strong>of</strong>fer “Academic ExcellenceRooted in Tradition.”Sincerely,3Message from the Head <strong>of</strong> School,Rabbi Rami StrosbergDespite the challenging economy, our ShomrayTorah Fall Campaign was our most successfulin recent history, doubling our number <strong>of</strong>contributors and raising over $162,000.Rabbi Rami StrosbergHead <strong>of</strong> School4561012Message from the President<strong>of</strong> the Board, Marta KoblenzOur MissionAchievementsThe Shomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> FundDonor ListingAt our Heritage Awards Dinner we honoredoutstanding and devoted individuals who havehelped build and strengthen <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>, includingformer principal Dvorah Heckelman, our currentArt teacher Amy Rosenstrauch and long standingsupporters Dr. Gavin and Karen Setzen.In June <strong>2010</strong>, we graduated our eighth graders intoarea public and private high schools. Ournewest alumni are exceptional young adults who,like their predecessors, are destined to be leadersand contributing members <strong>of</strong> their academic andJewish communities and excel in their ongoing studies.

4Message from the President <strong>of</strong> the BoardOn behalf <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees, I am pleased topresent you with our first annual report.<strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> <strong>Hebrew</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Capital Districtcontinues to carry forward the educational visionand mission <strong>of</strong> our founding principal, <strong>Shraga</strong> Arian.“<strong>Bet</strong>” <strong>Shraga</strong> is a “house” <strong>of</strong> learning, in its broadestsense, and a “home” to our children, families, facultyand administration. Our role as a board, first andforemost, is to safeguard this incredibleenvironment and its mission.Our Mission 5In a nurturing and respectful school community that values the uniqueness <strong>of</strong> eachchild and the diversity <strong>of</strong> Jewish practice,<strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> <strong>Hebrew</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>:Creates an outstanding integrative curriculum in General and Judaic studies,encouraging intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and love <strong>of</strong> learningCelebrates the richness <strong>of</strong> Jewish tradition, Torah and IsraelInspires ethical growth rooted in the values <strong>of</strong> justice, kindness and tikkun olam,the principle that we must each do our part to make the world a better placeThe challenges we faced this past year in thispursuit were not unlike those faced by other smallschools in small Jewish communities across thecountry: changing community demographics amidsttumultuous economic times. We would like toshare with you how we have navigated thesechallenges and the accomplishments we haverealized.Much <strong>of</strong> our work has focused on two areas crucialfor our continued growth and development:fundraising and recruitment. It became clear thatour ultimate goal, moving to a more energyefficient and right-sized building would only berealized though strategic emphasis on these areas.Utilizing a reenergized, constituency based approachto fundraising, within an updated and improvedfinancial infrastructure, we were able to more thandouble our donor base and increase our gifts byover 70,000 dollars. This has led to greater day today financial stability and has launched us on ourway to doubling the Shomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> Fund,our goal over the next two to three years.Our partnership with the Jewish Federation <strong>of</strong>Northeastern New York matured as wecollaborated on efforts that strengthened ourcommunity. Not only did we receive a generousallocation <strong>of</strong> monies again this year, but we alsogreatly benefited from the Federation’s expertiseas we sought to pr<strong>of</strong>essionalize our fundraisingefforts, institutionalize our endowment programs,and work towards hiring a developmentpr<strong>of</strong>essional.To address our second major board goal <strong>of</strong>recruitment, we established a working relationshipwith an admissions consultant from PEJE (Partnershipfor Excellence in Jewish Education). We developed arecruitment team led by our Director <strong>of</strong> Admissionsand consisting <strong>of</strong> parents, representative <strong>of</strong> the diversefabric <strong>of</strong> our community. We also look forward to theresults <strong>of</strong> ongoing demographic studies which will giveus a better appreciation <strong>of</strong> the shifting makeup <strong>of</strong> ourcommunity.Looking to next year, we will continue our efforts toopen doors <strong>of</strong> awareness, welcoming families <strong>of</strong> ourCapital District Jewish community and supportingaccess to a Jewish education. As we work to furtherbroaden our base <strong>of</strong> community support, we willcelebrate <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> for what is has become, acommunity school, one diverse in its Jewish life, andan essential institution within our community.We are truly grateful for our donor support andremain dedicated to honoring this commitment tous and the children <strong>of</strong> our community. As always,we welcome your thoughts and guidance.Sincerely,Marta KoblenzPresidentDuring the <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong> school year, <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> <strong>Hebrew</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> remained aplace <strong>of</strong> incredible intellectual, Judaic and ethical growth. From the school’sclassrooms to its performance stage, from local volunteer sites to holy sites inIsrael, <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> students learned in traditional and innovative ways, honoredtheir Jewish heritage and gave back to their community.

6 7Creating an Outstanding Integrative CurriculumAcademics continued to thrive at <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>, with achievements <strong>of</strong>ten exceeding the school’s highexpectations. <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> emphasized not just the curriculum itself, but also a love <strong>of</strong> learning.Our efforts to tailor learning to meet individual needs were a major part <strong>of</strong> the school’s success.Students encountered opportunities to challenge themselves and enrich their learning both in andout <strong>of</strong> the classroom.In the Classroom<strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> built a mathematical community byhosting the American Math Competition-8(AMC-8), which draws the strongest math studentsfrom the greater Capital Region and Saratoga.Our team placed higher than ever before, comingin seventh among eighteen schools. All six <strong>of</strong> thehigher-placing schools were at least twelve times<strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’s size. The <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> team wasespecially proud <strong>of</strong> one student, Zachary Benson,who placed 21 st out <strong>of</strong> the 150 best schoolmathematicians in the Capital District.Using a newly adopted Mishna curriculum calledV’Shinantam, created by Rabbi Dr. PinchasHayman, middle school students learned througha multimedia program linking them to the ancientJewish methods <strong>of</strong> text study, reasoning andcritical thinking. Students were treated to visitsfrom Rabbi Hayman as well as incentives forreaching milestones.Achievementss¥nkkU s«nkkSMART Boards helped bring <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’sclassrooms into the digital age. These interactivewhiteboards allowed teachers to display computerimages on a touch-sensitive screen to createdynamic, visually motivating lessons. In history,teachers could show bright, beautiful maps <strong>of</strong> variousparts <strong>of</strong> the world and move geographical masseswith the touch <strong>of</strong> a finger. In math, they couldmanipulate shapes to let students see and measurethem at different angles. SMART Boards createdamazing potential for lessons that made abstractconcepts visually concrete.AchievementsOutside the ClassroomAthletics and the arts were an integral aspect <strong>of</strong><strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’s <strong>of</strong>ferings, with many occasions forstudents to hone and showcase their talents.While our five existing girls’ and boys’ basketballteams proved to be as popular as ever, our three newco-ed after-school teams – cross country, volleyballand track and field – generated a lot <strong>of</strong> excitement.These new teams competed within the FriendshipLeague, a group <strong>of</strong> Suburban Council and privateschools that get together for meets and games atlocal high school facilities.Five students from our school band were selectedfor the <strong>2010</strong> Capital Region School HonorBand. This band highlights students’ musicalaccomplishments by combining the best schoolmusicians from Albany, Schenectady, Saratoga,Montgomery and Rensselaer County parochialschools.A team <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> students participated in thestatewide Olympics <strong>of</strong> the Visual Arts (OVA)competition. The OVA team worked throughoutthe year to create an artistic solution to a longrangeproblem. Their challenge this year was toresearch and design a fuel efficient car and createa magazine ad to sell it. By combining art,engineering, science and team building skills, theydesigned a car whose engine ran on compressed air.Their ad campaign, “Feel like a millionaire driving onair,” and their solution to a spontaneous problemat the competition helped them to place second!“Please, sir, I want some more.” was the cryfrom the audience as it watched the springperformance <strong>of</strong> Oliver! Thirty-two students fromgrades 3 to 8, acted, sang, danced and workedbehind the scenes to bring the full version <strong>of</strong> thismusical to the stage. Together with a host <strong>of</strong>parent volunteers, our pr<strong>of</strong>essional directors ledour theater program to another successful show.

8 9Celebrating the Richness <strong>of</strong> Jewish TraditionStudents constantly encountered ways to strengthentheir Jewish roots and heritage. This year’s eighthgrade class was the fourth to culminate its <strong>Bet</strong><strong>Shraga</strong> education with a ten-day trip to Israel. Thestudents traveled and shared their experiences withthe eighth graders from the Solomon Schecter DaySchool <strong>of</strong> Manhattan. Students who had learned foryears about places like the Kotel (Western Wall)and Masada had the chance to experience themin person. They spoke the <strong>Hebrew</strong> they’d learnedsince kindergarten and met the Israeli pen palswith whom they’d corresponded. Along with otherhighlights, students hiked and camped in the Negevdesert, visited the modern city <strong>of</strong> Tel Aviv, spent anight in a Bedouin tent, and toured Yad Vashem, theHolocaust memorial in Jerusalem. Together withIsraelis, they observed Yom Hazikaron, Israel’sMemorial Day, and experienced the transition fromsomber remembrance to exhilaration as theycelebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day.Back home, our 6th through 8th grade studentswere exposed to a contemporary means <strong>of</strong>celebrating Jewish tradition. “Bible Rap” a groupthat describes itself as using rap and hip hop toenliven core Jewish texts, visited the school andhelped students write, sing – and even record –their own compositions about Passover.AchievementsThe Middle School Shabbaton (Shabbat experience) hasbecome an eagerly anticipated staple <strong>of</strong> the curriculum.Students this year prayed, played, and studied togetherat Temple Israel. They had a chance to bond with differentgrades and realized that though they were large enoughto be a middle school, they were also small enough tobe a family.Torah reading, a critical skill that the school introduces atan early age, is a stable trend in <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’s lower school.Every third grader this year learned to read a portion <strong>of</strong>Torah, an activity so popular that students volunteered tolearn an additional portion with teachers on their owntime. During the last Tefilah (prayer) session <strong>of</strong> the year,parents were invited in to kvell (take great pride andpleasure) as their children read their passages.Achievementsh©s©a« ,Ufk©nC okIg i¥e©,kInspiring Ethical Growth<strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> students’ compassion was in evidencethroughout the school year. In Mrs. Patricia Balmer’sscience class this January, a discussion <strong>of</strong> rocks,weathering, and erosion led the fourth grade studentsto start talking about the earthquake that had just leftmany <strong>of</strong> Haiti’s people in desperate need. The studentsdecided to raise money to help the victims, andcollected over five hundred dollars from friends andfamily, attendees at school events, and their own pockets.It was an ad in the Shabbaton, <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’s weeklynewsletter that inspired seventh grader, Noah Levine,to participate in the Jewish National Fund SusanShpeen Walk for Water. He went from classroom toclassroom educating fellow students about the watershortage in Israel and how participating in the walkcould empower them to make a difference.This year marked the tenth anniversary <strong>of</strong> the CapitalRegion Jewish Coalition for Literacy Reach Out andRead (ROAR) program. <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’s eighth gradersmade weekly visits to Eagle Point Elementary to workwith their second grade buddies on their reading andEnglish Language Arts development. The visits servedas an enjoyable learning experience for the eighthgrade students as well as their younger friends.One <strong>of</strong> our special programs that brought out thebest in the students was our kindergarten buddiesprogram. Once a week our seventh graders spenttime with their kindergarten buddies; they worked onprojects, read or just had fun together. This sharedtime created a special bond, helping our youngeststudents feel a part <strong>of</strong> our school community.Like their eighth grade role models, sixth graderstook pride in helping the community through theirtwice-monthly visits to Daughters <strong>of</strong> Sarah SeniorCommunity. Joining together in activities rangingfrom cooking to Nintendo Wii, the two generationslearned about each other and brightened each other’sdays. One <strong>of</strong> the highlights for the year wasparticipating in the residents’ Purim Carnival. Thesixth grade program further trained the studentsin thinking about their relationship with the worldaround them when they stayed at the TEVA LearningCenter’s Shomrei Adamah residential program.Joined by other day school students, theyparticipated in activities which integrated hands-onstudy <strong>of</strong> nature and ecological concepts like energyflow and interdependence with Jewish ideas likeTikkun Olam (repairing the world) and Bal Taschit(valuing the lives <strong>of</strong> all creatures).

Shomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> FundShomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> Fund10 11Over the next several pages we would like to introduce you to the Shomray Torah<strong>Annual</strong> Fund. Our fundraising structure changed last year to better enable theschool to achieve greater financial stability. The Shomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> Fund, a keycomponent <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>’s continued success, consists <strong>of</strong> three basic components –the Fall Campaign, Yearbook/Directory solicitation, and the Heritage AwardsDinner. Contributions provide for pr<strong>of</strong>essional development, tuition assistance anddirect funding for educational programming initiatives, bridging the gap betweentuition income and actual operating costs.Heritage Awards DinnerOur annual Heritage Awards Dinner, honoring fourindividuals who have shown outstanding dedication toand support <strong>of</strong> the school, was held this spring atCongregation Ohav Shalom. This year’s honoreesexemplified the qualities that define <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong>.Dvorah Heckelman, one <strong>of</strong> our original founders, hasserved our school for over 40 years. As a Board Trustee,teacher, parent, curriculum coordinator and ultimatelyprincipal, Dvorah helped to shape the fabric <strong>of</strong> our school.Dr. Gavin and Karen Setzen have served as co-chairpersons <strong>of</strong>the Shomray Torah Society for three years. Karen spent twoterms as a Board Trustee and endless hours coordinating manyschool functions. The Setzens’ tireless efforts in all facets <strong>of</strong>school life are a testament to their commitment to our school.Amy Rosenstrauch joined the faculty as an art teacherin 1996. Her love <strong>of</strong> the arts and <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> are evidenteveryday. Whether she is mentoring a team <strong>of</strong> studentsto compete in a statewide arts competition or helpingstudents find their inner artist, her passion is visible in theartwork displayed throughout the school.One <strong>of</strong> our goals in <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong> was to increaseinvolvement from all constituencies that make upour <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> family. With the guidance <strong>of</strong> ourfriends at the Jewish Federation <strong>of</strong> NortheasternNew York, we initiated The Fall Campaignphonathon, which was a true testament to thestrength <strong>of</strong> our constituencies. Alumni, parentsand grandparents <strong>of</strong> graduates, joined currentfamilies to reach out to others in the communityfor support. We reconnected with so many inour extended family. The message in the hallsthat day was clear: <strong>Bet</strong> <strong>Shraga</strong> <strong>Hebrew</strong> <strong>Academy</strong><strong>of</strong> the Capital District has proven to be anessential component <strong>of</strong> the Jewish community forgenerations past, and together we will ensurethat it will thrive for generations to come.Our success this year is due to the hard work andcommitment <strong>of</strong> our numerous volunteers.Todah rabah to our chairs for a job well done!Liz Goldstein, Vice President <strong>of</strong> Developmentand Yearbook ChairCarolyn Levine, Shomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> Fund ChairAndrea Spungen, Parent ChairJulie Massry Knox and Mark Israel, Alumni Co-ChairsSue Swartz and Jeffrey Bernstein, Anita and KenRabin<strong>of</strong>f-Goldman, Parent Alumni Co-ChairsRona and Louis-Jack Pozner, Grandparent Co-ChairsJerry Goldstein, Community/Leadership ChairAmy Drucker and Elana Kamenir,Heritage Awards Dinner Co-ChairsFinancial <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong>Most importantly, we wish to thank you, the members <strong>of</strong> our community, for yoursupport. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to your continuedparticipation in the Shomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> Fund.Increase in number<strong>of</strong> Fall CampaignDonors2008 -<strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong>1801601401<strong>2010</strong>0806040200Parents Alumni Parent Alum Grandparents Community TotalIncome: $2,062, 559InvestmentIncome3%NYS Aid1%FederationAllocation9%<strong>Annual</strong> Donations14%OtherIncome2%MiscellaneousRevenue1%Tuition & Fees70%Expenses: $2,062, 559Administration4%Educational& Program3%Building5%Scholarships21%Other1%Payroll66%

12 Shomray Torah <strong>Annual</strong> Fund13Donors <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong>Guardian <strong>of</strong> the Torah$10,000 +The Sidney and Beatrice Albert FoundationAnonymousMicki and I. Norman MassryEsther and Morris MassryEstate <strong>of</strong> Mary RosensteinPillars$5,000 - $9,999Jane and Neil GolubLinda and Daniel HershbergOcean State Job Lot Charitable FoundationJudith S. and Arthur RobbinsEthel and Stephen SilversteinNini Wu and Ira ZackonTree <strong>of</strong> Life$3,600 - $4,999Jo-<strong>Bet</strong>h and Amir EvanLiz and Jerry GoldsteinDale and Richard KatzLaura and Hilton SegalChai$1,800 - $3,599Albany ENT & Allergy Service, PCAnonymousNanette and Arthur BrennerMalka and Eitan EvanBeverly and Warren GeislerMarc GlassmanDebbie and Allen HerrGail KendallRabbi Rena and Shalom KievalMarta and Mark KoblenzDonald LeDuke, BBL Construction Services, LLCCarolyn and Jim LevineRachel and Paul RappaportAnna and Jonathan RosenNancie and Kenneth SegelKaren and Gavin SetzenCheryl Ginsburg-Smith and Daniel SmithAndrea SpungenNorma and Kenneth SpungenChampion$800 - $1,799AnonymousLes AppleSherry and Robert AsheryJessica and Pete BensonBarbara and Eugene BerkunPaula and Moshe BinyaminCheryl and Scott BurackLinda and Chris CarothersAmy and Richard DruckerBrenda and Joseph EcksteinRoberta and Michael FuhrmanSherry and Marvin FreedmanDeborah and Tsvi GoldMeridith Englander and Josh HellerRuth and Justin HellerJennifer and Richard HonenNathan HorwitzChana and Mark IsraelElana and Steven KamenirSheila and Paul KoppelIlana and Rob KovachMarci Galinkin and Stephen LevyRachel Anisfeld and Timothy LyttonRabbi Beverly and Richard MagidsonDonna and Mark MundellJoseph R. NicollaReeva and Bernard NowitzMarion Alexander and Rabbi Dan OrnsteinJulie and Barry PollackAmarits S. Rosin and Seth RosenblumJoan and Jack RosenblumAlice Berke and Andrew SalemTanya and Ben SchwartzJoan and William SheridanSusan Sharfstein and Joseph ShiangShara and David SiegfeldDebbie and Rabbi Rami StrosbergLynn and Gary WeiskopfBuilder$500 - $799Sue and Alan AdlerEllen and Richard AncowitzAnonymousLorraine and Ian ArcusBarbara and Victor AsalSue A. Swartz and Jeffrey BernsteinKaren and Michael BienstockShelly Goldman Black and Johnny Black JrNatalie Degroult and Adam EliasElana Gordis and Mitchell EarleywineAdam GinsburgCheryl and Alan GinsburgElana and Ephraim GlinertJill and Howard GoldbergFelice and David GordisFelicia GoschRabbi Susan GulackSandra Rosner and Jeffrey HaasSharon Flom and Steven HuzDavid B. KatzSherry and Charles KearnsSam LaniadoAviva and Jay LebermanMegan L. LevineAyala ManolsonDorit and Saggi NevoRona and Louis-Jack PoznerBarbara and Michael ScherRebecca and Ra’anan SchwarzmerJane and Arkady ShurinMargo and James StrosbergGene and Howard TarlerSirafima Rits and Vladimir VitkinBarbara WachsTammy and Joel WeingartenSupporter$250 - $499Elizabeth and Moshe AnisfeldAnonymousEvalyn and Joseph BasloeAyelet and Bruce ChozickStacy and David CohenEvy and Larry FarbsteinJudith and Daniel FlaxCarolyn and Bruce GinsburgNancy and Elliott GreeneCharlotte and Stanley IsserDeborah IsserRosalind and Gary JuddShelley and Stephen JustaMichal and David KahanCaren and Alex KaziyevJulie Massry-Knox and Jim KnoxKim Friedman Landau and Michael LandauSara Lee and Barry LarnerRosemary and Joel LinsiderRuth and Leo PhaffAnita and Ken Rabin<strong>of</strong>f-GoldmanRuth and Steven RichMarla Eglowstein and Eliot RichDiane and Ira RubtchinskyMichael SchaeferEvelyn K. SegelIlene and Chip SteinLisa and Beno SternlichtDevorah and Brett WassermanNicole and Paul WeinsteinSharon and Michael WillenEllen and Steve YoungFriendsUp to $250Miriam and Joe AdlerRosalie and Raymond S. AlexanderHilary and Richard AnapolskyArthur AncowitzAnonymousJoshua ArcusRachel F. ArcusJudith Arian-EsonIrene AsheryRavit Greenberg and Gabe AxlerWendy and Larry BarnetElaine Bartley-Luper and Eric LuperRoberta and Stephen M. BerkEllen and Jonathan BerkowitzJoAnn and Richard BerkunBecky and Rich BernhardtJoyce and Sanford BooksteinRuth and Rob BrassSally BratspisBarbara and Karl BrodskySusie and Howard CaplanSharona Wachs and Rabbi Don CashmanAva CharneHeidi and Brett CohenMarilyn and Herbert CohenMorris Cohen

14 Leadership15FriendsUp to $250Shirley DaitchCheryl DaitchLeslie DiamondTamar Silton and Jeremy EpsteinJoanne and Michael EspositoShye EvanSusan B. and Marty FarberGayle and Peter FarmanLeslie and Barry FeinmanJennifer and Jeffrey FinkelsteinSandra FinnAndrea and Ari FisherEina FishmanMiriam FrankelJoanna and Eric FriedMarcia Gingold and Stanley WinterCheryl and Marc GinsburgJudith L. GlattSandy and Jerry GoldbergJoanna and Craig GoldbergSally and Paul GoldbergSelma and Nathan GoldbergJudy and Martin GoldmanCherrie and David Goodc<strong>of</strong>fKarol and Myron GordonSally and Matthew GreenblattCindy and Neal GreensteinDaniel GrossbergBrenda and Michael HackerMarsha and Leon HalpertZelda HansonHelen and Harlan HarrisonSally and Daniel HeckelmanAmira and Rex D. HemmeJenna HerrDavid J. HessingHerbert HorwitzSarit ItenbergLaura and Ed JacobsVivian JudkowitzJean and Marty KabackSedell and Bernard KamenirStacy and Allen KamerSandy and David KarlinAlisa S. KatzRachel and Michael KayMelinda and Samuel KiefferJosephine and Stanley KivortLore and Leo KoppelRainy and Stu KovachJudy and Stephen KrakowerLisa and David KriegelAnnette Kriegel-David<strong>of</strong>f and Ravin David<strong>of</strong>fElizabeth Robinson KrugerMichael KupferschmidGoldie and Brian LapinerIda LebermanMyrna and Jerome LefkowitzBarbara and Howard LevineDavid LevineJulie and William LevinsonFrances S. LevyLeora Heckelman LiebmanKaren and Alan LobelYaff LownArline and Leonard MallimsonCarol Ann and Rodney J. MargolisVincent MelecoShirley and Irving MennenRabbi Moshe MirskyPhyllis and Lewis MorrisonGilah and Eric D. MosesHope NathanAndrea and Noam NeuserMark Rosen and Leslie NewmanAbra Nicolle NowitzSylvia OlsheinLisa and Jason PackerElana Zimand and Simcha PearlGerald PearlLeonara Glalitz and Alan PfefferRenea and Larry PollackMarilyn Levine Pollack and P. Ronald PollackLinda Pollack-KesslerJessica Katz PoscoverSusan PoskanzerRegina PoznerCheri and Thomas ReedJudith RettigLiat and Bryan Kushner RichmanGene RobinsonAdrienne and Bill RockwoodNorma RosenHelena RosenstrauchPaul RosenstrauchCarol RosnerGina C.R. Fiss and Joshua M.F. RubenfeldBonnie RubensteinJulie and Jeff RubtchinskyKathy E. RuekbergMarcy SacksJoan SaroteWendy and Howard Schaffer<strong>Bet</strong>h and Mark ScherSandor SchumanEllen and Eric SchwartzRoberta and Richard SeidenLee SetzenArlene and Sanford SheberRaye and Rabbi Paul SiltonPhyllis O. SilvermanRuth and Joel SimonJoan and Michael SinaiJodi and Manner SmithBarbara and Les SteinLinda Woodward Stein and Frederick SteinDaniella Pressner and Saul StrosbergSharon StrosbergShira and Nathaniel StrosbergRuth and Herbert SwiftDiane and John TeevanJoyce TeitelmanNehama and Lawrence TeitelmanJack UmanskyBarbara and Harry UngermanRema and Mark VitkinRuth and Barry WarrenJay WatskyLlyse WeinsteinJoan and Anschel WeissCydney J. YerushalimiValerie and Stanley ZalenEvery effort has been made to ensure the accuracy <strong>of</strong>this report. If an error has been made, please acceptour apologies and contact the business <strong>of</strong>fice so thatthe permanent records will be correct. Thank you foryour continued support.All contributions listed for current families include theirBonim requirement.Board <strong>of</strong> TrusteesOfficersMarta KoblenzPresidentIra ZackonPresident-ElectAmir EvanVice President FinanceRob KovachVice President Jewish LifeLiz GoldsteinVice President DevelopmentJudy GoldmanSecretaryAnna RosenCommittee on TrusteesLaura SegalPast PresidentBoardRichard AncowitzSherry Ashery*Moshe BinyaminChris CarothersRichard DruckerBrenda EcksteinSteve Huz*Dale KatzCarolyn LevineRabbi Beverly W. MagidsonLouis-Jack PoznerCarol Rasowsky*Term EndingSpecial thank you to -Principle Writer: Shoshana FlaxGraphic Designer: Heidi FlorussenEducationalLeadershipRabbi Rami StrosbergHead <strong>of</strong> SchoolDaniel MillerMiddle School PrincipalPatricia BalmerLower School CoordinatorAdministrationLorraine ArcusDirector <strong>of</strong> Admissions& Community OutreachNancy DaigleBookkeeperKathy LinehanReceptionistJessica BensonAccountant

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