Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 40<br />

29.01.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 3 Special Branch officers deliberately falsified vital evidence to hide mistakes which led<br />

to the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes ... surveillance officers had wrongly<br />

identified Mr de Menezes as terror suspect Hussein Osman. Alterations were hastily<br />

made to amend the wording of the official log once the shocking truth emerged that<br />

the dead man was not, in fact, the extremist wanted in connection with the failed 21<br />

July Tube bombings<br />

31.01.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 3 For me [Menezes‘] death is symbolic of what the "War On Terrorism" is all about: the<br />

use of deadly <strong>for</strong>ce on suspicion of guilt, bad communication, sloppy surveillance,<br />

wrong intelligence, no co-ordination of law en<strong>for</strong>cement and security, no due process<br />

of law, civilian casualties, an ever-broadening scope of hysteria, fear and terror, and<br />

the ef<strong>for</strong>t of government to justify criminal acts<br />

19.02.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 3 Police officers are facing criminal charges over allegations that they<br />

tampered with evidence after shooting dead an innocent Brazilian at a<br />

London Underground station<br />

24.02.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 3 Selvmordsangreb mod et af verdens vigtigste olieraffinaderier i Saudi-Arabien<br />

stoppet af kugleregn - Saudi-Arabien er verdens største eksportør af olie, og det<br />

meste(3/4 af produktionen, red) går gennem det enorme raffinaderi i Abqaiq<br />

09.03.<strong>2006</strong> AOL 3 A 2-year probe into the Madrid train bombings concludes the Islamic terrorists<br />

who carried out the blasts were homegrown radicals acting on their own<br />

rather than at the behest of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network<br />

11.03.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 3 [3/11]: Die Untersuchungskommission war eine Farce und nicht einmal<br />

Anklagen wurden bisher erhoben ... Die einzige bewaffnete Bande mit der<br />

[Zouhier] kollaboriert habe, sei die Guardia Civil gewesen<br />

12.03.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 3 In what has to rank as one of the most pathetic attempts to smear the dead<br />

victim, Jean Charles de Menezes is named as a suspect in a rape case SIX<br />

MONTHS after he was gunned down by police<br />

14.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 3 "El Mundo" berichtete, die Echtheit des wichtigsten Beweisstücks .. sei in Frage<br />

gestellt ... einen Rucksack mit einem Sprengsatz, der bei den Anschlägen am 11.<br />

März 2004 nicht explodiert war .. hatte die Polizei damals auf die Spur der Terroristen<br />

geführt. Nach Darstellung der Zeitung ist jedoch nicht erwiesen, ob der Rucksack<br />

sich wirklich in einem der Pendlerzüge befunden hatte<br />

01.04.<strong>2006</strong> X 3 {7/7 Luton picture} Here are the first few bytes from the image posted by MET<br />

police:<br />

ÿØÿà #JFIF ## d d ÿì #Ducky # # # ÿî #Adobe dÀ #ÿÛ „ #<br />

And here are the first few from a Panasonic NM-100 camera:<br />

ÿØÿà #JFIF ### H H ÿá NM-100 ÿÝ #<br />

Also note the odd size: 800x606 pixels. Conclusion: this is not an original<br />

camera image, it has been processed (cropped and/or resized) in Photoshop<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e posting. This invalidates any possible proof of tampering ... Note: Ctrl-<br />

characters replaced by "#"<br />

02.04.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 3 first official recognition that the Iraq war motivated the 4 London suicide<br />

08.04.<strong>2006</strong> Chicago<br />

Tribune<br />

bombers has been made by the government in a major report into [7/7]<br />

3 Spain's Supreme Court threw out the convictions of three men found guilty<br />

last year of being part of an Al Qaeda-linked group after prosecutors agreed<br />

there was not sufficient evidence to jail them ... The court was hearing<br />

appeals by all [convicted] 18 people<br />

09.04.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 3 The official inquiry into [7/7] say the attack was planned on a shoestring budget from<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation on the internet, that there was no 'fifth-bomber' and no direct support<br />

from al-Qaeda ... it found nothing to support the theory that an al-Qaeda fixer .. was<br />

instrumental in planning the attacks ... The Home Office believes the [videotape of<br />

Mohammed S. Khan] was edited after the suicide attacks and dismisses it as<br />

evidence of al-Qaeda's involvement in the attack<br />

11.04.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 3 Anklage gegen 29 Verdächtige {3/11} erhoben. Nach .. Untersuchungsrichter<br />

Juan del Olmo .. war eine lokale islamistische Terrorzelle für das<br />

Blutbad verantwortlich. Die Angeklagten hatten sich .. zwar von Al Qaida<br />

inspirieren lassen, gehörten aber nicht direkt [da]zu<br />

24.04.<strong>2006</strong> AP 3 British tourist Paul McBeath told Sky News that there had been "no war-ning<br />

whatsoever." "We don't know of Israelis" who were hurt, [Israeli ambas-sador<br />

to Cairo] said, though some Israelis were known to be in Dahab<br />

24.04.<strong>2006</strong> Ynetnews 3 Only 5 days ago, Egyptian TV .. announced in an urgent message from the<br />

Egyptian Interior Ministry that Islamic extremist terror activity was uncove-red<br />

... [Israeli] Counter-Terrorism Bureau Head Danny Arditi: ―... A month ago we<br />

issue a travel warning to Israelis against traveling to Egypt, incl. Sinai,<br />

following relatively reliable intelligence on intentions to carry out terror attacks<br />

against <strong>for</strong>eign and Israeli tourists"

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